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Everything posted by boyd

  1. Love the Blob custom - that's a perfect face for him. And your new rooftop display is wonderful.
  2. Nice Lanterns! Very high quality customs - they look factory-made.
  3. Wonderful looking Domino. And I love yours SharkFighters Minimates - glad the character creators loved them!
  4. Very nice customs! Like the Firestars, but your modern Havok is great. You make that costume look better than I've seen it in the comics.
  5. I've always loved that design for Storm, and you did a great job of translating it to Minimate form. Very nice.
  6. If we're looking for a wide-open topic, how about the alphabet? Customizers pick their letter and are free to represent that letter any way they choose - from simply having the letter on a Minimate chest, to replacing the head of the Minimate with the actual letter, to painting the Minimate as an object that starts with that letter (your letter is Q, so you paint a Minimate in a quilt pattern). Lots of options for a lot of different skill levels.
  7. Great. Now if Logan isn't a prospector who fights a Bumble in the movie, I'm going to be so disappointed...
  8. And classic Gene Colan Dracula, the Son of Satan, Satana, Lilith - Dracula's Daughter, Manphibian, Bloodstone, even Franken-Castle. There's a lot of classic Marvel horror characters I'd love to see in Minimate form.
  9. Oh man... You're going to be busy sanding for a while.
  10. I loved the Flatman TV shoe starring Adam Pressed and Burt Fold.
  11. I support these stands and would like them now to solve my Minimate display problems. Right now.
  12. If you're not presenting Zach & Chuck with a box of cupcakes with the winner's faces on them at C2E2, you're missing a great opportunity.
  13. Nothing but a Michonne pack and several of the sailor zombie packs left at my local TRU.
  14. Say, I was just looking at the rules - is it correct that we can vote for our Top 3 choices for each category?
  15. Absolutely amazing Blue Lantern. Wonderful job sculpting and painting his elephant parts.
  16. Very effective Stryfe. I like it a lot.
  17. Longtime Undertaker manager Paul Bearer has passed away. He was one of my favorite managers when I was young - the perfect compliment to the deadly serious and lifeless Undertaker character.
  18. I'd go with a standard chest for Absorbing Man - he usually has an average build when he's not using his absorbing power. And purple pants. And I love your design for his face.
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