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*Spoilers* The New Star Trek *Spoilers*

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I just got home from seeing the new Star Trek movie and let me preface this with the fact that I am not a Star Trek guy. I always thought it was cheesy and lame in comparison to Star Wars. I loved this movie. Loved it. There are toss ups to the original there and the way that they incorporate Leonard Nimoy is clever. I won't get into it too far because I would hate to ruin anything for anyone but everyone should see this movie this weekend. This may turn out to be one of the best movies of the summer. I can not wait to see it again.

Edited by minimadman
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I saw it last night at a preview screening. I don't want to over-hype it, because that can lead to unreal expectations.

But sweet bleeding Andorians, this movie RULES!

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Well I just got back from Star Trek

Holy shit.

By FAR the best of the franchise and by FAR the best movie of the year so far.

And believe me, after what they did in this movie, EVERYTHING is fair game. There is NO line that cannot be crossed now. An alternate universe indeed. We are seeing a truly new Star Trek, something we have not seen before. And what they did is the event that happens in the middle of the film, you'll know it when you see it. Let's just say they boldly went where no one dared to go before.

And I love it.

Go see it.

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I actually was at a preview screening of this two weeks ago, and all I could say was WOW! Totally blew away all the expectations I had for it(which admitidly were low, but still!) The Casting for the whole movie is well done, and Simon Pegg was briliant. Definitely gonna try and see it again in the theatre

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Spoiler thread now eh?

Well now I want to know whose head exploded when Vulcan imploded?

That was... the craziest part of the whole film...

And I just have to say that this cast is the best casting I've seen since The Dark Knight, not one single main cast member I did not like. (Though Chekov was questionable in the beginning he proved himself.)

So whose head exploded at Vulcan?

Also did anyone else have an audience who cheered at "Damn it I'm a doctor not a Physicist!" and "I'm giving her all she's got!"?

I was so scared at the casting of McCoy I'll admit... but Karl Urban pulled out the best performance I've ever seen of his.

Edited by Trekker 42
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Not seen the movie yet (Sister in Law saw it last night She raved over it. We are babysitting her son for the weekend)but I nearly always agree with the guys at for movie reviews and their review of the new Trek is and also very funny. Check it out.

Spill Linky

Edited by MiniFiend UK
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What a great, fun movie.... nice way to reboot Star Trek.

I was especially impressed by the

"alternate reality" angle that basically allows them to retell the story of Kirk, Spock & Crew as an altered reality that has been changed by the appearance of Old Spock & Nero


Some of the other points of interest:

The origin of McCoy's nickname (Bones)


Kirk vs the Kobayashi Maru


Sotty's run-in with (Admiral) Archer's prize Beagle


Just lots of cool stuff, and plenty of fun action

And for those of you who aren't sure if you want to see it... all I got to say is hot Orion women in lingerie.

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I can't remember a film that had me SOOOOO riped for the first 20 minutes or so. WHAT AN OPENNING! This flick really surpassed all my expectations.

Points of interest:

The origin of Kirk's names James and Tiberius.

Kirk's beating of the Kobiashi Maru simulation.

Young Kirk's meeting of old Spock.

McCoy insulting Spock for the very first time. "you pointy ear Hobgoblin!"

Points that bothered me:

The destruction of Vulcan and Spock's mom, leading to the alteration of Trek continuity.

Spock and Uhura's relationship. "Cuirious indeed!

I'll get over the changes (eventually) and am anticipating the subsequent sequels. Now if only DST can jumpstart the Trek mates line again and get the ball rolling. This movie has definitly resparked interest forTrek for the masses.

I know DST has no rights to the new ST liecense, but if somehow that were to change, I'd love to see the following as minimate waves for the new flick.

Wave 1

  • Kirk (gold shirt) and Bones
  • Spock and Uhura
  • Nero and Pike
  • (variant ) Kirk and old Spock
Wave 2

  • Sulu and Chekov
  • Scotty and Kirk (black shirt)
  • SF academy Spock and cadet Kirk
  • (variant) HAO jump Sulu w/katana and Chekov
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After seeing it twice, I hope to badger some friends into seeing it again with me. It was so good! I had low expectations, but this film really blew me away.

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i thought i'd posted in here... obviously not (until now)

i've not enjoyed a film this much in a very, very long time... perfect. Loved it, from start to finish... loved it. The cast were great as far as i'm concerned, I enjoyed the use of Pike, Chekov made me laugh, Sulu fighting was brilliant, and that sword... where do i get one?

Kirk and Spock's relationship was brilliant to watch, and I can't wait to see how it develops in any potential sequels (lots, please, thanks). Uhara got a chance to prove she deserves her place of the bridge... shes brilliant at what she does, and I couldn't help but notice she was rather sexy. Oh, and Simon Pegg is great is anything really.

and... its an alternate reality, so no complaining about changes, etc. Klingons next? That'd be cool... s'pose, being a new continuity n' all, we could see the likes of the Borg, updating them could be... terrifying

going to see it again next week. My dad hasn't seen it yet due to work... hes a big trek fan, so i'm actually excited for him!

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i thought i'd posted in here... obviously not (until now)

i've not enjoyed a film this much in a very, very long time... perfect. Loved it, from start to finish... loved it. The cast were great as far as i'm concerned, I enjoyed the use of Pike, Chekov made me laugh, Sulu fighting was brilliant, and that sword... where do i get one?

