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G.I. Joe Minimates!

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On 1/18/2022 at 2:23 PM, Strider said:

I wonder if they could work with some of the vintage vehicles. Also makes wonder what the people of Flagg would look like with minimates on it and the old minimate jets or whatever it was called

Depends on the vehicle. I display mine with a classic HISS and a cover girl custom with a Wolverine.

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3 hours ago, DSTZach said:

I am not sure, TBH. I originally heard December, but I do not think development is that far along. Hopefully they reveal them soon, but for the MM it might just be artwork. Tentatively one Joe set and two others. 

Just to be clear:  Tentatively, the plan is to have THREE SDCC exclusives? A GI Joe set and two, non-Joe offerings?  That sounds awesome!  Just like old times!

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25 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

That is the PLAN. Three exclusives, plus maybe a Vinimate, if everything works out.

And the Joe set will be a multi-pack, but potentially a larger multi-pack than we usually do. We'll have to see how it all shakes out. 

this has me giddy now.  i hope it shakes out!

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So who does everyone want to see in the third 4-pack? I would assume that it will be a G.I Joe set followed by another Cobra set. I would love Stalker, Gung Ho, Flint, and Tunnel Rat. Then for the 4th four pack (Cobra) I would love Zartan, Buzzer, Ripper, and Torch.

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17 hours ago, jettstorm said:

Original Joes 13 Pack! hah, a guy can dream...

Hawk (v.1), Stalker, Scarlett, Snake Eyes (Commando), Rock N Roll, Grunt, Breaker, Zap, Short Fuze, Flash, Grand Slam, Steeler and Clutch...

I'd probably buy three at minimum if this was the set!

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8 hours ago, THE_CRIPPLER said:

So who does everyone want to see in the third 4-pack? I would assume that it will be a G.I Joe set followed by another Cobra set. I would love Stalker, Gung Ho, Flint, and Tunnel Rat. Then for the 4th four pack (Cobra) I would love Zartan, Buzzer, Ripper, and Torch.

Man, we are almost on the exact same page.Not my personal wishlist for this, but who i think they'll make are: 7/8 of the ones you mentioned for next two sets... I'd substitute Tunnel Rat for someone like Spirit, Shipwreck or Bazooka...

The only stone cold locks i think would be Flint, Zartan, and maybe Stalker... That is me looking at it through DST's eyes...

My favorite GI Joe is Gung-Ho, so that would be my number one pick. Firefly is my favorite Cobra (after Cobra Commander, but he's already announced)

Depending on what the SDCC set is, that can possibly dictate what the next few waves are gonna be. I had a thought that maybe we'd either get some OG Joe's or maybe a boxset of Dreadnoks or cobra troopers. 

Now, here's my personal wishlist, which i'm certain will not be the lineups, lol...

Joe's- Gung-Ho, Starduster, Airborne and Snowjob...

Cobra- Firefly, Tomax, Xamot and Scrapiron.

Of course this list will change a 1000 times!

I didn't include drivers or pilots, because i'm hoping for vehicles, but Wild Weasel, Frostbite, Copperhead and Wild Bill are four of my all-time favorites and would make one heck of a special 4-pack

I'd like to add a few thoughts. I love the Joeverse, and characters, I'm having so much fun talking about these characters again, and still can't believe we are wishlisting them for official releases! I feel like a kid again, looking at cardbacks with my brother and picking out guys we wanted to get... Thanks DST!!!




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i think with so many to choose from we can't lose.

unless they do crystal ball.........i don't know anyone that liked him.  his bio card was written by stephen king though so that part is cool.

personally though, firefly and tiger force is what i'm really looking forward to.  iron grenadiers.

this is the line i'm most excited about so i'm hoping it goes for at least a few years

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Zach are these going to continue to have sets specifically for G.I. Joe and then the next set will be Cobra or will you guys be mixing Cobra and G.I. Joe together? I also think we all would be fine if the packaging was more simple like the Transformers minimates. Just put the file cards on the back 9or include them inside) and we will all be happy.

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5 hours ago, DSTZach said:

Not sure if we'll continue to keep the Joes and Cobras separate.

There were discussions about the packaging, and I'd be happy with a simpler format, but I guess we'll see how Series 1 and 2 do. 

I am down for however they are package. This is my most anticipated line. There is so much potential. 

Flint and Lady Jaye are my most wanted followed by Alpine and B.A.T.s but I could easily make a list over 30 deep. I even want figures from the cartoon movie. 

If Diamond doesn’t do any vehicles I wonder if Luke might make cut outs that we could use displayed behind the minimates.  Would be neat displaying so Hiss tanks.

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22 hours ago, DSTZach said:

Not sure if we'll continue to keep the Joes and Cobras separate.

There were discussions about the packaging, and I'd be happy with a simpler format, but I guess we'll see how Series 1 and 2 do. 

I absolutely love the old school single figure cardbacks.... i only wished it was minimates art for the characters and not the old style paintings of originals... I still love them, but would like them more the other way. I'm guaranteed to buy at least two sets each to hold onto one carded figure and one to open and play with... I open everything, but to me, these look good enough to stay in package.


any idea when we'll see SDCC images?

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