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  1. My biggest hope is IF Diamond struggles to recover, that DST gets picked up by a bigger company, whether it Hasbro or Jazzwares or McFarlane or whomever and that no one loses their job.
  2. I admit fear but I'll try to remain hopeful. And maybe DST can spin off into its own thing at the worse. Boss Fight Studios, Action Force, Four Horseman, all start working elsewhere and as other things and companies.
  3. Funny enough, my Minimate preorder horror story was about the original GI Joe minimates. Things From Another World. I pre-ordered the original GI Joe minimate set and apparently they marked me down for overnight shipping. I don't recall ever asking for overnight shipping but I certainly wouldn't have paid $45 for it, which is what they charged me. I'm just sitting there and I see a $90 total charge come through. I could not afford that. And I reached out to them before they had even shipped it. I sent multiple emails telling them not to send it to me, that I do not want to have overnight shipping, that I am not accepting, and I wish to cancel; there were multiple emails showing this. They got back to me like four days later after it had already shipped and said 'sorry, we shipped it' and I wasn't surprised because it took them four days to reply but they still refused to refund the overnight cost or find a resolution. I even offered to settle with them for a credit amount to their website for the cost of overnight shipping, alone, or the difference, and they refused. I offered to send the entire set back for a full refund, or even just the difference in what would have been normal shipping and offered to let them keep $15 or $20 of the $90 charge. They still refused. Even then, overnight shipping *was not overnight.* It sat in their warehouse for like, two days, and then shipped and took two days to get to me, so they didn't even get me what they charged me for. I at last threatened them with a chargeback, and they threatened me that I would have my account with them banned and could never order from them again, which at the moment I wasn't exactly having a problem with based on how terrible their customer service was and how little they seemed to care about my needs, my evidence or my truth. I gave them multiple chances to find some kind of avenue out through everything and thought I was being more than fair, offering them their product back for forty bucks back or whatever it was in credit. They stopped responding to me, so I took it to my bank and did a charge back and I won it handedly, got a full 95 dollar refund and still had the Minimates. Still. Luke is topnotch (and the moment I free up the cash, ordering three sets of the X-Men set for that sticker set, @luke314pi !!!) SERIOUSLY, Luke is the best. Order from him.
  4. Give me some female Drow and Tiefling bodies (which I can use for other customs) and I'll buy literally dozens.
  5. Still looking at June '25? Money frees up after the holidays, and I wanna put in for three sets.
  6. WE. NEED. MARVEL. RIVALS. MINIMATES. Think of the SUPER COOL costumes for some mainstays, like Hawkey, Cap and Thor! A new chance for a more modern Magik, Psylocke and (ugh, I hate this, but) Lin Lee Iron Fist! And new characters like Luna Snow, Jeff the Land Shark, Galactica and Peni Parker!
  7. The cardbacks would have worked, IMHO, if they were all individual releases. Toss them for like 10 bucks a piece at comic stores, I bet they would have flown off.
  8. Depends on how they wanna do it. If they do them for the miniseries, I think the best ones would be- Duke- Duke, Baroness, BAT, Stalker (two repeats, two new, one troop builder) Cobra Commander- Cobra Commander, Nemesis Immortal, Golobulus, Zarana (one repeat, three new) Scarlett- Scarlett, Storm Shadow, Jinx, Arashikage Ninja (two repeats, two new, one troop builder) Destro- Destro, Chameleon, Tomax, Xamot (one repeat, three new) If they go the main series, then I would expect two sets, again- Duke, Cover Girl, Stalker, Rock n' Roll (one repeat, three new) Cobra Commander, Destro, Chameleon, Mercer (two repeats, two new) I do not recommend, personally, Risk. The reception to that character, thus far, has been pretty lackluster in the Joe fandom.
  9. Is it too late for one?!?! Ah, man. That's what I get (or don't get) for going to bed early sick.
  10. I would adore that design. That top especially of the jacket can come off, with bare arms, can really use that for some customs.
  11. Hasbro should have been offering it through Pulse and advertising it in their streams. They don't even alow Hiya's Joe figures in the states, officially. Seriously, I love their brands but damn do they get in their own way.
  12. No, I have two theories on that- One, they are waiting for the boost his reveal will give (the Energon comics have been hitting that well a lot), and they want it to be a surprise. Some very popular characters have not yet appeared, at all, and some have had cameos, only. Still, of all of Hasbro's darlings, Snake-Eyes is easily and by far the highest profile character. Hell, DC let Batman fight him to a draw in a comic. But two... there's been a push in some parts of Hasbro, perhaps, to get Snake-Eyes to be different than his classic interpretation, in fear of reception in modern times. Maybe they're waiting to figure out either how to bring him in and not have that conversation be a concern, or to bring him in a way that they might piss off old fans but hit certain demos- or at least try.
  13. Snake-Eyes has not shown up, yet, so, can't be him.
  14. Deadpool, Domino, Cable, Black Tom, Weasel?
  15. They're with Hawk doing some TOP SECRET DON'T LET DUKE KNOW things. IDK, breadcrumbs were given in the Free Comic Book Day oneshot.
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