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New Licenses, What would YOU like to see Minimated ?

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Wouldn't you rather have buster and "loose seal" as the variant for series one? :P

We also need GOB with his puppet franklin

I think we need a 'girls with low self esteem' Kitty for Dinobot...


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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

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We need a Torchwood boxed set to go with the Doctor Who minimates. I recently found out my bro had the first series on DVD and have really gotten into it again.

Captain Jack Harkness (with Revolver and severed hand in jar)

Gwen (with gun and Resurrection Glove)

Toshiko (with gun and pendant)

Owen (with gun)

Ianto (with gun and stopwatch :P)

I couldn't think of a secondary accessory for Owen.

They could also release a monsters boxed set with a variant Jack, a Weevil, a 'fairy', and other monsters etc.

That would be awesome.

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

an exclusive can be king ceasar and king kong

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

MEGALON! that movie made me shudder. Curse Megalon and his terrible movie!

an exclusive can be king ceasar and king kong

Good exclusive. If I had room, those would have gone in the wave, but I needs my Biollate. Also, she is definately doable! You just need multiple places for arms and a hunchback

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

MEGALON! that movie made me shudder. Curse Megalon and his terrible movie!

an exclusive can be king ceasar and king kong

Good exclusive. If I had room, those would have gone in the wave, but I needs my Biollate. Also, she is definately doable! You just need multiple places for arms and a hunchback

Hell, no Jet Jaguar either! That movie was my first Godzilla movie dammit!

Though Godzilla Vs. Destroyah is definatly the best.

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I just spent the weekend rewatching Arrested Development, and I would LOOOOOOOOVE some minimates! Even my wife would like to see these!

Series 1:

Michael and GOB Bluth

George Michael Bluth and Maybe Funke (Variant: Banana Stand George Michael!)

Buster and Lucielle Bluth

Lindsay and Tobias Funke

:) I loved this show, but thanks to you I now have that annoying themetune running round my head.

I think the Variant should be BlueMan group Tobias though :)

"[Tobias has painted himself blue]

Tobias Funke: I blue myself.

Michael Bluth: There has got to be a better way to say that. "


That's going to be in Wave 2 ;)

And I like that song!

Ha! Great idea. GOB so needs his scooter. And a dead pigeon. And Franklin. Really, I wouldn't mind if GOB were packed alone with crap loads of accesories so as to recreate some minimate magic. I'm sorry, illusions.

Of course, we would also need Barry Zuckerkorn, Steve Holt, Bob Loblaw, Ann, Annyong, Kitty, Carl Weathers, Larry Mittleman, Rita Leeds, Maggie Lizer... my god, I need these. I need these now. First 3 series of my dream line:

Series 1

Michael and GOB

Buster and Lucille Austero

Lindasy and Tobias/ Blue Man Tobias variant

Exclusive: Tony Wonder with giant bread

Series 2

Lucille and George Bluth/ Oscar variant

Barry Zukerkorn and Bob Loblaw

Maeby and Steve Holt

Exclusive: Lupe with rack of fur coats

Series 3

Ann and George Michael/ banana stand variant

Carl Weathers and Mrs. Featherbottom

Wayne Jarvis and Wife of GOB

Exclusive: Mr Bananagrabber with scooter

Dude, that tops mine (although I'd also thought of the Mr. Bananagrabber exclusive). The funny thing with AD 'Mates is that I can't think of any other Michaels. I can come up with variants for just about everyone else (Magic Show GOB, Army Buster, "Gengie" Lucielle, Never Nude Tobias, ect) but Michael is basically in a suit or in casual wear. Because you need to do a second Michael, to go with Rita (and a Maggie Lizer variant).

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

MEGALON! that movie made me shudder. Curse Megalon and his terrible movie!

an exclusive can be king ceasar and king kong

Good exclusive. If I had room, those would have gone in the wave, but I needs my Biollate. Also, she is definately doable! You just need multiple places for arms and a hunchback

Hell, no Jet Jaguar either! That movie was my first Godzilla movie dammit!

