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Even though it's ending soon?

No it's not. Ultimate Fantastic Four and Ultimate X-Men is ending. After this all falls apart, they're coming in with a continuation of Ultimate Spider-Man, New Ultimates, and the most badass-looking comic ever: Ultimate Avengers (Written by the original Ultimates creator: Mark Millar.)

So the Ultimate Universe isn' done yet, it's just hitting it's first really major crossover.

And a LOT of them are probably going to die.

Wait...i though that Ult. Spidey was to end at 133?? Huh...

Anyway, not to change the topic, but has anyone been following DC's Trinity?? I used to, but it just started to lag for a bit. I might have to again now that they've introduced

The Dark Trinity; evil Wonder Woman is hot 8)

I've also just started reading Marvel's NYX: No Way Home (just as its final issue came out <.<) and am LOVING every page, both the art and the story. So yeah, besides all that other Dark Reign stuff, BSG, Masquerade, and Locke and Key, that's what i'm reading. ;)

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Just to further clarify the Ultimates thing, the Ultimate line is just relaunching and rebranding itself as Ultimate Comics after the Ultimatum event. All current titles are ending (FF, X-Men, Spidey, Ultimates).

Only three books have been confirmed as coming out of Ultimatum. Spidey’s title is, I believe, called Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, which will continue where Ultimate Spider-Man left off but with a new shiny #1! New Ultimates and Ultimate Avengers will be there too, but I don’t know if they are being called Ultimate Comics New Ultimates and Ultimate Comics Avengers. And I think I went over my daily quota of using the word “ultimate” for one day.

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Being part of a community, some day is the very day you involuntarily have to come out of the closet with your secret you somehow wished to keep secret. As long as it goes. But then, that very day just arrives.

Well, here's my outing: I never read a Deadpool story in my whole life!


Now I want to give him a chance. So any recommendations with which one - I do prefer trade paperback form - I should start?

Edited by Bob Harris
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I never read a Deadpool story in my whole life!


Me either. :lol:

I'm really not sure if Deadpool has any essential stand-alone TPBs of his own, as most of his comic appearances have him tied up with the events of whatever big Marvel crossover is going on at a time.

However, I have been reading a LOT of hilarious Demi Moore-related wikiquotes from that Cable & Deadpool series, so I guess that's a good place to start. There are also some of his solo series' Secret Invasion tie-ins (where he sabotages a whole fleet of Skrull Deadpool copies *giggle*), not to mention his upcoming oneshots and Dark Reign tie-ins.

But this is just me and my sketchy stock knowledge. Can we get a real Deadpool comics master in the house?

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*PHEW* So I'm not the only one! :P Oh well, today I just read the three issues of Deadpool in Secret Invasion, haha!

To be honest, my minimate addiction is holding me back from comics so I only get these:

Trinity (Which I'm VERY far behind on)

Ghost Rider

Green Arrow & Black Canary

Thor (In which #600 pwns :buttrock: )

and X-Men Noir

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In an attempt to save money I've cut back all of my comic purchases to four titles.

It just so happens that they are all DC.

-Secret Six

This comic follows a group of supervillains who've been together since just before Infinite Crisis. While the cast rotates regular members are Catman, Scadal Savage, Ragdoll & Deadshot.

Other members have or are: Bane, Harley Quinn, Mad Hatter, ParaDemon, Cheshire, Knockout & Tarantula.

It's a great story that uses what DC is best for: Nobody characters.

-Green Lantern

Not for a beginner reader, Green Lantern is, in my opinion the best comic on the shelves. Geoff Johns has totally reinvented the concept of the hero and turned into it's own deep mythology. The fact that it is building towards Blackest Night (this summer) makes this the book I most look forward to every month.

-Green Lantern Corps

While not nearly the read GL is, it is also building towards Blackest Night and a neccessity in GL continuity.

-Legion of 3 Worlds

Extremely frustrating, this book was supposed to be over already but it keeps getting bumped back. Why stay with it? It's freaking awesome! Most people who aren't die-hard DC fans don't even know about the Legion of Superheroes (the Justice League of the Future), that doesn't stop Geoff Johns from weaving one of the most awesome conclusions to a hero/villain out there. That's right, this is the conclusion to Superboy Prime's story and is loaded with all kinds of other surprises. It's easy to get into for beginners too. Even if you've never heard of the Legion before, Geoff writes it like an encyclopedia of the future.

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I'm STILL too poor to properly start immersing myself in comics, so for now I only have my TPBs of Watchmen (which reminds me... my friend still has my copy) and Inhumans to fall back on. I am pretty intrigued by War Of Kings and Dan Slott's Mighty Avengers though... might just try those out when I save up some dough.

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Dan Slott's Mighty Avengers though...

Forgett about those wimps, the New Avengers are the real deal! :P

I don't have that much time to read comics, being a student at university I do have to (but like to as well) read tons of other stuff, too. Maybe for that reason I do like One-Shots very much (Like - of course - Watchmen, but also the Dark Knight and Year One Batman stories by Miller.) I started reading Marvel - after over a decade passed by I guess-, since the Civil War emerged.

