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  1. Is New FF going to be 90?
  2. @DSTZach Are y'all working with Skybound on these? If so, good time to bring up more Invincible 'Mates. That said, I'm excited for these. Baroness' Joe design is bonkers fun.
  3. This broke my brain:
  4. Rook seems made a for a toyline.
  5. A soft Energon Universe re-launch could be great. Then you could even get in some more Transformers, add Void Rivals, and while you're at it work out a deal with Skybound for more Invincible!
  6. I would love for any of the remaining X-Forcers from the Liefeld and Capullo runs to be included: Warpath (Liefeld) Siryn (Liefeld) Boom Boom (Liefeld) Feral (Capullo) Warpath (Capullo) Sunspot (Capullo)
  7. That's 3 five-packs right there!
  8. Nova's New Warrior look was a bit different than his 70's look. Or there's the early red/brown or the later mullet look.
  9. I'd take all of those with Gravity topping the list.
  10. I wonder if Wolvie will come with his duffel bag/satchel thingy.
  11. You are in for a treat, sir.
  12. Yeah, an Art Adams fill-in blew my young mind. It might have been my first exposure to him.
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