Though Godzilla Vs. Destroyah is definatly the best.

Actually I thought that the original is the best when in Japanese. In English it pretty much sucked. The best in English are Godzilla vs Destoroyah, Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (newer one with the Mecha-Ghidorah) and Godzilla vs Biollante. So pretty much the entire Heisei era of Godzilla an if you don't know what I mean by heisei, go to wikipedia and look it up, but basically it's every Godzilla movie between Return of Godzilla (aka Godzilla 1984) and Destoroyah.

Also Replace Battra with someone even harder to do: Ghidorah. Yes, he's difficult, but he's essential.

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

MEGALON! that movie made me shudder. Curse Megalon and his terrible movie!

an exclusive can be king ceasar and king kong

Good exclusive. If I had room, those would have gone in the wave, but I needs my Biollate. Also, she is definately doable! You just need multiple places for arms and a hunchback

Hell, no Jet Jaguar either! That movie was my first Godzilla movie dammit!

Though Godzilla Vs. Destroyah is definatly the best.

Actually I thought that the original is the best when in Japanese. In English it pretty much sucked. The best in English are Godzilla vs Destoroyah, Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (newer one with the Mecha-Ghidorah) and Godzilla vs Biollante. So pretty much the entire Heisei era of Godzilla an if you don't know what I mean by heisei, go to wikipedia and look it up, but basically it's every Godzilla movie between Return of Godzilla (aka Godzilla 1984) and Destoroyah.

Also Replace Battra with someone even harder to do: Ghidorah. Yes, he's difficult, but he's essential.

No arms? Three heads? Piece of cake! :P

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i would absoulutly kill for toho minimates(godzilla,mothra,king ghidorah,rodan,you know)that will be so sick :buttrock::P

Though I don't know how they'd do them... I've always wanted a series of Godzilla mini's, be they MiniMates or Kubricks or something else similair.

Te way to do it is to make them the same size as the marvel mates and say "not compatable with other licenses" on the box :P

Wave one:

Godzilla 2000 and Angurius

Mothra and Ghidorah

Rodan and Mechagodzilla

Gigan and Hedorah

Wave two:

Mothra (somehow) and Battra

Spacegodzilla and Moguera

Zilla (TOHO's official name for American godzilla) and Biolante

Destoroyah and Orga

Two waves and no 'effin Megalon? Blasphemy!

Also, I think some of these would be nigh impossible (Mothra, Biollante) Would make for a true test of skill for a customizer!

MEGALON! that movie made me shudder. Curse Megalon and his terrible movie!

an exclusive can be king ceasar and king kong

Good exclusive. If I had room, those would have gone in the wave, but I needs my Biollate. Also, she is definately doable! You just need multiple places for arms and a hunchback

Hell, no Jet Jaguar either! That movie was my first Godzilla movie dammit!

Though Godzilla Vs. Destroyah is definatly the best.

Actually I thought that the original is the best when in Japanese. In English it pretty much sucked. The best in English are Godzilla vs Destoroyah, Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (newer one with the Mecha-Ghidorah) and Godzilla vs Biollante. So pretty much the entire Heisei era of Godzilla an if you don't know what I mean by heisei, go to wikipedia and look it up, but basically it's every Godzilla movie between Return of Godzilla (aka Godzilla 1984) and Destoroyah.

Also Replace Battra with someone even harder to do: Ghidorah. Yes, he's difficult, but he's essential.

No arms? Three heads? Piece of cake! :P

Point taken. I guess they just do Hawkman style wingmounts.

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Why don't we make it three waves, and get Megalon and Jet Jaguar and those other guys? :D

Sure. In fact, make a wave three without using Giant Bugs. Why no giant bugs? Because they're stupid (no, Megalon is not included). Remember, it's monsters from the Godzilla franchise who make somewhat significant appearances. (so no Varan or giant bugs or video game monsters.)

this is how I'd do it.


