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Wave 43? - Spidey Comic-based


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Although maybe he went on to be more in later storylines?

Nope, this was his only real moment in Spidey history. He was killed off a year or 2 later in Spectacular Spider-Man. Another Sin-Eater showed up in one of the 90's Venom miniseries, but it was another character.

This story is significant more for the content at the time of publication, and the eventual tie-in to Eddie Brock's origin.

Oh yeah, this story was also significant as it was when Daredevil revealed that he knew Peter Parker was Spidey, and he revealed his secret identity to Peter.

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But wait, Jean's dead in the comics. Shouldn't she be off the table just like Winter Soldier? /sarcasm

Quick Question: I remember reading on here that the variant characters would not be entirely new persona's, but rather small changes or variant costumes for the same person?

There is no-one in the wave who could be considered a 'variant' of another character in this wave...

Did i actually read that 'rule' on here, or has someone slipped funny mushrooms into my tea again?

Was it something Chuck has stated, or is it mere conjecture/interpretation of something Chuck/DST has said?

What about Mary Jane/Gwen Stacy from Spider-Man 3?

Okay, I'm not trying to come off as harsh, but I really think we ought to throttle back on the "gotcha's" regarding arcane, offhand comments Chuck may or may not have made at some point in the past.

Chuck saying "they just killed Bucky so not sure how likely that is now" does not mean "we will never, ever, ever do a dead character, ever, and you can take that to the bank." It's a little obstreperous to try and call him on that every single time they make a dead character, especially if it's just because you're pissed he didn't make your personal favorite dead character. Likewise with re-released versions of chase characters, variants vs. different characters for chases, etc. I understand the re-released chases are an especially sensitive subject, as some people spent a lot of money trying to get characters they thought wouldn't be available again. However, despite whatever the specific wording of the "rule" about chases was, 1) all of the re-releases they've done have been significantly re-imagined with different deco and parts, so they're arguably "new" versions; and 2) most of the re-releases have come years after their original incarnations, so it really doesn't strike me as a bait and switch situation.

It's rare that a toy company gives fans as much access as DST gives us, and with as many off-the-cuff conversations as we have in the AA site Q&A, chats here on MMMV, Facebook, Twitter, and face-to-face at cons, there are bound to be some comments that aren't meant to be taken as hard-and-fast, write-them-down-in-the-Minimate-bible rules. The game is to get information, not to peg the DST crew as hypocrites as often as we can. I'd personally much prefer a free flow of information you take with a grain of salt to DST clamming up and only issueing press releases that have been vetted by lawyers.

I agree with you 100%, Lobsterman, and have been thinking of expressing a similar sentiment for a few days.

As for Nessex's question, I believe that at one point Chuck did say that they would try to stay away from variants being new, distinct characters. But, of course, that won't always be the case, and they've already violated that rule with the White Tiger.

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I'm not mad that they didn't make "my personal favorite dead character," or that they're so obviously being hypocritical, I'm annoyed because that's the excuse they came up with which is so obviously untrue, as this very wave proves. I think a lot of people were hoping that we would see a lot more comic Cap mates due to the movie and we didn't, because DST missedthe opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, and instead of saying "Character X isn't in our immediate plans, maybe down the line" they say it's unlikely because he's dead. That to me kills a lot of hope, and is even more frustrating because they so blatantly contradict themselves immediately afterwards. If I still felt Winter Soldier had a good shot I'd be annoyed but hopeful, as it is now I'm annoyed and don't have a lot of hope. It's neat we're getting Jean DeWolff, but Winter Soldier was a major player in the last few years of Captain America, and being dismissed because Marvel wrote another crappy story is a major downer. I'm not calling for Chuck's head, but I don't appreciate the way he acts sometimes, it's almost like if a character isn't important to him, they're not important at all.

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It's a fine distinction to make, but it seems like regardless of the answer we get, someone always finds a way to interpret it as hypocrisy, contradiction, or an outright lie. Everyone can make great arguments for including a given character in the line at a given time, and everyone is going to be frustrated and annoyed when it doesn't happen. But saying DST is violating some kind of covenant they've made with us fans when they give an answer we don't like just doesn't hold water. I would personally recommend just throwing out the idea of pre-established "rules" that dictate the line plans as a method for predicting future releases or indicting DST for unsatisfactory performance. The "rule" is, they make Minimates of Marvel characters, and we buy them, or don't. The Q&As are a courtesy.

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Chuck and DST are the best collectible toy makers hands down. As someone who has collected Minimates as a completionist from the very beginning, I can assure you that DST is the best fan oriented operation in the business. Fans have asked for and received:

army builders

reversible head tampos

better accessories

window packaging

comic accurate uniforms

diverse character selections

completed teams

improved paint applications

foot hole pegs

improved base figure design

translucent figures


the list goes on...

Many of these changes have been introduced despite market pressures favoring otherwise. Additionally, it seems like DST is communicating with fans on an almost weekly basis. Compare that to DC Direct:

zero fan communication

uncompleted teams

shoddy product quality control

endless figure remakes

I could fill a book listing figures Chuck has said they have plans to make but end up getting made. Thor was the Kang of my time. Now people complain about getting too many Thors! No one expected Minimates to last past wave eight. We are now at wave 43 with all of Spideys major villain roster completed!

In two years we may be drowning in Winter Soldiers.

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Not to go off topic but I would disagree on major Spidey foes being complete, as we are still without a Beetle. It might just be me but I rank him up there above guys like Mr Negative and Hydro Man.

Do you still consider The Beetle as a major Spider-Man villain, even though he's been Mach-V (or I-V, really) for the past 15 years? That's a mighty long time to be away and still be considered a major villain, I'm just saying.

