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The genie is out of the bottle , Pandora's box is open because ,as someone predicted:rolleyes: , Walgreens unwanted inventory is now  completely awash on the UK market .   I could tell you where they are being sourced from & what they are being wholesaled at but it wouldn't be pleasant reading if you are a dedicated Minimate fan .  

What a fiasco.

Edited by buttheadsmate
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Let’s hear it, please. 

if you want to discuss a bulk shipment to US for distribution to MMMV members, I’ll volunteer to distribute.

What is the case breakdown, is it random or consistent?

My guess is that “Legacy Movie MM Asst Wave 1” would consist of:

- Animated Black Panther/Shuri

- Animated Captain America/Peggy Carter

- MCU Black Widow

- MCU Falcon and Winter Soldier

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My Beyond Toys  shipment arrived on Monday . 

Nobody would have needed anybody to ship anything anywhere if somebody with a brain at DST had kept a few cases for their loyal US collectors . Would that really have been such a difficult thing to do?


Maybe I'm being a tad sensitive but 'importation plans' sounds a little sarcastic? 





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Contained unnecessary language.
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3 hours ago, buttheadsmate said:


My Beyond Toys  shipment arrived on Monday . 

Nobody would have needed anybody to ship anything anywhere if somebody with a brain at DST had kept a few cases for their loyal US collectors . Would that really have been such a difficult thing to do?


Maybe I'm being a tad sensitive but 'importation plans' sounds a little fucking sarcastic? If it was then back the fuck off.

If it wasn't sarcasm then please try & post stuff that doesn't fucking wreak of sarcasm .

I did not even think of being sarcastic. I almost didn't post a link, because you were doing such a nice thing, and I didn't want to undermine it, but no one was posting where they were actually available, and I thought some might want to order direct. Sorry if it came off wrong, or jeopardized your plans. 

At one point there was a plan to try and separate out the movie stuff, but our warehouse could not handle it, due to the shared SKUs, which is why they were sold as mixed lots. No one knew exactly what they were getting. I would have simply requested several cases and sent them to the web store, but I could have ended up with a bunch of Animated waves, or Black Widow.  We still might have sold them, but I guess hindsight is golden. 

Sorry again BHM, no sarcasm intended, or detected. 

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Not to make a redundant post - But as I just noted in the Facebook Group... Beyond Toys just sold out of both sets as I was writing them for a shipping quote. I submitted the quote anyway... being naive and hopeful and all... but they both went from "In Stock" to "Out of Stock" as I was typing it up.

My optimistic side hopes one of us ordered the lot, and will be distributing them for Robin Hood prices to the rest of us in the coming weeks.

My pessimistic side fears something less altruistic happened to them.

I'm not quite keeping up on the discussion minute by minute here, but if anyone is still planning on securing a mess of these to distribute to US Collectors... I sure would like to put my name on that list, lol.

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22 minutes ago, Gillbob316 said:

Not to make a redundant post - But as I just noted in the Facebook Group... Beyond Toys just sold out of both sets as I was writing them for a shipping quote. I submitted the quote anyway... being naive and hopeful and all... but they both went from "In Stock" to "Out of Stock" as I was typing it up.

My optimistic side hopes one of us ordered the lot, and will be distributing them for Robin Hood prices to the rest of us in the coming weeks.

My pessimistic side fears something less altruistic happened to them.

I'm not quite keeping up on the discussion minute by minute here, but if anyone is still planning on securing a mess of these to distribute to US Collectors... I sure would like to put my name on that list, lol.



I got the same message. I'm down for 2 of each if there are any left.


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4 hours ago, Gillbob316 said:

Not to make a redundant post - But as I just noted in the Facebook Group... Beyond Toys just sold out of both sets as I was writing them for a shipping quote. I submitted the quote anyway... being naive and hopeful and all... but they both went from "In Stock" to "Out of Stock" as I was typing it up.

My optimistic side hopes one of us ordered the lot, and will be distributing them for Robin Hood prices to the rest of us in the coming weeks.

My pessimistic side fears something less altruistic happened to them.

I'm not quite keeping up on the discussion minute by minute here, but if anyone is still planning on securing a mess of these to distribute to US Collectors... I sure would like to put my name on that list, lol.

I am trying hard to be that person .:goodpost:

I am trying to be as transparent as I can otherwise I'll end up being remembered as 'The Sheriff' rather than 'Robin' .

The UK market for Minimates is just not there so I'll tell you right now that these WG sets will get cheaper & cheaper BUT

there comes a time when the trigger needs to be pulled , I pulled the trigger at £11 a pack (delivered to me ).  I paid out £500 & I just hope to recoup that ,that's all .  

