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Barack Obama


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Nice... never would've thought we'd get an Obama thread.

I've been thinking about maybe recreating his inauguration in Minimate form just for fun, but then I remembered I didn't have either a mini-sized podium or a Barack Obama minimate... I guess wave 21 Terrence Howard won't mind standing in for the new Mr. President?

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God help us all.

(I too was going to make a minimate custom statement, concerning the new T-1000, but I deemed it to be, not inappropriate, but rather hazardous to my health. You figure that one out)

EDIT: (Also note that there was no offense intended with that statement at all. It doesn't reflect my personal wishes in any way, just happens to be what I suspect might happen. This is truly a historic moment, no matter who you are, just like every election before it.)

Edited by TM2 Dinobot
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Today is certainly an exciting time. However, I know how myopic the American public can be, and this, mixed with unrealistic expectations of what Obama can do, may be bad news for Obama in the long run. That is to say, the optimism that he projects and inspires in people may be a double edged sword. He ain't Superman. . .or is he?


Edited by karamazov80
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I'm most likely in the position BHM was starting the thread from: I'm not a fellow citizen of the USA, but one of those participating in these events from far - or not so far - away.

Since I'm not used to say phrases like God bless anyone, I do however respectfully congratulate you to your new president! This isn't the place to get political, but I do wish him - and for that all of us - the best of luck.

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Just finished watching the inauguration coverage on TV... and for the record, it is now 3 in the morning over here.

To the new President and his administration, I wish a cautiously optimistic Good Luck.

... yeah, I have neither John Stewart nor any of the 24 mates. So much for that plan... guess I'll be recreating the crowds watching from the sidelines instead ("Is that Captain America back from the dead?" :blink:)

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I agree a bit with karamazov and feel that no matter what he does, it will not live up to the standards and expectations many Americans have about him. I'm sure every in-coming president has expected to bring about the kind of change and vision they believe should happen, but have to deal with the reality that change is hard. I'm not sure all of President Obama's supporters are really ready to help bring about the change he offers. I think many just want him to change things and that's not possible for any one man, president or not, to do. I'm just waiting for the hype to die down. He's the president now and I'm tired of the celebrity status and following people have projected onto him. He's just a man, not a messiah.

But having said that, I would buy an Obamamate.

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I agree a bit with karamazov and feel that no matter what he does, it will not live up to the standards and expectations many Americans have about him. I'm sure every in-coming president has expected to bring about the kind of change and vision they believe should happen, but have to deal with the reality that change is hard. I'm not sure all of President Obama's supporters are really ready to help bring about the change he offers. I think many just want him to change things and that's not possible for any one man, president or not, to do. I'm just waiting for the hype to die down. He's the president now and I'm tired of the celebrity status and following people have projected onto him. He's just a man, not a messiah.

But having said that, I would buy an Obamamate.

Change is happening and what puts him in such a unique position is that he is not only leading the charge for change but is inspiring everyone to take part in it. He has the opportunity to raise America up to heights that have only been dreamed of. He acknowledges that it will not be overnight and that it will be hard work. We are standing on the ledge of the next great age of our country's history so why don't we all take a deep breath and jump.

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I rarely pull rank but as the oldest here I have seen quite a few US Presidents come & go. I actually do remember where I was when JFK died & it 'kicked the stuffing' out of the US for decades. Obama isn't a Messiah that's for sure but he sure has the credentials to be one ;)

Obamamates ....another opportunity missed ;)

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I have to be honest. Throughout the campaign I did not support him. But I believe he just might be a damn good president.

And that was a wonderful speech he made. Absolutely phenomenal.

God Bless America.

Oh and he's been president for six hours now and nothing has blown up yet. His term is a success so far. ;)

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Warning: Soapbox Alert.

"I reject the notion that we must make a choice between our ideals and our safety." -President Obama

In a campaign of stark differences, both McCain and Obama strongly opposed the use of torture as a means of securing our nation. No matter who was elected, both were resolved to make unequivocal changes to this fundamentally moral issue of the Bush/Cheney administration's practice.

I couldn't be more proud on this historic day. We may be far removed from Guantanamo Bay as individuals, but the moral implications of what happened there taint every single American. I look forward to the closing of Gitmo and the return to the Rule of Law.

Note: If you feel compelled to respond to my soapbox comments, I invite you to email me at I have no problem debating any issues at length! Let's just avoid crashing this thread in a flame war.

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"I reject the notion that we must make a choice between our ideals and our safety." -President Obama

Without making an ideological comment here, I must say that this particular statement was the most surprising that I heard him give today. Obviously, it is what he campaigned on, and is something that he will likely try to implement (I heard today that one of his first Executive Orders is expected to be the closing of Gitmo). BUT, he said that with Bush et al. sitting right there! It showed some cojones, IMO.

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"I reject the notion that we must make a choice between our ideals and our safety." -President Obama

Without making an ideological comment here, I must say that this particular statement was the most surprising that I heard him give today. Obviously, it is what he campaigned on, and is something that he will likely try to implement (I heard today that one of his first Executive Orders is expected to be the closing of Gitmo). BUT, he said that with Bush et al. sitting right there! It showed some cojones, IMO.

In an overall specatular speech, this was one of my favorite quotes. It gave me a rush of American pride.

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As an American citizen that voted, I wish Mr. Obama the best of luck. However, I am quite tired of the messiah status that has been granted to this one man as I believe he (like all Presidents) will have to be judged by the decisions he makes. As a former military member, I hope he stands by the words he spoke today about not comprimising our ideals or our security. However, only history will show if this is merely political talk or words of conviction.

As for an Obama-mate, I would be among the few that would have no interest. However, a good Reagan-mate would have me jumping at the opportunity (maybe as a USS Reagan tribute). :)

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