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New Superman actor cast.


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Glad to see some news about this! Now, just cast someone to play genuinely despicable Lex Luthor (who doesn't have a glorified land-grab scheme) and we'll be all set.

Gotta say, i really don't want Lex in this. Like, a lot. He is such a hard villain to get a grasp of correctly, and is usually uninteresting based on him being a guy in a suit; however, that is what makes Lex great: a guy in a suit who can best Superman. Great in comics, makes for good stories, but poorly developed in cinema. What i'd love for with this is starting Clark off with one his Kryptonite enemies: Metallo or Parasite. Both are classic villains, both actually have powers, both's powers connect them right back TO Clark and give them a reason, and a means, to kill him, and both are much easier adapted for a wide audience. I's a half robot guy (preferably with 'stache) with a glowing green rock-heart and a big, purple, energy-stealing beast...However, at the end i would prefer to see an extra see in the style of Batman Begins, with it being announced that "Lex Luthor, founder and CEO of Luthor Corp, will be running for President next year..." as a little bit of sequel set-up. With Nolan a part of this...i feel like that is more possible.

IF i could have it my way, i'd set it up:

1. Metallo or Parasite

2. Lex and an introduction of CADMUS

3. Brainiac, more CADMUS

BUT, that's just me. Anyway, back ON-Topic...

I saw news about this guy yesterday. Can honestly say i have never heard of him or have seen his work. GOOD. Way back in a thread on the GLC Boards i mentioned that, like with Christopher Reeve, i'd love to see an unknown cast for it; well this guy is certainly unknown. Also, he has a great, heroic jaw-line. I think, after he shaves of course, we have a winner. :)

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I agree. I'm tired of the "Supervillain Lex" crap. No more creating robots or clones or wearing some hi-tech battlesuit or any of that garbage. That turns him into a hand-wringing buffoon who employs people like Otis or Kitty. I don't care if that's how the character started out, I don't want my Lex Luthor ever laughing maniacally.

I want him to be a philanthropic businessman. Loved by the people. He donates wings to hospitals & (financially) cleans up the collateral damage left behind in the wake of the superheroes' battles. He only wants Superman destroyed, because he thinks he's a threat to humanity, and wants to rule over us, instead of help protect us. The only people who should think Lex might be evil, are the heroes.

But that'll never happen.

Even on Smallville, he turned into a comic-book villain, instead of the morally ambiguous antagonist he started out as.

So, no. No more cinematic Lex Luthor. Not unless he's as far away from "greatest criminal mastermind" as possible.

And is played by Clancy Brown with a shaved head. :P

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And is played by Clancy Brown with a shaved head. :P

Bring in Bruce Timm to consult and do this, and I would be as happy as a little giiiirl.

Seriously though, Luthor has to play some role in the Superman franchise. I, too, hope he doesn't turn into a Luthor of the Hack-Man/Spacey/SuperFriends variety, but he's got to play a role. Leaving him out is akin to leaving Joker out of a Batman story.

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I am quite interested in this actor. He looks the part, yes. I have not seen him in anything else either. I have to say it amuses me that we have a British guy as the embodiment of truth justice and the AMERICAN way. I do hope he does a good job though. Superman deserves not being screwed over.

As for a villain, if they do him like they did in the cartoon, Brainiac is a logical choice. After all, he was aparantly Krypton's computer. He helped hurry the destruction of Krypton. Makes sense that he would try to hunt down the Last Son of Krypton. Hell if Snyder wants to be interesting, he could have Brainiac as kinda a background villain who creates someone named Metallo to fight Superman as he cannot. And then he finds Lex Luthor in the sequel, convinces him Superman has to be defeated... Brainiac could really be an awesome villain even without actually throwing a punch.


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Henry Cavill is great casting. I was stoked a few years ago when he was the leading the pack to play Superman in what would become Superman Returns. The villain needs to be someone that Superman can go toe to toe with all out destruction. I think Snyder is the right guy.

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I think Snyder is the right guy.

I think so too. The man can do straight up action very well. This actor looks like a good choice. I'm hoping, like so many others, that Lex doesn't end up as a goofy villain with a ridiculous get-rich-quick scheme. I would love to see Lex as a power player secretly using Brainiac and Metallo (Lex using a puppet using a puppet) to fight against Superman. This looks to be starting on the right foot. Here's to hoping.

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I'm just kinda worried that Snyder can't do action without Gorefest. Then again, Legend of the Guardians wasn't a gorefest... He might. Just as long as he doesn't spin it too far kiddish. And I hope it's not as dark as TDK or even Batman Begins. If anything it should be on the level of dark/light that The Incredible Hulk had. You know, kickass action combined with fantastic character moments. I wouldn't say Iron Man because Iron Man 1 was a little too far on the side of light for what I'd want to see in Superman. Incredible Hulk had a great balance. Let's see that balance hitting The Man of Steel.

Speaking of Man of Steel, anyone else think that might be the title?

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I watched this guy on the The Tudors and really liked him in that (not to say that part is anything like Superman, but I think he will do a good job)

I'm glad I'm not the only one around here that watches the Tudors! He's a decent enough actor, and definitely has the right look. He's shown a decent enough range (his character went from being a womanizing cad in the first year or two to being something of a statesman in the latter years) and I'm sure he can pull off Superman. Honestly, after Watchmen, I'm more worried about Zac Snyder.

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IMO, Watchmen was everything the comic should have been. He faithfully adapted everything that was great about it, and changed everything that was awful about it.

As for "action without gore", he didn't add anything to 300 or Watchmen that wasn't already in the comics. And Dawn of the Dead...that was a zombie movie. A zombie movie without gore is just pointless. And it's already been pointed out that Legend of the Guardians was quite action-packed, without even a drop of blood (which I was at least hoping for a few drops in some of the end fight scenes).

This actor looks great, and as someone who thinks the Joker should look more like Adrien Brody than Heath Ledger (regardless of how fantastic an acting job he did), I'm very particular about a character's looks. And, just because someone's one nationality, doesn't mean they're not able to play another. Just because the actor's British, doesn't mean we're going to have a "British Superman". :rolleyes:

Regardless of how good Usual Suspects & X2 were, I had no faith in Singer.

I have faith in Snyder.

And I'm a pretty big Superman fan...


Edited by TENIME_art
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he's definitely got the look, ever seen him acting though. I've always felt a bit sorry for Brandon Routh, I really liked him as Superman, and it wasn't his fault Returns was pretty poor.

Oh, and everyone knows all the biggest superheroes are British these days... Batman, Spider-Man, Superman! Even Thor is Australian... and I know from watching US television that Yanks can't tell us apart.

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