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Marvel Minimates Wish List


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16 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

Well, the lineups for Homecoming and Vol 2 seem pretty complete, and I don't think Ragnarok will be quite big enough for a second wave. There might be enough characters, but looking at the main cast, it's not quite on the level of Age of Ultron or Civil War.

Have they told us how they will release Drax and Nebula? TRU or comic shop exclusive?

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I think because this way Yondu is at LCS (he was a TRU exclusive with vol. 1) and Gamora and Nebula are at TRU (they were both specialty only with vol. 1 and DST caught flack for no females when TRU hit first).

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13 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

Comic shops get:

Star-Lord & Yondu

Gamora & Rocket w/ baby Groot

Mantis & Taserface

Ego & Ayesha

TRU gets:

Star-Lord & Yondu

Gamora & Rocket w/ baby Groot

Drax & Nebula

So room for expansion, and barring any big character reveals, I'm sure we'll see those characters; whether it be an exclusive or in another wave. 

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1 hour ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Those are the confirmed releases, and I don't see any real standouts that are missing.

Well, with the absence of Drax, Nebula, Wonder Man (Nathan Fillion), and no Sly mate, there is a chance we might see more mates from this movie in the form of an exclusive or another wave.  Add in the main antagonist and some goons and you're one character away from another wave. Of course, they could skip those characters altogether. Who knows? It seems like this is all still up in the air. We might find out more at Toy Fair. 

Edited by MiniMCMotu
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5 hours ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

I'm hoping 76 will be released this year to help balance out the three movie waves.

 Well, even if it is, it'll be released close to December or so... At least the Wolverine Wave is ace. And, TBH, I'm kinda curious about the Ragnarok Wave. Hela looked very comic accurate in the Concept Art, and there are a lot of Thor villains that are supposedly in this flick.

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On 2/4/2017 at 11:26 AM, CortherX said:

i thought i heard Wonder Man is just on a poster in the background?

yeah, there's apparently a Simon Williams film festival at some point in the film with posters of his fictional movies. I don't think Fillion is actually in the movie or has any lines. it's just James Gunn having some fun with a character that Marvel is never gonna use in any of these films. 

Edited by suicidewatch
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was reading the original Secret Wars recently, and it made me think that it would be a good way of getting the Wrecking Crew and some significant hero variants. I was thinking:

Classic She-Hulk & The Wrecker

Green and Purple Wasp & Piledriver

Professor X (classic redo or field costume) & Thunderball

Brotherhood Rogue & Bulldozer


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Hasbro's Marvel Universe figures took that approach to the Wrecking Crew. I doubt DST would go back to Secret Wars without hitting some of the big guns again though.

I can't believe we still only have one Wasp, and no micro version.

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28 minutes ago, stack32 said:

Hasbro's Marvel Universe figures took that approach to the Wrecking Crew. I doubt DST would go back to Secret Wars without hitting some of the big guns again though.

I can't believe we still only have one Wasp, and no micro version.

Did they? I didn't know that. The issue with too many primary characters is eventually it's indistiguishable from a Best Of wave. I guess Iron Man II would technically be new.

There are so many Wasp varisnts I'd like to see, since she changes her costume so often. Micro versions would be fantastic too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

I would take a really good redo of the back In black spidey that is kinda expensive now that came with the awesome peter face and hair to get the wrecking crew. 

Wave 24 was one of the best & the beginning of what I will always recall as the golden era of Marvel Minimates . You're right in saying that the Peter face was awesome ...I'd go further & say that all the character faces in that wave were stunning .  I must add however that I was not amongst those who embraced the new slip-over mask design .......opinions were divided here.  Bring back another BiB Spidey ,give him an alternate masked head & I'm onboard.


BTW ,the artwork on W24's Kraven's chestpiece :jawdrop: 


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8 hours ago, buttheadsmate said:

Wave 24 was one of the best & the beginning of what I will always recall as the golden era of Marvel Minimates . You're right in saying that the Peter face was awesome ...I'd go further & say that all the character faces in that wave were stunning .  I must add however that I was not amongst those who embraced the new slip-over mask design .......opinions were divided here.  Bring back another BiB Spidey ,give him an alternate masked head & I'm onboard.


BTW ,the artwork on W24's Kraven's chestpiece :jawdrop: 


I can definitely dig an alternate head instead of a slipover. You've got a deal. DST... make it so XD 

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I'll probably get boo'd out of the room, but I want more Deadpool.  I just read Deadpool Kills Deadpool again and there are some AWESOME character options in there like Howard the Duckpool, Wolvie-pool, Panda-pool, Dog-pool, the cowboy 'Pool, the Luchador-pool, Pulp Deadpool, the list goes on and on...

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4 hours ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

I want Ms. Marvel through the ages. 

The carol danvers non captain marvel is too old for me to even pursue it, like the face and hair is eh to me. It really needs an update. 

We could also get Khan this way and Monica and Moonstone/dark Ms. Marvel. 


If we get a TtA set to coincide with Captain Marvel, I'd rather see Carol Danvers or Captain Marvel Through the Ages than Ms. Marvel.

Carol TtA could be early Mar-Vell costume Ms. Marvel, Cockrum Ms. Marvel update, Binary, and early 2000's Warbird or SHIELD Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel TtA could be the Skrull Captain Marvel (with white-haired Mar-Vell head), electromagnetic Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell, and SHIELD Captain Marvel.

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