For emphasis the entire inventory of Minimates that did not make their stores in the US is likely to be here in the UK .......& that means that there are thousands of the Logan/Laura Deadpool /Nega with the UK wholesaler . I was tempted to buy assortment cases from the wholesaler , I now have a trade account but TBQH I don't want to be lumbered with the 'other' sets especially when the minimum order would cost me £1500. I love you guys but not that much !\

Next step is to figure out the cost for shipping these safely to the US where they can be re-distributed to anybody who wants them . Shipping plus shipping might not sound the way to go but I really can't see how I can circumvent that . I can track one package but racking dozens is not my path of choice.





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Maybe someone in the States that has the time could act as a “hub”. You send it there and they send it out to the separate people from there. It would take a lot of coordination and might be more trouble than it’s worth but it’s a possibility.


If you do find a way to send them out I am definitely down for a set of Logan & Laura and the Deadpool set. I don’t even mind paying a markup for all the trouble.

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I will happily pay whatever the cost to get these in my hands. I'd ideally like to be down for two copies of each (To pose Logan and Wade in their alternate looks) but if we want to be even I'll take what I can get. I just wanted to preemptively thank everyone for banding together to get these in homes.

It needs to be said, though...DST's handling of these releases is very frustrating. I know Minimates are a low-margin product, but they're based on two highly-popular movies that DST originally skipped despite the fan demand. I won't even begin to understand how distribution works (Especially with Covid and everything), but it just feels like there could have been more open communication through the supply chain. I don't want to dismiss Zach because he does great work and is super chatty with the community, but the messaging of "Even if I knew where they were I wouldn't tell so people won't blow up the store" to "You'll likely need to import these" hurts a little. People want to buy these, people want the product. Even if it's a small community people still *want* them. With Minimates slowing down month by month, it's getting harder to find them and thus people are going to be more desperate to know.

Maybe I'm just rambling, but I just wish things were more open between DST and the community. I know nothing about business stuff nor will I ever pretend to (I’m just a depressed 26-year old with too much time on her hands). I understand we're a niche of a niche, I guess I just wish things were better. Even just DST knowing who bought the product for online sale would be something.

Edited by Smashmaster12
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£1 is about $1.34...   just saying.

The facts...

I've just come back from the post office & sending 2,2 packs in a box to the US feels a bit gloomy to me at £18.10 (tracked). I would imagine that sending 4 ,2 packs would be similar .....probably. 


To send what I have  ,26 of each ,52 packs is going to be :

Global Express £101.80

Global Priority £100.25

Global Value £82 .90

Therefore the spread cost is about £4 per set of 2,2 packs.

....& then someone has to send them from the 'hub'  ,add that on .

Individually sent:

So 2 2packs @ £22 + £18.10 = £40

4 2packs @ £44 + £18.10 (?) = £62.10

'Bulk ' from hub  

2 2 packs @ £22 + £4 = £26 + internal US shipping 

4 2packs @ £44 + £4 = £48 + internal US shipping

My poor ol' brain might not have got that all that correct PLMK if I haven't.  Be tactful I am old & grouchy :laugh:

Weigh it up & tell me what you think .







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I would be fine paying for them either way. I think if I did the conversions right it’s around $54 to ship the two 2 packs directly and $35 plus local shipping (should be under $15 at worst case could be half that).

Granted buying them straight up in a store would be a lot cheaper but all things considered I would be great full for getting them for $54 versus stalking eBay and having bidding wars that could end up costing a lot more. 

Edited by Strider
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Sorry people aren't happy with how we've handled this. I think we're pretty open about most releases. I know people had issues with me not promoting upcoming Walgreens waves until they were in stores, making it a "surprise." But this was a VERY special situation. I was not told the retailers, only the general area of the globe they were sold to. I'm not sure WHY they all went overseas, it's not a question I have asked, but it doesn't really matter now. Frankly, I'm glad they're in the UK, because I was afraid they'd land further east. We could have handled it better, and we tried to, but our warehouse just wasn't set up for it. Sorry again.


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6 minutes ago, DSTZach said:

Sorry people aren't happy with how we've handled this. I think we're pretty open about most releases. I know people had issues with me not promoting upcoming Walgreens waves until they were in stores, making it a "surprise." But this was a VERY special situation. I was not told the retailers, only the general area of the globe they were sold to. I'm not sure WHY they all went overseas, it's not a question I have asked, but it doesn't really matter now. Frankly, I'm glad they're in the UK, because I was afraid they'd land further east. We could have handled it better, and we tried to, but our warehouse just wasn't set up for it. Sorry again.


I just wanted to also jump in here and say having worked in toys the past 16 yrs, this is the most honest and open line of communication I have seen in the industry. I think we all know, like stated above, we are in a niche of a niche with the Minimates line, and no line has really run this long in the same style. With the decrease in comic shops, and those not carrying as much toys, at least in CT, I understand this line is not the force it once was, so everything we get I am just happy to have. 

I know it is frustrating when we miss out on things, or they are harder to get but the perspective I have had is think about what people overseas feel about how easy, normally, it is for us to get a hold of things. I think there is a little space and actual perspective needed here, bc we don't get this level of access and transparency with lines like Marvel Legends or McFarlane. 

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