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  1. That Reed looks fantastic! I also wish they'd release a Sue to match the Best Of Reed too. And a Trapster/Wizard two-pack. And boxed sets of the classic Inhumans! And... !
  2. But there's still so much of them that's been untreaded. The Inhumans, the Frightful Four, Atlantis, Future Foundation. The FF is just my favorite marvel property and I don't wanna see them fade into obscurity because Josh Trank couldn't make a movie out of them.
  3. Same. We can't be mad at them for giving us what we asked for when they can. Besides the Royal Family of Inhumans (mostly Crystal LBH), BOE Rogue, say a slight prayer for the Imperial Guard (with Shiar warriors and Lilandra/Deathbird/Vulcan), StarJammers,Mimic, Hellfire Club, Reavers, Gen X and 90's X-Factor they have pretty much annihilated the X-men want lists most of us have. For Avengers the only major Avengers that have been ignored are Captain Genis and Mockingbird. They pretty much give us what we want all the time. The only things that I am pissed about that I probably will never get over is the X-Factor Red Angel debacle (which was in our favor since one can use an Archangel) and the whole DCu/CW license issue. But that's mostly because I am petty and still can't believe it happened even almost 10 years later.
  4. Minimate BAFs? I was not expecting that. While I was hoping to get a more classic alt. GR, that's incredible news. I really hope it isn't just a wave 75 anniversary thing. I didn't think I needed another Punisher, but this one turned out well, and I'm definitely getting Moon Knight. Purple Man is fantastic. Getting Jessica makes sense, but she looks so close to her MCU version. This jacket's nicer, I guess. Matt's ANAD costume is a really nice design and it translated well. Ghost Driver looks great too, and it's always good to get new characters. To be honest, I kind of hate Adidas Iron Fist & Uncle Phil Luke Cage as costumes, but their minimates look fine, and it's good to complete the current "Defenders". I'm not that interested in Quake, as I'm not a fan of SHIELD or the Inhumans. Still, she looks like an easy modification to Maria Hill (who I never got) and there's no way I could pass up a minimate BAF. I guess she's in the wave because of Reyes also being on AoS, but she still seems a little out of place. The Walgreens Ragnarok minimates look nice too...
  5. That list doesn't even include Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and Wasp, the Inhumans or any of the TV show characters (Netflix/AoS)!
  6. Inhumans may be important, but until recently, they were not particularly well-known, except individually, in connection with other groups: Black Bolt/Illuminati, Medusa/Frightful Four, Crystal/Fantastic Four.
  7. I'm normally an apologist for animated looks as sufficient for 616, but in this case the costume is significantly different from the classic version(s). Though I'll probably buy this one & try to QC a classic look. For the record, I'll add my voice to those humbly suggesting that the Inhumans are important enough as a team to merit truly classic executions, to go along with their brethren in the Avengers, X-Men et al. They wore their classic looks for a couple decades at least, so I hope DST is able, eventually, to get to them. Even if it's a slow trickle (e.g. Black Bolt and Lockjaw). But also for the record, DST has not abandoned us fans of the classics by any means (see: wave 68, wave 69, XvBrotherhood box set...), so I'm sure with a steadily decreasing target list of bronze age Marvels, we'll eventually see these 'mates.
  8. Sorry if you are insulted by my opinion. I have stated it before. I was surprised when you thought I was talking about some second Medusa and not the Medusa we just announced. I'm sure we'll see more Inhumans in some form.
  9. I just want a classic 616 Medusa to go with my classic 616 Black Bolt. I'll take the animated versions, too. I just like teams that are complete and in a consistent style. This is will be the second time DST has started The Inhumans.
  10. Yeah, I suppose that makes more sense. I'll have to get my Inhumans fix elsewhere, but at least the piece will be available.
  11. These look awesome the only weird thing I thought why were we getting green goblin again, so I guess I could have live without that abomination but its still cool to get. Of course now I want the rest of the Inhumans (but I wanted them before anyway lol)
  12. Ummm... Comic Guardians springs to mind, as we'd get rocket and groot together, securing nine characters, but I don't know who the '09er would be. Moon Knight, Mar-Vell, Scorpion, Tarantula, Swordsman, Black Bolt, Molecule Man, Spider Woman, Moonstone, Union Jack, Cloak, Dagger, Spymaster, Kraven, Ska'ar Ska'ar isn't relevant and Cloak or Dagger alone would be weird. Revisiting Black Bolt would be weird without finally bringing the other Inhumans to life. Moon Knight and Spider Woman are, to the best of my knowledge, the only two who really have a modern presence. So... how do we get nine characters?
  13. I've never really cared much about the Inhumans, but Medusa and Crystal are pretty crucial characters in the Marvel universe. It'd be nice if Crystal came with an Avengers jacket. Hopefully if we get them, we'll see new versions of Black Bolt and Lockjaw. Their previous versions are pretty hard to find. After those four, I can't think of any classic Inhumans that would interest me. I guess Karnak has a pretty interesting look.
  14. If we're talking 616 Inhumans, then all the other disappointments are forgiven!
  15. Inhumans are coming, comic-based Predator 'mates are a possibility, and Marvel animated characters do not preclude comic book incarnations. Plus the usual disappointments here!
  16. 616 Inhumans Funko Pops!!!! Come on, DST - surely if Funko can have a go of 616 looks with the announcement of the TV series, you can slip Medusa and Crystal into a wave?
