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New Licenses, What would YOU like to see Minimated ?

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So i posted this once over at the Minimates Central board so i thought i would bring it up over here.

What would you like to see get the Minimate treatment ?

I was thinking maybe Terry Pratchett's Discworld because i think there's SO many excellent characters to choose from. The Watch (Cmmdr Vimes, Sgt Detritus, Cpt Carrot, Sgt Angua von Ãœberwald) or the Witches (Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Magrat Garlick, Agnes Nitt) and what would be my ultimate figures, Death (Death, Albert, Susan and possibly The Death Of Rats) - (Don't quite know how they could translate The Death Of Rats into a Minimate body though) to name just a few...

Or what about Final Fantasy VII ? How cool would a two pack of Cloud Strife & Sephiroth be ? Or maybe Barret & Tifa ?

Interview With The Vampire would be an excellent choice as far as i'm concerned, as would be The Crow

So come on people, what would YOU like to see Minimated ?

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100%, absolutely:


Just do it.

Do it.

No-no-no ... DO it.

Do it.


Do it.

After that ...

Star Wars would be incredible ... and very dangerous. Loot-loot-loot.

A "Movie Maniacs" / "Cult Classics" style line would be so flippin cool too ... w/





and other random cult movie icons.

... yeah

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Its my opinion that the minimate style works best when dealing with colorful characters, such as heroes and villains. LotR was just too plain for my taste, as most of the figures were just human-like characters in drab clothing.

As for picking licenses, anything based off of a novel is a good bet, because there is no 100% concrete image of the character to base your likeness off of. This opens the door for vast part reuse, which is very appealing to the Powers That Be.

Basing characters off of video games, movies, and television gets trickier. For one, they each have distinctive looks that will be highly scrutinized by the fanbase that collects them. Secondly, depending on the property, you find yourself working with a limited number of characters. As cool as FFVII would be, there's only a handful of recognizeable characters. Same with most horror movies. Combining several properties into one line would work, but that can be licensing hell.

As far as dream lines, I'd love to see some Wheel of Time, Metal Gear Solid, Supreme Power, Wanted (comic, not show), Ghost in the Shell, DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, and more.

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Gimme a series of one-shot boxed sets featuring the main characters from the following properties:

Mystery Men


The Authority

The Endless

The Goon

The Tick

Blade Runner

Ex Machina


Austin Powers

Men in Black

None of these would have to be bigger than the 10-pack Toys "R" Us offered in the Marvel line.

As for more epic, ongoing licenses, I'd still like to see:

Star Trek

Flash Gordon



...and God help me, Star Wars.

Adding Pirates of the Caribbean to the list. MegaBloks just ain't doin' it for me though they've got some attractive construction sets.

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It'll never happen because of how old the original books and the film are but what about Dune ?

Oh and Flash Gordon ? YES!!!!

As long as they was based on the 1980's film and not the original comic strip or Saturday morning cinema serial...

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These should be Minimatizeds...

Shaun of the Dead

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Mystery Men (I second the mothion)

Golden Girls (which would have to include a nude Bea Arthur variant)

I still think a Movie Maniacs/Cult Classics line of main characters from various movies would be the best possible line of Minimates ever.

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Welll these are some of the top of my head I would LOVE in order of their importance



Dune (the books are old but sci-fi just did a couple of mini series that were great a few years ago that should fit in with AA's timing )

And I have a set of I-men in these characters but Thundarr the barbarian would rock (complete with the horses they rode around on)

The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (I miss Douglas Adams :( ) I'd also settle for a Dirk Gently set assuming it included Thor!

I could think of more but those 5 properties would make me giddy as a school girl

And a after thought a T-R-U 10 pack featuring Dr.Seuss would be crazy cool: Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, A couple of Sneetches (one with a star on his belly one without) Sam I am, And maybe 5 assorted creatures from things like If I ran the Zoo/Circus

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ok I'll play...

We're already getting one of my would love to see minimated lines in BSG so I'm real happy there, as for new stuff well...

Star Wars is a given, and would so be a killer App for minimates.

Lost would be cool, who doesn't want a 2" Locke? - the only problem with these is they are regular peeps so might end up looking drab if not done carefully.

Aliens would be very cool, several block fig companies have made aliens but I want colonial marines, they could do two packs with a character such as Ripley,hicks or Bishop and either a marine or alien army builder. IF it's successfull they could expand to the other alien films...

ok one last one how about... Zombies, no not the marvel kind just lots and lots of regular eat your brains zombies.. it'd be cool cos even if there were 6 or 8 different zombies you could use the parts to make many many more unique zombies I want hundreds of them :D


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ok one last one how about... Zombies, no not the marvel kind just lots and lots of regular eat your brains zombies.. it'd be cool cos even if there were 6 or 8 different zombies you could use the parts to make many many more unique zombies I want hundreds of them :D

I doubt we'd ever see a zombie army builder, but it would be cool to get a monster set, featuring all the classic characters, be it Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, Wolfman, Mummy, Zombie, etc. It would be an interesting set to release around October or so. Toss in a Freddy vs. Jason 2-pack and you've got most of your top notch horror covered. (I leave Leatherface, Michael Myers, Pinhead, and the lot out because Freddy and Jason are the only real name brand horror icons to co-exist, which would cut a lot of corners in licensing woes)

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Okay, my two cents . . .

Firefly/Serenity - I've seen the custom concepts on this board, so I know I'm not the only one who thinks these could be cool.

Heroes could be interesting as well if done properly.

Fifth Element - this is another one I've heard discussed which could do really well in the cult classics sort of way.

There's countless others, but those are the ones which pop to mind.

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Only problem with Jay and Silent Bob is that you'd only get one set out of it. It would make an awesome con exclusive though.

yea but id cherish them though :P

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Ok I know we're all anticipating BSG I know I'm looking forward to having Spidey kick the snot out of the whole cylon army but I just have two words... Wilma Dearing. Y'know from Buck Rogers? I mean who wouldn't want a Wilma Dearing in theor pocket? She's way hotter than Carrie Fisher, even after a bought with bulemia! C'mon!!!!

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Star Wars , Indiana Jones , Planet Of The Apes , Final Fantasy , Legend Of Zelda & The Beatles , to name a few. Also maybe a Movie Maniacs style line with Freddy , Jason , Terminator , Crow , Edward Scissorhands, Robocop and other characters that you probably wouldn't get a whole line dedicated to.

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Ok I know we're all anticipating BSG I know I'm looking forward to having Spidey kick the snot out of the whole cylon army but I just have two words... Wilma Dearing. Y'know from Buck Rogers? I mean who wouldn't want a Wilma Dearing in theor pocket? She's way hotter than Carrie Fisher, even after a bought with bulemia! C'mon!!!!

ahhhhh Wil :wub::wub::wub: ma,

You're right she still looks pretty good, she turns up at all the big conventions and I always go through the has been autograph area at SDCC to spot the freaks celebrites who are past their prime and are desperatly attention seeking and clinging in to the lil fame they once had.


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