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  1. is Paladin an antihero? has he ever been made as a toy? quick google search..... damn, looks like he has but not in the 90's costume i'm familiar with.
  2. my first pick too!! but we're probably a minority. delay in the FF?! nertz! i am REALLY looking forward to that set
  3. makes sense not having army builders at first. For me I think the draw was all the secondary characters. Hopefully we get some in these new sets. Stalker, rock n roll, cover girl. Same with the baddies. Then hopefully some army builders.
  4. Oooof! Oh well. Thanks for the update !
  5. @luke314pi so, did you receive them?
  6. agreed. this is a fun looking set!
  7. yeah, makes sense. super excited to see what we get though!!
  8. Kinda disappointed to hear its one set of joes and one set of cobra. Can you share the reasoning behind that? My guess is thats the only way to not repeat 3 - 4 characters in the first set.
  9. give me the 80's classic version of the group. dying to add them to my secret wars set up
  10. that'd be a dream set for me for sure
  11. nice! thanks for the heads up. i ordered from Luke a while ago.
  12. someone posted photos on facebook. looks like minimates fit in both the jet and the hiss tank!
  13. there's a video that mattel just posted on instagram. when they put the hiss tank driver in there appears to be a lot of room in there so it may actually work. the skystriker looks like it barely has enough room for the pilot. i'm sure if you take the seat out it'll work.
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