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Star Trek - Reincarnated from the Genesis Planet!

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WooHoo!! Star Trek is BACK, Baby!

Hopefully we get more than just vehicle line releases. But, where was that awesome Shuttlecraft shown in the past at Toy Fair? Hopefully it's just being saved for a SDCC reveal.

As for the Enterprise, I'm buying every one they put out! I know they will do several variants to optimize their tooling costs as they always do. My main hope is that when they do a Mirror Mirror version, we get a Mirror Mirror Scotty, Bones & Chekov to finish out the crew! (MM Scotty & Bones for direct market, Chekov & Bearded Spock for TRU perhaps?)

I'm really curious as to how they can now justify TWO figures per Enterprise - Will this be a different price-point, instead of in the regular vehicle waves?

I know TRU has all but declared Trek to be retail-poison after the movie product failed, but between minimates AND Hasbro's Kre-O line, it shows that retailers are willing to take another chance. Plus we have a new movie coming next year, AND the STTNG Blu Ray sets will likely take a few years to all be released, so it's a great time to get Trek product on shelves.

I'm sure this Enterprise is just testing the waters, and I hope to see MORE Trek minimate product coming! I just hope we don't get nothing but Kirk/Spock rehashes to the same degree we got before.

So, a few questions for Zach:

1) is the Bridge Chair detachable?

2) I heard it comes with Kirk & Scotty (even though Kirk & Spock were pictured). Is that true?

3) Is there a direct market variant?

4) will this be included as a part of the regular vehicle wave, or a separate stand-alone release? While I'd LOVE to see the regular vehicle wave include two figures, I don't see how it would fit in the standard wave's price-point.

5) Is there more Trek Minimates planned? More importantly, as 2-packs / 4-packs??

6) When the inevitable Mirror Mirror repaint variant comes along, any chance we can finish the Bridge crew that never saw production? (Scotty, Bones & Chekov)

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cannot wait for the Enterprise!!! I've been longing for Trek mates to come back, really hope this sells like hotcakes and we can get back to regular releases. i'll buy any and all versions of the Enterprise as well as whatever else gets produced.

@monkeycrumb, from said video, answers for questions 1 and 2 are:

1. YES! whoohoo :biggrin:

2. Scotty will be rifding the Jefferies Tube in place of Spock

heres the link for

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Pretty sure Chuck stated once that they don't have the license for the reboot films.

I know they didn't for the first JJ film, but each film is a case-by-case basis. I guess they could conceivably pursue it for the next one. But I think I'd prefer they didn't. I'd buy any JJ Trek minimates, but I'd prefer they stuck with the classic stuff instead.

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Did you know that Stark Trek and the X-Men did a series of crossovers a long while ago? Yep, sure did. Various eras of Trek teaming with various version of the X-Men. You know who the villain was in that?

I'm just sayin'.

If you can't find room for him in the Mavel waves there are other options...

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Did you know that Stark Trek and the X-Men did a series of crossovers a long while ago? Yep, sure did. Various eras of Trek teaming with various version of the X-Men. You know who the villain was in that?

I'm just sayin'.

If you can't find room for him in the Mavel waves there are other options...

I enjoy the hell out of both Trek and X-Men but somehow this never grabbed me. However are you telling me Khan was the main baddie in these stories?

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Abrams Minimates would be cool, but we've gotten the OS to death. I want the rest of the Next Generation crew and some baddies for them to fight. Until then, the only OS 'Mate I'd really want is a "Wrath of" Khan.

Again, while I'd buy Abrams mates, I don't think they'd be different enough (for *my* taste, everyone else is welcome to their opinion) from TOS mates at that scale, aside from the texture pattern. TOS still has enough variants we haven't seen, like the crew in their Tholian Web spacesuits, etc. Not to mention the movie variations, like the crew from ST3 & ST4. The standard movie uniforms were an easy QC so they're at the bottom of the list for me.

Of course, Khan from ST2 is at the top of my list along with Picard as Locutus!

I've made the argument elsewhere that the time is right to focus on STTNG. It's almost maddening that it hasn't happened yet to coincide with the HiDef Blu Ray releases and 25th anniversary!

I want STTNG minimates so badly, I'd even buy a Wesley Crusher Through The Ages 4-pack! (I'd advise DST against making one, but that's another matter)

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I just don't want more Kirk and Spock. I don't understand the logic behind saying that fans want more Kirk and Spock and then saying Trek doesn't have enough support to keep it going. Maybe the two are related and it's Kirk and Spock that don't have enough support to keep the line moving, and not Trek in general.

It'd be interesting to see a Kickstart thing started for a TNG boxset to see if there would be support (since Bob Harris mentioned it earlier today, that's why I'm thinking that direction). I'm certain there's much more support out there than realized if you were dealing with fans actual response and not retailers' spectulation.