Gabara/Minilla(when I use characters as pathetic as this, you know I'm running out of ideas)

Megagurius (why not?)/Baragon (major in one movie)


And with that last name, I have officially hit the bottom of the barrel. Thank you good night folks and remember to drive safely.

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2000AD Minimates wouldn't go amiss either, how cool would Judge Dredd/Mean Machine or Judge Anderson/Judge Death two packs be ?

Let alone if they did a Rogue Trooper Minimate cos if they did i could die a happy man...

I've been pettioning for these for yrs....


...and I'll continue signing that petition (for years, unfortunately)! A few would be a designing-challenge (sculpt and scale-wise), but I think that the "core-characters" would be awesome. Give me Dredd (though a Lawmaster is essential), Anderson, perhaps a few other Judges, the Dark Judges, the Angel Family, Rogue Trooper, and A.B.C. Warriors and I'd be in heaven (never cared so much for Nemesis, Slaine, or Robo-Hunter personally...but they'd still make cool 'mates).

*I've been seriously contemplating a Rogue custom since I got my hands on Sgt. Rock BTW (sure you have too)! A few more details to work-out (leg-packs, what parts to use, etc.), but it's coming together. B)

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Give me Dredd (though a Lawmaster is essential), Anderson, perhaps a few other Judges, the Dark Judges, the Angel Family, Rogue Trooper, and A.B.C. Warriors

Pretty much the characters i would pick to be honest, they're core characters to 2000AD (Although you would need a Tharg The Mighty to balance it all out) and i would chuck in Nemesis The Warlock, Torquemada, Purity and a Terminator for the simple reason that i'm a massive Nemesis fan...

Also i would probably dig some V for Vendetta Minimates. Not collecting anymore but i would make it a point to buy them...

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Give me Dredd (though a Lawmaster is essential), Anderson, perhaps a few other Judges, the Dark Judges, the Angel Family, Rogue Trooper, and A.B.C. Warriors

Pretty much the characters i would pick to be honest, they're core characters to 2000AD (Although you would need a Tharg The Mighty to balance it all out) and i would chuck in Nemesis The Warlock, Torquemada, Purity and a Terminator for the simple reason that i'm a massive Nemesis fan...

Also i would probably dig some V for Vendetta Minimates. Not collecting anymore but i would make it a point to buy them...

Jonny Alpha? you can't have 2000AD with out Strontium Dog! (& personally I want to see Sam Slade and Stogie!)


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Jonny Alpha? you can't have 2000AD with out Strontium Dog! (& personally I want to see Sam Slade and Stogie!)


I didn't think of doing Strontium Dogs (Wasn't really a fan to be honest) but they're a 2000AD mainstay so you would probably have to do them to keep the fans happy...

Also, a set of The V.C's Minimates wouldn't go amiss cos i liked that storyline *nods*

Arsene Wenger :)* Anglo/French Superhero!

*this is not (as far as I know ) an anagram

Nah, a Jose Mourinho Minimate with coat and broken microphone accessories :P

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Since I'm currently watching one of the greatest movies ever, I'd really love to see Lethal Weapon minimates. A two pack of Riggs and Murtaugh would be great. If this was expanded to a 4 piece boxed set, a Mr Joshua and General McAllister would round out the 1st movie nicely.

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a beavis and butthead 2pk

That's not actually a bad idea. Such a rich variety of characters to choose from as well...

Of course, you would need a Stuart and Daria two pack *nods*

Let alone a Ren & Stimpy boxed set with accessories...

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a beavis and butthead 2pk

That's not actually a bad idea. Such a rich variety of characters to choose from as well...

Of course, you would need a Stuart and Daria two pack *nods*

Let alone a Ren & Stimpy boxed set with accessories...

I could imagine a Ren and Stimpy line...

now with ten Ren and Stimpy repaints!

that would be the repaint line...

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