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  1. The Walgreens version was from the second movie, but she had the first movie's look when she was on Deadpool's Mercs for Money team. If this set's version looks like that, they'll be pretty different.
  2. Well, of those four only Cobra Commander is on the cover that seems to be DST's inspiration, although I know Scarlett also has her own book. It sounds like Snake Eyes hasn't shown up at all, maybe because his movie flopped. I guess it could just be the four corner box heads, but I bet there'll be at least one new character. Not Road Pig, though.
  3. Is it two hero updates and Deadpool, or is he one of them?
  4. Oh wait, it's got to be Negasonic Teenage Warhead, right? Cable seems like a safe guess for the third hero. Has Deadpool fought Cassandra Nova in the comics? What about Black Tom Cassidy?
  5. Zach said there's no Wolverine in this set, which makes me think Maverick is unlikely, too, since Team X Logan would be an obvious choice to go with him.
  6. Marvel Boy could be skipped over, and done as an alternate look for Justice or Vance Astro in an Avengers or Guardians set, maybe.
  7. The Greatest Stories Old Man Logan did also have a younger alternate head. No hat, though.
  8. I was expecting the Yellowjacket analogue from DC's Champions of Angor, so maybe this could be his Rita DeMara.
  9. I had figured the Sinister in the Inferno set was the one from that set, and meant it was being split up, but comparing them they are somewhat different. Same new cape, though.
  10. Maybe this could be a place for the rest of the X-Men TAS set, with another redone X-Man (Gambit?) and a new villain (Black Tom, to go with Juggernaut?).
  11. Bendis Uncanny X-Men to go with Cyclops, maybe?
  12. It'd be nice if that were the upcoming Deadpool set, with him in the fifth slot.
  13. At first I thought there was a Sin City character mixed in with these.
  14. Are there characters from the cartoon left unmade? Maybe this'll follow the Neca line with other toy characters, or more recent Forgotten Realms stuff.
  15. They're small things, but I'd like a classic Thor with both muscle detailing and the lowest two discs on the legs, the cape with shoulder pads, and a metallic helmet.
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