Worst case scenario for us.
My printers are old and cheap. Better figures can be created.
But I would prefer to be able to continue buying factory made figures.
I imagine bhm being a secret millionaire and buying up DST would be the best thing ever for Minimates.
But Zach's head would explode in the first month. LOL
Best of luck to the staff at DST and the Minimates brand. I hope it works out that both can thrive going forward.
Yay! That's me. You are the first person I know of who has actually printed one of my things. I have some more Minimate stuff on printables.com.
I will eventually make some kind of backpack for Black Manta as well.
Hopefully, they turn it into a thriving line and we get tons of unique characters, army builder, and vehicles.
I, for one, would love to see Minimate deformed Joe vehicles. A Minimate HISS tank would be so cute! LOL
For now I'll settle for a box set that has none of: Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, or Scarlett.
11 of 16 slots used by 4 repeated characters, so far.
And no army builders for a property that is literally about two armies fighting each other.
These are the two big reasons I've not bought into the line, so far.
Hopefully the next offering will be of interest.
I wanted to get this up as a community Christmas present but just didn't make it.
We have my free crossed-leg hip design on a crappy Stan Lee 3d print. Mixed and matched with a factory mate. You can get it here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6899719. Ivan is credited as I straight up ripped off his idea.
Also, I've just started on a new round of 3d printed mates. There will be accessories coming.
Happy 2025 everyone!
Are you a Red Dwarf fan at all?
That sounds amazingly similar to Kryten's origin. They find him on a crashed space ship. The Red Dwarf crew are all excited to meet the space flight attendants he serves. Eventually, he takes them to 3 skeletons in uniform that he pretends are still alive and converses with.
Lazy reporting. There should be a photo of the Minimate and an explanation that they are not Lego. LOL
I seem to remember Favreau being similarly impressed with Iron Man movie Minimates back in the day.