  17. I doubt the Celestials were part of the X-Men license. Fantastic Four on the other hand... that's possible. But it's really fuzzy, the Kree first appeared in Fantastic Four, yet they are in the MCU. Skrulls are Fox. So are the Badoon for some odd reason. How the Inhumans were not part of the FF deal also baffles. So whether we're dealing with a Celestial Homage or an actual 1000 ft giant, we'll probably have to wait till November.
  18. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Sigh... yes that's true. But then Agents is full of original characters, a few name dropped people who bore no resemblance to their comics counterparts, and a relative newbie. When it became apparent Ike and ABC had no intention of selling the merchandising rights, clamor for a 616 Quake was as good as we could have hoped for. We didn't, show has held on by it's fingernails four the last 3 seasons, so there's nothing to really tie into. Ghost Rider was a big hit this year, so maybe 616 Ghost Reyes has a good chance of making into a future wave. BUT, if against the odds Inhumans becomes a runaway hit show, the odds of the 616 Royal Family getting some minimate love goes up exponentially.
  19. MisterPL

    wave 74

    Not unless it's on Netflix. Ask Agents of SHIELD. The last Coulson 'mate we got was based on a cartoon. Maybe if the Inhumans got an animated series...
  20. Nope. Inhumans was always a Pearlman pet project. It got pulled movie schedule the Kevin and Ron breakup happened. Which is the real rason that Disney doesn't want admit that the TV and movie side ignores each other.
  21. I'll have to double-check the timeline but it's interesting that Marvel Studios decided to take Inhumans off their movie schedule and put it on television around the same time they allowed Fox to start putting X-Men shows on TV. I have to wonder which team will be replacing Inhumans in movie theaters and what concession Fox made to get approval to do Legion, et al.
  22. Like I said, a lot of other comic fans I know, around my age group, have their gripes about inhumans already. So not only is there no support from casual fans, there are comic book fans that don't care for the inhumans already because they're perceived as trying to replace the x-men. Im not complaining at all about them trying to make the inhumans into a show or movie, I guess I could why you thought that though. Of course them making b-c list movies is what I want, obviously. I was talking more so about the cheap looking special effects, bad costuming choices, just overall low budget look from a corporate juggernaut. I want to see more comic related stuff on the TV but the shows look like their budget is not up to par. One of the main complaints of Iron Fist was that the budget couldn't even support showing Shou Lao. The Cloak and Dagger trailer looks like it'll focus on them becoming Cloak and Dagger, possibly to get out of using special effects as much as possible. Agents of Shield is about the only network show I can think of where it fits because they don't NEED as much of a budget. My main point was that it looks cheap and like not enough work went into it. I definitely get what you mean about Disney being "too big to fail" and of course I think they'll try to milk the superhero genre as much as they can or as long as it's profitable. The thing is that They're obviously skipping out on putting the money needed for this show and I think it'll bite them in the ass.
  23. So wait, you're worried we won't see obscure stuff like Defenders or Midnight Sons because Marvel is taking chances on... obscure stuff like Inhumans? I feel like, by and large, Marvel doesn't really "take chances" any more; they are part of the Disney marketing juggernaut and are able to compel things through sheer force of corporate will to be exactly as successful as they need to be to recoup cost. Other than the Iron Fist critical grumbling, I can't think of any MCU projects that have made people ask "wow, do they have their head on straight with this?" They tease stuff, people ask "is the magic going to work this time," then of course the magic works, because Disney is like a black hole that bends the laws of entertainment to itself. It'll be fine. Black Bold will blow some stuff up with his voice, Karnak will do some awesome kung fu shit, and everyone will be memeing Lockjaw and his non-tuning-fork tuning fork.
  24. I think the problem with Marvel trying to push properties like Inhumans that already doesn't have a big casual fan base or is divisive within the comic community because of the whole "replacing mutants" thing, is that for one it looks like they just don't know what they're doing. (At least in my opinion). The effects are cheap- LockJaw doesn't even look like he has a tuning fork on his head it just looks like some flat piece of metal stuck on him. Trying to push these properties and then playing fast and loose might be what finally kills the whole superhero franchise. Marvel/Disney is probably gonna take a hit on this and it might cause them to reevaluate their whole strategy with these movies. Especially with Downey and Evans hanging it up soon. I'm a huge fan of Carol Danvers but even in the comics she struggles to hold a solo series, do any of us really see her leading the movies? Holland could but there's already immense support for "kill him after 3 movies, kill him, kill him" not to mention the whole Sony thing. Boseman could help lead it but he's already 40 so he might have another 10 years or so. I don't know. Just worrisome cause I want more good comic entertainment and this just doesn't look good. I'm looking forward to series that could never happen otherwise like the defenders or even a midnight sons show and that won't happen if stuff like this tanks.
  25. One of the good things to come from studios other than Marvel owning big film properties like X-Men, F4 and Spider-Man is that we are getting to see things that might never have been produced otherwise. I can't imagine the push for things like Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy or possibly even Jessica Jones in a world where Marvel was pouring all it's efforts into the old money spinners. I'm hoping that this turns out to be better than the trailer leads us to believe. I actually want the decisions Marvel has been 'forced' to take to pay off - ie: investment in 'other' franchises.
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