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I think we're pretty far off topic, but oh well. :)

Has anybody asked Chuck point-blank about these specific arguments being discussed in his Q&A? Variants being new characters instead of a... variant? And Winter Soldier dead so "won't be made"?

And I'd like to add what Chuck specifically said about Winter Soldier.

They just killed Bucky so not sure how likely that is now.

I took that as he just went away and isn't in our plans right now. If he is forced in the plans right now, he'd be out in people's hands at least a year(?) from now and will people respond to him the same as if he was alive and being spotlighted in a monthly comic? I would think yes, but I'm not complaining either way.

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Not to go off topic but I would disagree on major Spidey foes being complete, as we are still without a Beetle. It might just be me but I rank him up there above guys like Mr Negative and Hydro Man.

Do you still consider The Beetle as a major Spider-Man villain, even though he's been Mach-V (or I-V, really) for the past 15 years? That's a mighty long time to be away and still be considered a major villain, I'm just saying.

He's also not really a Spider-Man villain; he's really more of a Daredevil foe. Not that I don't support his Minimate nomination.

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Not to go off topic but I would disagree on major Spidey foes being complete, as we are still without a Beetle. It might just be me but I rank him up there above guys like Mr Negative and Hydro Man.

Do you still consider The Beetle as a major Spider-Man villain, even though he's been Mach-V (or I-V, really) for the past 15 years? That's a mighty long time to be away and still be considered a major villain, I'm just saying.

He's also not really a Spider-Man villain; he's really more of a Daredevil foe. Not that I don't support his Minimate nomination.

I think we can all agree he'd be an awesome-looking Minimate. ;)


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Like that Sin Eater!! Yeah, BHM, the V-neck would have been nice. I guess the slip on is to reveal Crazy Stan Carter underneath. (new shotgun and a new crazy head, yeah he's gonna be popular) And in 3D, I can see going with the two tone costume. And come on now, he's green and purple cause that's what color you villains are if the here where's blue and red.

Stan was a bit more supervillainy than being just a serial killer. Oh, don't get me wrong, he was a crazy serial killer. But he was also an ex-cop, and before that a SHIELD field agent. A SHIELD agent who volunteered for medical experiments that grant superior strength and reflexes, but left you with serious 'roid rage. Those wacky SHIELD guys thought they had undone their experiment, and gave Ol' Stan a clean bill of health and let him leave the service to go become a cop, carry firearms, and be among the public. Yeah, that worked out well.

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I'm pretty chuffed to be getting Sin Eater. He was one of the characters in the first series of SpiderMan characters collector cards. i ever bought. So despite not knowing him much beyond that one single card, there is still some teenage nostalgia attached to the character for me.

As for my earlier comments about the variant - apologies for starting a debate or sounding like i was having a whine :( . I just wanted a bit of Clarification. This wave is actually a total win for me: It has key civilians, female characters (which we ALWAYS need more of) and FIVE new figures!!!! that has to be a record for recent year waves. :thumbsup:

Oops: Typo.

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And my apologies for being a self-righteous scold. I didn't mean to call specific people out, but I inadvertently did. Sorry for that, guys.

I just worry that this gotcha game is more likely to result in Chuck and Zach deciding it's not worth the trouble and turning off the spigot rather than us getting more incontrovertible or satisfying information.

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Need we worry about treading on eggshells around here ?

Isn't this a discussion group?

I've criticised DST so much & despised them so much that I've been to 2 conventions in San Diego (11K round trip) purely & simply to tell 'em what I think about their bloody rubbish Minimates for Chuck I found him disarmingly friendly ,genuine & sincere about the line. That didn't stop me (or anyone else) complaining about a few things here & there.

I've particularly criticised the characters in this wave but I'll still be buying ,still supporting & more or less still loving what I'll eventually get ....I usually buy one or two items from any new release :whistling: This isn't my favourite wave by a long chalk & I'd like to think that my comments show that I care about what I'm buying .

BTW ,Tarantula (W24) was probably the most radical variant we've ever had least the first most radical ,non-superhero variant we've ever had.

BTW 2, My personal stance on re-visited variants is that they are invariably worse than the original.

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Not to go off topic but I would disagree on major Spidey foes being complete, as we are still without a Beetle. It might just be me but I rank him up there above guys like Mr Negative and Hydro Man.

I agree that Beetle ranks above new comers like Menace, Mr. Negative, and Anti-Venom but I wasn't really including them as main Spidey villains like Electro, Scorpion, Green Goblin, Lizard, Vulture, Doc Ock, Venom, Kraven, Black Cat and Sandman.

I would love a Beetle as he's been a mainstay of the

Masters of Evil.

Other Spidey villains needing treatment:

The Jackal

Jack O'Lantern

The Spot and the Losers




Molten Man


Will o'the Wisp


Alistar Smythe



So plenty more to do but we have all the heavy hitters. The remainder is Spidey C-List.

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Take the variant rule as being more of a guideline, like the pirate's code.

Otherwise, the variant theme in Wave 43 would be "senior citizens", because the actual assortment breakdown is:

Spidey & Jean DeWolff

Daredevil and Sin Eater

SHIELD Agent and J. Jonah Jameson

SHIELD Agent and Aunt May (chase)



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And since I'm taking this topic way off course, which Spidey villain lacking a Minimates treatment is the toughest?

I say Molten Man.


Take the variant rule as being more of a guideline, like the pirate's code.

Otherwise, the variant theme in Wave 43 would be "senior citizens", because the actual assortment breakdown is:

Spidey & Jean DeWolff

Daredevil and Sin Eater

SHIELD Agent and J. Jonah Jameson

SHIELD Agent and Aunt May (chase)



Color me satisfied!

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