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G.I. Joe Minimates!

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I guess it depends on what "existing pricing" is. Since that seems to be completely different or random if you like, based on the license/packaging (but packaging somehow isn't a factor in DST price hikes even though cost of paper and such is also up) but I think if 4 packs settle on a new price and that's the new model, it should probably try to stay consistent for a bit. I guess we'll see.

So is the Jan thing, the SDCC thing and the FF thing all the same thing or all different things?

Edited by SCW
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1 hour ago, HellfireSamurai said:

Do TV licenses include stuff that is exlusively on streaming services or just standard television?


If it is the later; then my new guess is The Simpsons. Pretty sure that show is gonna still be playing when the sun engulfs the planet as a red dwarf.

Broadcast TV. NOT the. Simpsons

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4 hours ago, Mattallica said:

but TWICE the price of the most recent (marvel 81) six figure set, and that had two phoenix pieces which should equal the herbie and reed pieces, Wow thats crazy!

Technically, it's a 92% increase. So, neener.

(and yeah, hot damn that's a big bump)



Edited by elhonez
this is so meta
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Zach said “broadcast”, which should limit shows on NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX as the primary contenders in the US.

FX, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central would all be cable tv.

Unless he used the term “broadcast” loosely to indicate not a streaming service like Netflix, Disney+, etc.


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Booooo I was hoping for Cobra Kai. Rick and Morty would be greatly welcome though. 

I do wonder if the price increase will cause more… careful selection of characters? Like I could see those beautiful Spidey mates released with FFH being sellable at 50, but that recent Guardians wave that cut out Drax and Groot but had, of all people, Angela… seems less likely. 

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Well with the WTF nature mentioned here, I wonder if it would even be anything "cool and nerdy" that we might expect.

Could it be really way out there like Top Gear or Impractical Jokers or some other junk that apparently a lot of people watch, but you know, probably isn't a good fit for toys and merch, despite companies constantly doing it.

TV show almost guarantees it's another "civilian" line, so we should hope it's based on a toon or some kinda sci-fi type deal because I can't imagine trying to sell dudes in shirts and pants at these prices, but I dunno.

I'm hoping to be wowed, darn it!


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Game of Thrones - a big license with many spin-offs allegedly on the way.  The property has lost its luster after the botched final seasons.  Definitely constitutes WTF reaction.

The Walking Dead - with the Minimates history and zombie fad finally winding down, it would definitely illicit a WTF reaction.  The main series is ending but again there are more spin-offs planned.

SNL - definitely not going anywhere, and lots of material to mine, but does anyone really want mini figures of the “Making Copies Guy” or “The Californians”? 

Please, please, please let it be What We Do In The Shadows.  Currently no licensed product out there, not even Funko Pops.  I would buy Selects, Minimates, Vinimates, Prop Replicas, Life Size Nadja doll, statues.  I’m all in.

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I would fucking cry tears of fucking endless beauty if we got What We Do in the Shadows. 

I want an entire boxset based off of the Jackie Daytona episode. 

Also isn’t there a New Licenses thread in TV we should move this discussion to? @Shanesteryou can swap posts around, right? Put GI Joe back on track. 

Edited by Trekker 42
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1 hour ago, mav-man said:

Golden Girls...finally. ?


Golden Girls would sell, that stuff has been a huge seller for everyone. But I mean, once you do the 4 main, you're left with a Golden Palace set and then maybe an Empty Nest box set? Jedi ghost versions?

GOT would be a huge mistake, IMO. It's become the Nickelback of television. Once the most popular thing in the world, now it draws audible groans when mentioned aloud and if there are any fans left, they hide in shame and don't openly admit it in public.

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American Horror Story would be pretty epic. Lots of diverse concepts and some very interesting looks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought a VAMP too, was hoping it would be a little bigger. I guess the way out of proportion minimates body is what makes it tricky. should be the correct scale, but i guess 1:24 is more accurate? Might be time to look into 3D printing some vehicles..... i'm really hoping these do well enough to get some of the smaller vehicles and playsets, like the VAMP, RAM, JUMP, FANG copter, etc...


Was hoping to see some Joe reveals for NYTF, wonder when we'll get some official word on the next 50 ( ? ) waves! or at least the SDCC exclusives.


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On 1/18/2022 at 6:24 AM, Nervous Rex said:

I just bought a VAMP too, was hoping it would be a little bigger. I guess the way out of proportion minimates body is what makes it tricky. should be the correct scale, but i guess 1:24 is more accurate? Might be time to look into 3D printing some vehicles..... i'm really hoping these do well enough to get some of the smaller vehicles and playsets, like the VAMP, RAM, JUMP, FANG copter, etc...


Was hoping to see some Joe reveals for NYTF, wonder when we'll get some official word on the next 50 ( ? ) waves! or at least the SDCC exclusives.


There are 3D files out there for G.I Joe vehicles. I have seen Vamp, Hiss, Zartan's Swamp Skier, Cobra Devilfish, Cobra Trouble Bubble, etc. You just have to resize the file to make them smaller for Minimates. I was talking to a guy that said he would print me a Hiss for minimates for $30. I may take him up on it. Vehicles would be awesome for this line. 

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