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I've never really been too interested in this line but I've recently been looking through what I have & I'd be intrigued to know whether anybody knows the answers to queries that I have .

1. The packaging for the blind-box series shows that there are allegedly 14 different figures ......... Ivan shows 13 ........if there is a 14th. what is it ?

2. There are 4, Series 1 sets ,two of which have a Demitri figure which as far as I can see are identical yet the packaging states that one is a 'P1' version whist the 'RARE Variant ' is a 'P2' version ?

Thank you in advance.


I'll admit that I never paid very close attention to this, but looking at the other series 1 sets, the basic, regular color scheme is used for for all characters here, whether they are listed as "1P" or "2P" on the front of the package. If you look at the exclusives, in the two Chun-Li vs. Bison 2-packs, in both cases Chun-Li is listed as "1P" and Bison as "2P" despite the different color schemes and faces used in each respective pack.

So, the "RARE Variant" likely refers to Lilith's inclusion in the set, not Demitri.


I've opened both of the Dimitri sets from the first series and they are identical as far as I can tell. I believe the issue is that they switched the placement. Dimitri is on the P1 left side, (when facing the two pack), in the more abundant Morrigan pack and on the P2 right side for the Lilith Variant pack. Not sure why they switched him to that side since Lilith would be the rare variant.

Posted (edited)

As for the first question, I can't read the full description on that box on Ivan's site. Does it say "14 different" figures, or just 14 figures? I can imagine Ryu getting 2 spots. Though there were other figures made, like the red and super evil Akuma that could have been included as well.

--edit: I just found this, which may help some:

Apparently 24 were packed in a case, and the box does seem to say there are 14 to collect. Mr. Excitable suspects there should be two of each character. However, Lilith didn't have a variant, and is included according to MMDB. So. . .could have been a mistake, or maybe there is another variant in there Ivan isn't accounting for. Though I would lean toward the former.

Edited by karamazov80
Posted (edited)

They're the best of the lot & I have to say how much I actually like these 'mates !

Not a criticism....heaven forbid he does an uber- fantastic job with the MMDB..... but Ivan doesn't officially acknowledge the subtle differences [of the TRU sets] although I'm sure he has mentioned them somewhere .

Edited by buttheadsmate

I never realised until now that the pack shows the case ratios of 6 of the characters .... supposedly 4 of them are packed 1/6 , 1 packed at 1/8 with Lilith at 1/24 . Arithmetic isn't my poorest subject but I'm struggling to figure out how that can be with 24 to a case & 13 (14 ?) different characters ?



From the other thread:

Chun Li 1/6

Ryu 1/6

Akuma 1/6

Morigan 1/8

M.Bison 1/6

Lillith 1/24

Demitri 1/6

So, 4 Chun Lis, 4 Ryus, 4 Akumas, 4 M. Bisons, and 4 Demitris, 3 Morrigans, and 1 Lillith per case.
Posted (edited)

That makes sense. It's probably just a mistake on the part of the person doing the packaging. They thought there were two of each character, for a total of 14. But there's only one version of Lilith, so it makes it 13 instead.

EDIT: And going by those numbers, there would be 3 Morrigans per case of 24, with the Lilith replacing the fourth. So with two Morrigan variations, and three Morrigan slots, one of the Morrigan variations only had one slot per case of 24. Which would make it just as rare as the Lilith.

Edited by pk13

The only question I have about Street Fighter 'mates is how did they manage to have three separate bites at the franchise and still manage to not make Vega, Balrog, Blanka, E. Honda.....


I don't think any of those were in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. So, they really only had two chances at most (not sure if they were all in SF vs. Tekken or not).


I realize that, but considering they already made some characters from Street Fighter the first time, and then made them again in Marvel vs. Capcom, realizing how they never got to finish the lineup the first two times they had a shot at the characters, getting the original group completed should have been priority number one, and you can use Ryu, Akuma, and Chun Li as the anchors later on if you get that far.

Considering that I doubt they're going to get a fourth shot at this, I really cannot fathom how they allowed the chance to finish them off get away from them.


Exactly for the reason Sam said...

They haven't made a Black Knight Avenger figure, but that doesn't mean they get to make him in an Avengers movie wave for a movie he isn't in. They couldn't make a Vs. figure for E Honda if he wasn't IN the Vs. games (I don't know who was or wasn't, I'm just echoing Sam's sentiment)


Thats not really a fair statement. No one thought they would get 2nd and 3rd shots at those characters. Not all those characters they missed were in the game or we would likely have gotten them The license only allowed in game characters. And due to the nature of the business they cant leave out a main character like ryu or chun li just to update them with the next license, or leave them out to make another character. Everything they did for mvc3 and sfvt was pretty well done to me and fading sales for a niche collectible for a niche video game genre is the reason we dont have more. Its just the way it is.

Posted (edited)

Check the Wikipedia roster, then compare it to Poison and Rufus who we did get. I didn't say don't make them ever, I said prioritize when you do get another chance and you know there are classic characters who never got made while Ryu, Akuma and Chun Li were made not just twice, but within a year of the Street Fighter vs. Tekken license.

Edited by Valo487
  • 7 years later...

SFVI is coming. Is there an appetite for more Capcom fighter mates?

I always felt there was unfinished business from the original line, and the vs. line. These are mates I bought and sold once it looked like the lineups would never be completed, but I would revisit them in a flash if there were a new line.

For me, it all goes back to the Original 8 from SFII, and the plus-4 Shadaloo villains, with the additional 5 from the expansion (Fei Long, Cammy, Dee Jay, T. Hawk and Akuma). I would love to see what MM could do with Dhalsim, for example. But I also think that they only scratched the surface with Darkstalkers, which had some of the coolest designs in all of Capcom's fighting games.

One of the biggest issues with most SF lines is that there is an initial burst of product, but it then peters out before a complete collection can be assembled. Ironically, GI Joe came the closest in the 90s and produced all 12 of the original fighters if I'm not mistaken, but they were all very off-model. SOTA toys made a good run at it, but had quality and distribution issues.

I wonder sometimes if Capcom might be a difficult licensor to work with?

1 hour ago, nandoninny said:

man, i'd love to complete my street fighter 2 sets.
blanka especially bugs me we never got!

I'm still crying for Jon Talbain...

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