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While I love the new film, they would be far too similar as mates for me to justify buying them.

Trek mates had some fantastic waves, I remember buying the first two waves in one go, then rushing home to get them all out. I got all the classic characters and villains, as well as the Picard/Borg set, and would snap up Sisko if I ever saw him again. The only thing that will get me buying more Trek mates, is TNG figures... crew members together, or mixed with villainous aliens; new Klingon, Q, Ferengi, Romulan, Kim Cardassian, etc.

I'd really like Locutus as well, he was a right bastard... especially in DS9.

EDIT - also, I really hope the return of Trek figures is not dependent on the success of the big ugly Enterprise.

One of the dealbreakers when it came to collecting mates was the size, you can have a billion of them on a couple of shelves... where am I supposed to put that?!

Edited by dj87
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Two waves of Trek figures were not released due to low sales, one Minimates wave and one 6-inch wave. Both had one Kirk in it, the rest of the figures were other non-Spock characters, some never made as toys before. I seriously doubt a lone Kirk kept people from ordering those toys, or that Spock kept people from ordering the shuttlecraft. To reaction to the Enterprise has been very positive, and to release the Enterprise without Kirk seems like blasphemy. I'm hoping casual Trek fans embrace it, and that they then want more crew members.

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If Trek fans do embrace it, and sales justify a few more toes (or maybe a whole foot?) in the water, is it likely the rebooted line will focus mostly on TOS, or do you think it could be a mixed line with characters for TNG, DS9, and such? It would be a shame to just revisit all of the TOS characters we already have, but I get that a reboot is a reboot.

Edited by Lobsterman
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I just don't want more Kirk and Spock.

I agree.

I a point

I'm ok with Kirk & Spock variants that are spread out, AND different enough. The first time around, we got things like torn shirt variants and minor costume changes which were too similar appearing at their size for the casual buyers to notice, and for us to care.

IF Kirk & Spock were split up enough to where there were one or the other each wave or every other wave, I wouldn't care.

Good variants that are visually different enough include:

German Uniforms from Patterns Of Force

Gangster outfits from A Piece Of The Action

Tholian Web Spacesuits

STTMP Space Suits

ST3 & ST4 outfits

City On The Edge Of Forever variants

Kirk as a Romulan

Roman garb from Plato's Stepchildren

Kirk & Picard 2-pack from Star Trek Generations

Basically, I'm okay with almost any Kirk/Spock variant that gets them away from their standard blue or gold outfits.

The Tholian Web spacesuits were on almost every main TOS crewmember, so DST could get several uses out of any new molds for that one. The STTMP Kirk & Spock spacesuits can be repainted for ST2 Chekov & Terrell. Most everything else can use existing parts. I'd love a set of Gangster Kirk & Spock with their fedoras and tommy-guns!

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Thanks for the info Zach. I know all I can go off of is what I see as a consumer, but I'm coming from the standpoint that by the time waves4 & 5 of the Minimates were released, you could find several retailers that were still choking on wave 3 inparticular. Maybe I should gerealize more and say that I'm tired of classic Trek. (At least as it appeared around here), by the time the focus started moving off of TOS, it was too little too late. Retailers couldn't seem to sell older TOS waves while the newer waves didn't really have enough to them garner enough sales. But, my opinion is just that and I know at the end of the day my career doesn't depend on those kinds of decisions. Plus, I know you weren't there at the time.

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I am completely unaware of the unreleased Trek wave, what was the line-up?

I may be talking out my exhaust port. I thought a wave of Minimates had been cancelled, but now I'm not seeing anything beyond the actually released Wave 5. IGNORE ME!

You may be thinking of the unreleased wave of DC Minimates, Wave 9. We know it was proto-typed before DC Direct pulled the plug on them.

Would you ever be able to spill the beans and let us know what the character line-up would have been? Sorry, I know this is a Trek thread, but when I saw you mention the possible inclusion of Kirk in an unreleased wave, I thought maybe you could tell us. At this point, I just want to know as a part of official Minimates History.

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I am completely unaware of the unreleased Trek wave, what was the line-up?

I may be talking out my exhaust port. I thought a wave of Minimates had been cancelled, but now I'm not seeing anything beyond the actually released Wave 5. IGNORE ME!

\Would you ever be able to spill the beans and let us know what the character line-up would have been? Sorry, I know this is a Trek thread, but when I saw you mention the possible inclusion of Kirk in an unreleased wave, I thought maybe you could tell us. At this point, I just want to know as a part of official Minimates History.

No, I think you're right. I was talking about 5. Didn't realize it actually came out. DC I know nothing about.

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There was an unreleased second wave of 3 inch Star Trek mates way back when. I believe it was to have Uhura, Scotty, Chekov and Sulu. Can't remember off the top of my head what the other two were. I have that first wave and the Trouble w/ Tribbles Kirk exclusive and they are some of my most cherished mates.

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