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THIS pisses me off...


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Not trying to pick a fight. That's just where i stand. I'll take Kirkman or Bendis any day over Moore.

Of course, there is no objective standard for evaluating "good" or "bad" funny book writers, and I can usually understand this pretty well. But like I said, if someone says "Alan Moore is a hack," then I can only assume that this person's tastes differ pretty substantially from my own. Probably should have left that un-posted, but it is pretty unfathomable to me. The man has a depth of understanding of human nature and story-telling that I haven't seen anywhere else in comics. In my opinion.

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it took me from july until last week to finish Watchmen. It was a good book, but VERY boring until the last five or so chapters. dont get me wrong, i loved all the characters and plot, but the book it self was not "the best graphic novel of all time". i cannot wait to see the movie however...

i really dont mind all the stupid merchandise for the movie, because all 99% of movies today, have some kind of merch/advertising

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it took me from july until last week to finish Watchmen. It was a good book, but VERY boring until the last five or so chapters. dont get me wrong, i loved all the characters and plot, but the book it self was not "the best graphic novel of all time". i cannot wait to see the movie however...

i really dont mind all the stupid merchandise for the movie, because all 99% of movies today, have some kind of merch/advertising

I'm actually quite relieved that I'm not alone .

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Not trying to pick a fight. That's just where i stand. I'll take Kirkman or Bendis any day over Moore.

Of course, there is no objective standard for evaluating "good" or "bad" funny book writers, and I can usually understand this pretty well. But like I said, if someone says "Alan Moore is a hack," then I can only assume that this person's tastes differ pretty substantially from my own. Probably should have left that un-posted, but it is pretty unfathomable to me. The man has a depth of understanding of human nature and story-telling that I haven't seen anywhere else in comics. In my opinion.

Ah, here is where we differ. I read comic books for escapism. I want to read about a man with spider powers fighting a insane man that throws exploding pumpkin, all the while marrying the beautiful girl next door. I want to hear about superheros and aliens and women drawn so that in real life their spines would snap. I want men to be men and women to be women. That is why I read comics. That is how I escape. Kirkman is a prime example of that.

Movies, otoh, I want to be dark and gritty. I want to go to a movie to think, to come away and say "huh. that was an interesting message". I don't want stuff to blow up every 2 seconds.

Unfortunately, the industries try to switch the views usually from where I stand. That's okay, there's still stuff out there for me, but I accept that I'm outside the norm. I will lay money that when I see Watchmen I will enjoy it a whole lot more than I did the comic. It's a story that appeals to me in the correct medium.

Perhaps I shouldn't have called Moore a hack. Granted, he is an unhappy troll, but that's criticizing the man, not his skill. As far as that is concerned, I've never read anything of his that I liked (except for one GL piece), and since it hasn't been just one thing, I think I'm entitles to say I don't like him and that he has no skill. At least none that appeals to me.

Back to the subject at hand, I wouldn't appreciate Watchmen minimates like some people would. But I'd still get them because they're minimates.

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I actually like a variety of Moore's work incl Watchmen and find it odd people were bored with watchman (Not you dinobot, I get the feeling you have the attention span of a goldfish fresh back from a labotomy... in fact did you even get to the end of this sentence? ;):) * you know I'm just hamming up your sterotype right?*).

I enjoy reading stuff with depth, flavor and subtext. Comic books shouldn't always be about over muscled people slapping each other silly, even as escapism they should make you think or you are simply masterbating with your eyes, It feels good but you dont get anything from it.

Having said that people have different tastes... My pet comic writer hate is Grant Morrison...


Back on Topic...

Watchmen BearBricks... Booo

Watchmen Minimates... Yay


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If you are going to put something out in mass media, whether in print or film, and it is successful, someone will want to use its popularity to sell something. The only way around this is to maintain all rights to your 'something'. Alan Moore may hate every version of what has come after what he made, but he allowed it. He is making money. He sold his rights. He may hate Watch'bricks' or even Watch'mates' but he is getting his shilling and bitching too.

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As long we we're throwing out opinions, I might as well share mine too. I have great respect and admiration for Alan Moore's work. With that said, most of the time I would rather read about the Fantastic Four making a journey into the Negative Zone, or Iron Man tinkering in his workshop. I have to be in a very specific mood to read Moore's work, and oddly its the same mood that makes me want to listen to Pink Floyd. That mood only strikes me a handful of times every year. Whereas I can enjoy more mainstream comics almost any day of the week.

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As long we we're throwing out opinions, I might as well share mine too. I have great respect and admiration for Alan Moore's work. With that said, most of the time I would rather read about the Fantastic Four making a journey into the Negative Zone, or Iron Man tinkering in his workshop. I have to be in a very specific mood to read Moore's work, and oddly its the same mood that makes me want to listen to Pink Floyd. That mood only strikes me a handful of times every year. Whereas I can enjoy more mainstream comics almost any day of the week.

Have you checked out Tom Strong? Fun, escapist stuff, and quite good. From Supreme, to Top Ten, to Watchmen, to Swamp Thing, I think Moore has great range, personally, and different works that fit different moods.

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What. The. F***.

Seriously, someone at DC thinks Watchmen Bearbricks will sell better than Minimates?

As if the DC Cosbabies weren't insulting enough, not they throw this poo at our faces.

2009 better bring forth the return of DC Minimates, via DCD or DST or whomever. I just can't stand these other super-cute abominations.

They're not even cute...

I'm with you, man. WTF?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know, the Kubricks actually look kind of cool in my opinion. HOWEVER, I think Watchmen 'mates would look even cooler. Who wouldn't want a little Nite Owl 'mate?

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[stomps around forum erratically shaking fists and grinding teeth]

Whine. Bitch. Complain.

It's not the end of the world. Calm down man, they're toys, there are much more pressing matters in this world. Besides, we already knew the mates would never happen(Seeing as they don't have the rights and all) and they have to get money/milk the franchise some how. While yes, mates would most likely sell better you don't have to hate on the product so much just because they aren't minimates.

Edited by McDurg
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