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  1. Damn curious what was shown at the panel
  2. I don’t follow wrestling so I did too. Set has some cool pieces though so I may pick up!
  3. hey - that's my account!! sorry for all the dick pics you may come across
  4. so funny story........ i have no idea how. i'll post it instagram if you'd like nandoninny or sir shitsalot not sure which name appears but people know me from both just posted and used hashtag minimates
  5. a buddy texted me some up close and personal pictures of the x-men set. damn!!! nicely done! i hope there are more accessories (Magik's sword?) but great looking set!! he totally missed the wrestling set but did send me a close up of the zach minimate.
  6. awesome news and can't wait for pictures!! what day is the panel? not that i'm there but just so i don't check for pictures every five minutes.
  7. my guess is you're heading out soon (if you haven't already). safe travels and can't wait to see what you guys show off!!
  8. this is a cool fun set! kinda laughing at the fact we got these 3 before skywarp but hopefully that means skywarp is in the works! i think the animated shockwave looks pretty boss too.
  9. i'm a sucker for these!! looks great! i was curious how they were going to repackage the 4 turtles and this was something that didn't occur to me but i think works!
  10. there's always been a joe book but i think this is the most popular its been since the 80's so i hope it translates. the devils due stuff was great at first but went downhill pretty quickly...... those j scott campbell covers were nice though! and yeah, mixing minimates i remember you mentioned got shot down but wasn't sure if it was a unique thing.
  11. pretty sure Zach said July 1st. as for what i'm hoping for -- i'd love turtles in disguise. those trenchcoats and hats. like the thing in disguise they did a while back. but curious what this could be!!
  12. A few for sure but I think the normal mate body is fine for most. Road pig is the only one I would bulk up. Not sure who this artist is but they may be going too bulky. from the ones in this pic Mercer is bulked up which could be justified but I don’t think necessary. He would be one of the bulkiest from this selection
  13. alright -- how's this for something to push some more GI JOE minimates with? also, since Invincible figures are being made i'm assuming skybound license is still a thing -- any chance for Void Rivals? spoiler for the book if you're completely unaware below
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