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About buttheadsmate

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  1. Despite my post I entirely agree with you Batroc ? Je mourrais pour un Minimate Batroc .
  2. Forgive the necro above but it is extremely relevant regards Capwolf (Captain America issues 402-408) . I am by no means a Marvel expert but I have been around long enough to give an opinion that has 'matured' . This run of 6 comics culminated in the finale "Wolfpack Attack" &, as you may know, featured a whole bevy of characters with 'Wolf' in their names . I've just tried to re-read it ...for me it's the bottom of a pit that took several years to climb out of . Man-Wolf I could stomach with a proper moulded head so I guess 'Cap-Wolf' might find favour with some .
  3. First anniversary of Rebel Moon
  4. Godzilla would make sense (70th anniversary) . Terminator (40th anniversary) ? Beverly Hills Cop (40th anniversary) ? Alien v Predator (20th anniversary) ?
  5. Mu Munsters 60th anniversary a week ago.
  6. Let me first of all say that I am completely out of superlatives regarding your custom figures Duff labels ..PM sent.
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