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About Onyx_6

  • Birthday 03/26/1985

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    Not close enough to the next Minimate release!
  • Interests
    Minimates, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, the CW's Arrowverse.

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  1. Light discussion of the blurry pic in the SDCC thread. So, whom all are we looking at, for a more casual fan like myself?
  2. It would be EPIC if Zach was the anniversary mate!
  3. If anyone is going to SDCC, I would love some assistance with acquiring these: Or anything “United” related from their booth Please and thank you!
  4. While it wouldn't be "mixing" could companion sets be offered at, say, a Con? Have a 4-pack of Joes and a 4-pack of TF with packaging art that combines, similar to the power rangers covers?
  5. @DSTZach the Minimates descriptions in the announcement link are both for turtles: Very curious about the transformers set
  6. I also can't see the image @TheMinimateKing30
  7. Like, a padlock? Similar to the fidget spinner DST did when those were all the rage? Not sure about SDCC, but tickets for NYCC go on sale this week. I went last year and had a great time. I can snag you a pass if your interested in that this October.
  8. Saw those too. I remember those as a kid. You could just mod the shark from Battel Beasts....
  9. What are you using for the base ChaneyMate body? Is that your own design?
  10. I can't place Mobius's head. These are all great!
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