Currently I'm following the adventures of the New Avengers, Death of Cap America and the Amazing Spiderman somehow. But I'm far behind. (Secret Invasion is about to start! :ohmy:) And right now, as you know, I'm trying to get my hands on Deadpool.

But you might like some non-superhero stuff as well, Raider. I do really love Blankets by Craig Thompson - which even my girlfriend read and loved and she's not into comics! -, I just read To The Heart Of The Storm by Will Eisner, Mouse Guard by David Petersen - which is lovely but pretty short - and some stuff by French artist Lewis Trondheim, Canadian Guy Delisle, Austrian Nicolas Mahler and Norwegian John Arne Sæterøy.


Edit: Oh, and I totally forgot about the Action Philosophers! These are superb. (You know them karamazov? AS a soon to be Ph.D.?)

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I am really enjoying The End League from Dark Horse.

Here is a review of the Volume 1 trade.

I somewhat agree with the reviewer on the story. However instead of stilted and jarring, I think the character transitions require a willingness to think a little bit more on the reader's part. This isn't a Superman book. The characters are much more nuanced and developed than they seem in Volume 1. I'm halfway through Volume 2 (since up to issue six has been released so far, Volume 2 collects up to issue eight). The story is gripping, feels like something worth reading, and peels back deeper layers of complexity.

Astonishman is Superman, and yet the more you read he isn't.

Codename Black is Batman, and yet the more you read he isn't.

The Arachkid is Spider-man, and yet the more you read he isn't.

The End League characters are a pathetic, defeated, broken down version of the DC and Marvel heroes. And yet, you see the flicker of true heroism in their actions. It's almost like ... they win even as they fail. Hard to explain, I know.

If the "Old Man Logan" storyline is even remotely interesting to you, you will enjoy The End League. It doesn't pull punchs like the Wolverine story. And The Prairie Ghost frickin rocks hard core! I need a Minimate of him!

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As of a few weeks ago, my dear friend Mariza and i have been enjoying Gerard Way's Umbrella Academy. Gotta say, it's a really awsome series. And White Violin is hot... :luv:

Also, i recently got into that new Deadpool series. I love Deadpool and all, and even more now than ever, but

WTF he's working for Skrulls?!?!?!

I know that i'm still early on from the SI timeframe, but still, it's a risky move to make. Good series all the more, though, and it has me hooked.

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I just picked up a copy of War of Kings #1 at the comic store yesterday, finished it while waiting for Watchmen to start.

Still can't quite tell what plot elements are worth mentioning to those not following the series but...

It looks like they're trying to make the Crystal-Ronan the Accuser romance

authentic? WTH?


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I never read a Deadpool story in my whole life!

I just started to read the Cable&Deadpool saga from it's beginning and I really like the both of them as an odd couple. (Deadpool even mentions that he does look like Ryan Renolds (see the upcoming Wolverine movie). In fact like Renolds crossed with a Shar-Pei.)

So, I'm no Deadpool virgin anymore. Just wanted to make that clear.

And by the way, I read about an idea to make a comicbook trade it forward thread somewhere in the 'verse sometime ago.

Is anyone interested in that? I think it would work pretty well with tradepaperbacks as the offers' primarily content.

What do you all think? If a few boardies are in it, I'd start a new thread in the flea market section.

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And by the way, I read about an idea to make a comicbook trade it forward thread somewhere in the 'verse sometime ago.

Is anyone interested in that? I think it would work pretty well with tradepaperbacks as the offers' primarily content.

What do you all think? If a few boardies are in it, I'd start a new thread in the flea market section.

I would be interested in some kind of "comic trade" system. However, I don't think the "trade it forward" idea is the best. I know it worked for some people, but at a certain point, it always ends up being somebody throwing their extra crap that no one wants up there, and the thread stays stagnant until someone gets selfless and accepts the offer just for the sake of keeping the thread going.

I've got a bunch of comics and TPBs that I would certainly be willing to trade out for others, though.

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Most definitely, BHM.

PS.: What do you think? Time for a new avatar?

(Every single time I read one of your posts right now, I do read (subconsciously) your avatar as a negative 'emoticon' - that's the way we call those smileys in these days, right? - to illustrate your feeling on your comment. That leaves me irritated. A lot.)

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I've just been reading the Marvel One Shot 'Captain America-Theatre of War' entitled 'America The Beautiful' which is set in WW2 prior to & during D-Day,Operation Neptune which some of you guys perhaps might not know was the largest amphibious landing of troops of all time . This invasion of Nazi-controlled Europe on June 6th 1944 was no doubt only possible due to the fantastic sacrifice of tens of thousands of young American soldiers & is definitely from my vantage the US's finest hour.

The story written by Paul Jenkins is actually a very moving story of an ordinary GI who Cap converts through encouragement & example from a supposed-coward to a war-hero .

It's a good story & worth reading although it is massively flawed by one glaring error which appears on page 16 in the text above the pictures of Cap & GIs in a D-Day landing craft......"On a brisk morning in July we came in towards a stretch of Normandy beach.....nicknamed 'Omaha'..."

I am not a geek-historian who knows all sorts of obscure dates....... but I know that one. What a bloody awful mistake.

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