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About elhonez

  • Birthday September 14

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  1. Right? Did anyone attend the panel?
  2. Hey Luke, I noticed that the wrap-around forearm template is much longer in your latest template than in the last one I was using. Was that just to ensure overlap?
  3. The tricky part is that the boot bit needs to be separate from the feet. Because I'm planning on using standard feed. So really more like a large ankle cuff. Jackalman I realize has big cuffs, but they have ridges. Are there any others?
  4. OK, real question this time: Which characters have "boots" that are separate from their (standard) feet? Examples: AOA Apocalypse, Zombie Magneto. Basically, shin bracelets, but much wider than e.g. 90s Cyclops.
  5. Nevermind! Of course: Dreadnought, and it's readily available.
  6. Moon Knight (1.0) is pretty pricey these days -- does he share his gloves with any other Minis? Alternately, are there other hands with knuckle spikes? I'm at a loss at the moment.
  7. It'll probably be the fall before the first wave is done, based on my current (very slow) decal pace. Related to your post @cylonchaney, I think one of the biggest changes I notice as I pause to look back is that my standards have changed. Previously, I had started everything as a QC -- I was really looking for opportunities to share easy recipes for fast results. But I started to find that I was often unsatisfied with the results. My slow growth as a MiniMate creator is a double-edged sword when it comes to output: on one hand, I'm learning more and getting more efficient, but on the other hand my increasing standards are causing me to take longer to e.g. get decals right, or experiment more with custom bits. For example: I'm branching out into decals for non-standard pieces, and trying to conceive of new ways to cut & glue pieces to better approximate certain looks in 3D. What I'm most excited about with the next batch: Lots of very colorful characters, many or most of whom you'd only be familiar with if you were a fan of the theme. I get a kick out of giving these deep cut characters a moment to shine, and sharing them with people who might not have seen them before. Some are just plain cool designs that Marvel could probably do more with if they wanted to.
  8. Ok. I've planned out all of the sets for my next theme. By the numbers: 8 waves 1 box set 67 MiniMates 9 of which are "army builders" 50 (ish) require decals 7.5 decals done to-date
  9. I remember Bushwacker from the old Punisher video game (with the controversial "interrogation" game mechanic). I'm looking forward to seeing your take on him Luke!
  10. Luke already Nuked...
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