Kirk and Spock's relationship was brilliant to watch, and I can't wait to see how it develops in any potential sequels (lots, please, thanks). Uhara got a chance to prove she deserves her place of the bridge... shes brilliant at what she does, and I couldn't help but notice she was rather sexy. Oh, and Simon Pegg is great is anything really.

and... its an alternate reality, so no complaining about changes, etc. Klingons next? That'd be cool... s'pose, being a new continuity n' all, we could see the likes of the Borg, updating them could be... terrifying

going to see it again next week. My dad hasn't seen it yet due to work... hes a big trek fan, so i'm actually excited for him!

Borg... God yes.

And of course we can have our good old Kahn back.

There are so many possibilities I almost hope it's NOT a Klingon movie next. Give us something else.

Well... maybe some Klingons. I want to see them but they don't have to be the whole point of the film.

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Ok just got back, and am supposed to be cooking dinner so will bullet point thoughts...

The way they wiped continuity was very smart and not at all jarrring, as said previosuly it gives them the ability to stay in the trek verse but tinker anything that doesn't work or is just rubbish.

I loved the random aliens on the crew, just like the old cartoon ;)

For the most part I liked the casting, as said checkov was iffy and simon peg is going to have to tone it down long term IMO.

So yeah a good movie, not quiet the best thing ever as certain Trek centric members would have you believe but well worth seeing.

One last thought... How would people feel if this 'reboot' was taken forward as a TV show instead of movies?

JJ Abrahams involvement means that people with TV smarts are already behind it and they could tell spins on classic episodes or new tales without the big need to do the big movie story every time which could get old quickly?


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i thought i'd posted in here... obviously not (until now)

i've not enjoyed a film this much in a very, very long time... perfect. Loved it, from start to finish... loved it. The cast were great as far as i'm concerned, I enjoyed the use of Pike, Chekov made me laugh, Sulu fighting was brilliant, and that sword... where do i get one?

Kirk and Spock's relationship was brilliant to watch, and I can't wait to see how it develops in any potential sequels (lots, please, thanks). Uhara got a chance to prove she deserves her place of the bridge... shes brilliant at what she does, and I couldn't help but notice she was rather sexy. Oh, and Simon Pegg is great is anything really.

and... its an alternate reality, so no complaining about changes, etc. Klingons next? That'd be cool... s'pose, being a new continuity n' all, we could see the likes of the Borg, updating them could be... terrifying

going to see it again next week. My dad hasn't seen it yet due to work... hes a big trek fan, so i'm actually excited for him!

Borg... God yes.

And of course we can have our good old Kahn back.

There are so many possibilities I almost hope it's NOT a Klingon movie next. Give us something else.

Well... maybe some Klingons. I want to see them but they don't have to be the whole point of the film.

I could only imagine airborne nanites *shudder* or they could just touch people and convert them to Borgism.

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One last thought... How would people feel if this 'reboot' was taken forward as a TV show instead of movies?

JJ Abrahams involvement means that people with TV smarts are already behind it and they could tell spins on classic episodes or new tales without the big need to do the big movie story every time which could get old quickly?


my friend heard a rumour about this and past the info onto me, my only thought was 'wow, just image!'. i couldn't see it moving to tv having been the film first, but it'd certainly be top of my 'to watch' list. I'd more than happily give up heroes to Zachary had time to do this!

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One last thought... How would people feel if this 'reboot' was taken forward as a TV show instead of movies?

JJ Abrahams involvement means that people with TV smarts are already behind it and they could tell spins on classic episodes or new tales without the big need to do the big movie story every time which could get old quickly?


my friend heard a rumour about this and past the info onto me, my only thought was 'wow, just image!'. i couldn't see it moving to tv having been the film first, but it'd certainly be top of my 'to watch' list. I'd more than happily give up heroes to Zachary had time to do this!

I'd love to see it as a series. It'd definately be a regular watch for me. Are there any of these actors too big to to dv?

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One last thought... How would people feel if this 'reboot' was taken forward as a TV show instead of movies?

JJ Abrahams involvement means that people with TV smarts are already behind it and they could tell spins on classic episodes or new tales without the big need to do the big movie story every time which could get old quickly?


my friend heard a rumour about this and past the info onto me, my only thought was 'wow, just image!'. i couldn't see it moving to tv having been the film first, but it'd certainly be top of my 'to watch' list. I'd more than happily give up heroes to Zachary had time to do this!

I'd love to see it as a series. It'd definately be a regular watch for me. Are there any of these actors too big to to dv?

Quinto used to TV and Pine is kind of no name...until this movie but I would watch the show. I watched the movie yesterday night and I have to say...Oh wait Ace Of Cakes is on...sorry Mary was giving a tour of Charm City Cakes...but I digress...anyway the movie was great even though at times it did get slow but other than those couple of slow scenes I liked it...Very well done and the effects were good. Oh and Pine and Yelchin were well acted out...

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Actually thinking about it, there is one guy I doubt will go into TV: Karl Urban. He's a bit big now after this and LOTR. I believe he's going to have a bit of a major kickoff soon.

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One last thought... How would people feel if this 'reboot' was taken forward as a TV show instead of movies?

JJ Abrahams involvement means that people with TV smarts are already behind it and they could tell spins on classic episodes or new tales without the big need to do the big movie story every time which could get old quickly?


Of course I'd like to see weekly Trek back on TV - I don't see it happening though... after Voyager and Enterprise disappointed Paramount, I'm pretty sure that they'd stick to their ST fix once every couple years on the big screen, and no more.

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