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Wave 37 Spidey/lizard, profx/warpath, thing/doombot

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So i don't think it's been brought up, but is anyone else looking at this Wave and Wave 36 and thinking "so THAT'S where the SDCC budget went??" :confused: I'm seeing like everything with new sculpted parts, even down to thngs like hairpieces, Madndarin's robe, Thing, Charlie's Hoverchair, and keep thinking "is this why there's so many reuses in those boxed sets??"

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We're so much closer to completing the 90s X-Men as well as Excalibur with 90s Professor X here and the 90s X-Men boxset having Bishop and Jubilee, I hope to somehow maybe see 90s Colossus/Forge...Mr. Sinister/Omega Red...and a Nightcrawler/Meggan sometime soon.

Maybe wave 38? ^_^

Edited by MST3KFan
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Remember how some stores like BBTS were raising their minimate prices? Well they must have gotten advance notice of a price raise, because DST just raised the prices of minimates for retailers by over 20%, which is quite a price hike!

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I agree, as long as we see the quality (and accessories), I'm okay with a price hike. Heck, while you're at it, make each head with 2 different expressions (like the old Buffy Palz). Let's see more bases (like Phoenix or gitd Slimer) and flight stands, too.

Grandpa Simpson said it best, when walking into the Social Security office: "I'm old! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

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Will the price hike affect preorders with you for this wave, or is it going into place on the next wave?

Also, are they still saying September in the solicits? The display card at SDCC said November for this wave.

The pre-orders will honor the original prices. And I only raised my prices by about 10% on that wave for now. It just looked wrong to go any higher than that.

The solicits have indeed been changed to November 1st. I will update the store release dates tonight to reflect this.

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20%? Cripes, that's a big jump!

Yeah, in a general sense, a price hike I understand and can deal with. But a 20% jump seems outrageous. What, is DST turning into Mattel now?

Edited by karamazov80
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If it means that the quality will be better than some of the stuff that has come out recently I am willing to pay an extra dollar or two.

I truly hope that theory is right because it can't be a guarantee until they are in our hands. haha. A couple bucks...Sure totally, for a better product. However, if minimates go the way of say kubricks or bearbricks,(decent looking and creative but clearly catering to a niche of collectors who are wiling to pay 10+ for 1, and in the end, cost 50 cents to make) my wallet will have a hard time keeping up. lol.

I really want to believe that this is not the case and for our extra cash we will see goblin gliders a plenty, multiple heads, and an air stand for every mate that can fly, or even jump pretty high. :D

Edited by spyder00013
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I think that a 20% price rise is steep , unfortunate & will hurt us all. However I don't know about you guys but just about everything in my world is going up in price so should we be that surprised?

Maybe this thread's interesting detour away from W37 might be catered for in another thread?

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Considering the yuan's gradual climb against the dollar, and the increasing demand for better pay among Chinese workers, I'm not sure this is as much a profit-centered price hike as a drop in buying power. I have a feeling all of the little plastic trinkets we buy from China – from Minimates to iPhones – are going to have increasingly higher price tags.

To fix the quality problem DST may be taking their work to a different, more expensive factory. And we've seen a much more than 20% increase in parts and accessories since the early days of Minimates, but I wouldn't count on extra heads and flight stands for everyone going forward.

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Considering the yuan's gradual climb against the dollar, and the increasing demand for better pay among Chinese workers, I'm not sure this is as much a profit-centered price hike as a drop in buying power. I have a feeling all of the little plastic trinkets we buy from China – from Minimates to iPhones – are going to have increasingly higher price tags.

I was thinking something similar. The issue with demand for factory workers in China starting to out-pace supply is bound to have significant effects on the price of manufactured goods. But to me, a big jump like 20% suggests one of three things--Minimate demand is perceived to be high and DST just wants to milk this for what it is worth (doubtful, IMO); DST was not selling figures for what they should have been for awhile now, and it has finally caught up with them (the getting new factories to work for them/they haven't been making the profits they used to argument); or there has been some significant change in the recent past causing all this. Might be a combination of things.

Still, this is tough for the consumer. Honestly, I'm surprised that casual fans would pay $7.00 for two of them. If the price keeps going up, I don't know if I can see folks continuing to support the line. Us, sure. Guy who catches these out of the corner of his eye at TRU? Don't know. This isn't just a jump due to inflation, which people might be expected to accept. This is a significant change.

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If I were to pre-order 2 complete variant sets of Wave 37 Marvel Minimate sets from AFX & get them sent to my UK address would cost me just under $103 . When these arrive in the UK ,the Customs would take one look at the $103 declared value & probably charge another $30 for the pleasure of importing them into the UK from outside the EU. That makes $133 for 8 packs of Minimates ,approximately $16 per pack.

That is an example of what is possibly an extreme example of what it can cost to be a Minimate collector living in the UK.

Just saying.

Edited by buttheadsmate
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The price increase disturbs me, but I guess I'll still be looking forward to this wave. I NEED that Lizard/Spidey 2-pack. In a perfect world, a price increase would at least mean additional parts for all Minimates to provide for more display options (like extra hands and a slip-on mask for Lizard) or maybe even a build-a-Mate (not sure if that's a good idea, but it sounded good in my head before I typed it).

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