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About elhonez

  • Birthday September 14

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  1. I'd be all in. I love that classic cover, and I've wanted both of these characters for a looonnnng time. It's also a sneaky way to get more characters packed into the box (in spirit at least) with Mimic = 5 X-Men and Super Adaptoid = at least 5 Avengers.
  2. Happy early birthday BHM! I appreciate you!
  3. Luke. These are fng amazing bud, excellent work. You've outdone yourself. I'm very excited to get these in my grubby mitts!
  4. Oi, you speak truth. I have two, one I acquired at first-run prices, and another at... more than that but still relatively reasonable. But now they see to be precious jewels. I ultimately want three: 1 for Ursa Major, 1 for a Grizzly custom, and 1 for a Demon Bear custom which will require the sacrilege of festooning the priceless minimate with black and red paint. Back on topic: I am looking forward to seeing the Marauders! To support these mates, I feel like Scrambler and Arclight would be pretty easy QCs. Vertigo... intimidates me, as a potential custom.
  5. ...but we also got Titanium Man, so that's two. Although I'd love Red Guardian, Darkstar and Vanguard. (Kuma is basically Ursa Major)
  6. Haha thanks Luke. To a hammer everything looks like a nail, and my myopic focus on the bronze age won't allow me to imagine any other possibilities. The Legion of Losers! "Official" = Spot 3x = Kangaroo, Grizzly, The Gibbon
  7. Hmm. Masters of Evil I? "Official" = Zemo (unofficial being Radioactive Man in his hazmat suit) 3x: Radioactive Man, Black Knight, Melter Masters of Evil II? "Official" = Klaw 3x: Crimson Cowl (Ultron), Whirlwind, Melter Frightful Four? "Official" = Sandman (Walgreens) 3x: Wizard, Medusa (FF var), Trapster That's all I got for now.
  8. I love it, love it. Solo is cool looking, and I'll have many uses for his headpiece so this may merit multiple purchases. All very nice. I'm happy to see Electro back in the line, and leisure suit Octopus is a choice look from that era. Keep makin' em, I'll keep buyin' em.
  9. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I've seen the show. I wasn't aware of Kryten's origin, that's amazing, and it tracks. I have since learned that they explain away Brynocki's protean appearance with "nanites," which are one of the modern era's scientific-sounding expositional panaceas, right along with prefacing things with the word "quantum." Back in the day, I was surprised to learn that it was something as quaint as "transistor." Fun drinking game: buy the first Iron Man omnibus, and take a shot every time you read the word "transistor." The natural end to that game will arrive in 15 minutes when you're unable to read any more. [Editing to add: my all-time favorite Marvel hand-wavey macguffin is the now-prosaic "unstable molecules"]
  10. My enthusiasm for completing this wave has not waned in the least, and if anything my resolve has strengthened to carry forward with all of my nefarious MOKF schemes. But time has become challenging, so the pace has slowed a bit. And I'm probably only writing this to keep my head in the game during these down times. It's very much a non-update. "Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?" As an aside, I'm glad I never got into customizing Star Wars MiniMates, because I would probably lose my mind. I have most of the pieces I need for the next wave. It's gonzo. I love how it's coming together.
  11. +100 Hoping for the best for you & the team Zach.
  12. Re-issues, gotta be Alien right?
  13. That's ingenious! Now I want to re-do my Gateway custom...
  14. You can actually only get them on Royal Caribbean voyages. Because they're cruiseshipferous vegetables. 🤦‍♂️
  15. Brocc Ock is still a winner in my book. Never say never!
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