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  1. I loved that game as a kid. Hopefully Luke is getting these too. I am definitely in for this set.
  2. Nice. Glad to hear Luke will be getting them so I can place an order there and not have to go the eBay route.
  3. Thanks! I appreciate you sharing what you can.
  4. I’d love to at least see the design too! Any way you can let us know if Lady Jaye & Flint have been designed or would that be too much info? I will keep holding onto hope for more waves of GI Joe until you let us know that ship has sailed. Even then I might hold onto 50% of hope since knowing is only half the battle.
  5. God bless you! Really hoping Flint & Jaye make it somehow.
  6. I am going to keep on hoping the line continues but I am not a good judge since I still hope that somehow LOTR resurrects and I finally get that canceled wave of figures. I just feel dumbfounded that the line has stalled so quickly. Out of all the IPs out there not named Marvel or DC I would have thought this would have been the best fit. Crazy to think how many waves of Ghostbusters we got compared to GI Joe. Only thing I can think of is over saturation of the market killed the demand. I mean there’s Classified, Reaction, Ultimates, Mezco One:12 and Hiya. There may be even more that I am not aware of.
  7. Well I will be supporting when and if they see the light of day. For what it is worth I really loved the homage done to the original toys. I pretty much never keep things packaged but I loved the nostalgia so much that I bought an extra set of both in order to have a packaged set.
  8. Wait, what? Dazzler? I had to go to minimatedstabase to see if I was missing something. I do consider myself to be on the conservative side of things when it comes to what I expose my kids to but Dazzler? Dazzler? I think my daughter was playing with her at 6 years old. She loved the little skates. Dazzler? The only thing I was iffy on was whether or not the skates would be a choking hazard. Now for Selene, yeah there is no way I would give that one to my daughters at any age but Dazzler?
  9. Thanks for continuing to advocate for this line! It’s definitely the minimate line I am the most excited about unless of course LOTR comes back to minimates. . .
  10. I would be down for a minimate style Turtle Blimp or Van!
  11. Here’s to hoping that wave 3 & 4 pick up enough steam to get us an army builder that does so well that the vehicle talks start happening! 😁
  12. Super glad to hear that the line may continue on! Hoping Lady Jaye & Flont make it out in series 3 or 4!
  13. There is a GI Joe deck building game? That’s neat. If only my wife or kids were into deck building games. I don’t think I have played one since middle school.
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