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Everything posted by Navaan

  1. Not the Magik or the Goblyn Queen I wanted, but, eh, I can do some customs, I suppose.
  2. My guess is AEW Set 4, with Timeless Toni Storm.
  3. I def feel there have been PERFECT Wolverines, Thors, Caps, Iron Man... Honestly, the one that I feel could genuinely use a 'redo' from the Marvel brand would be Jubilee. And could still use minimates of Nate, Threnody, Sugarman, X-cutioner and Nocturne.
  4. Playfully disagree! You can use the Cobra Commander heads for the Viper plates. You already have helmets with goggles molded on. The Mercenary minimate from Civil War has a great vest, and you have a bunch of other 'military vests' look. The rolled up sleeve pieces. You have a bunch of different gauntlet looks. If you want to make their rifle, okay, that one is pretty unique. But Vipers would not be too bad unless you want to make them '1 to 1.' Additionally, Cobra Troopers are just black bandana style face masks with helmets. And you have appropriate web gear for them, already.
  5. True. Which is why I made customs of- Flint, Stalker, Lady Jaye, Barrel Roll, Outback, Snow Job, Tunnel Rat, Spirit, Freestyle, Cover Girl, Helix, Heavy Duty, Shipwreck, Scoop, , Wild Bill, Ace, Low-Light, , Jinx, Kamakura, Clutch, Breaker, Raven, Vorona, Glenda, Quarrel, Rampart, Rock n Roll, Hawk, Iceberg, Torpedo, Airtight, Deep Six, Wet-Suit, Dusty, Bombstrike, Shooter, Salvo, Bullhorn, Barbeque, Firewall, Sparks, Thunder, Dialtone II, Joe Canuck, Dawn Moreno, Sparta, Chameleon, Law and Order, Mayday, Mercer, Chuckles, Valkyrie, Gung-Ho to join Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Duke and Roadblock, who I also customized further, for the Joes. And Cobra has- Major Bludd, Firefly, Big Boa, Tomax and Xamot, Slice, Dice, Clay Moore, Wild Weasel, Copperhead, Night Adder, Overkill, Overlord, Dr. Knox, Dr. Mindbender, Interrogator, Munitia, Mad Monk, Guillotine, Stiletto, Mistress Armada, Alexander McCullen, Crimson Asp, Cobra Mortal, Lt. Deming, Leyla, Flying Scorpion, Blackout, Dr. Venom, Tombstone, Vypra, Cesspool, Pale Peony, Black Ice, Retrofit, Croc Master, Crsytal Ball, Raptor, Shadow Stalker, Ghost Bear, Kwinn, Ninja Ku, De Aco, Wraith, Scrap Iron, my custom Python Patrol characters of Pythone, Shrapnel, Bloodstop, Snakeskin and Gallows, and four custom black suited Vipers, plus my customized Cobra Commander, Baroness, Destro and Storm Shadow. Plus, Sei-tin and two Red Ninjas. For the Deadnoks- Zartan, Zarana, Zandar, Zanya, Buzzer, Torch, Ripper, Road Pig, Gnawghyde, Thrasher, Burn-Out, Monkeywrench, and Zanzibar are all sitting. Still, I want MOAR. But I suppose I can be happy with my customs.
  6. Bruh, I just want some more GI Joe minimates.
  7. As an add on to the above; in just over a day, 1.06 milliom dollars and the 6th biggest comic funding on Kickstarter ever... at just over a day. Just. Over. A. Day. I really hope Diamond doesn't abandon this line.
  8. Show them this. GI Joe has an audience. You just have to know how to get their attention. Troop builders. Diverse cast. Quality.
  9. He was super easy to make, if that makes you feel any better.
  10. Do we know when this is getting solicited?
  11. Echo, comic Miss Marvel (who has only been made in animation), Red She-Hulk, Jack of Hearts, Jocasta are all Avengers we really need!
  12. Seven for me; one to keep MIB for display, four to open, two for parts.
  13. Agreed; that said, it seems to be how Hasbro/Kenner/McFarlane/etc. get a lot of extra orders. /I agree with you,/ but it seems to get results.
  14. This is a good idea. And try to partner with Hasbro if you can, and still, talk to HISS Tank forums. I can get you in touch with folks there, too. But genuinely, maybe getting a set with army builders built in. Flint, Lady Jaye, Zartan, Cobra Trooper (with a torso and a head for a female conversion). Shipwreck, Spirit, Firefy and a Cobra Viper Tomax, Xamot, a Crimson Guard and Stalker. Dusty, Gung-Ho, Dr. Mindbender and a BAT.
  15. Same. ARAH and troop builders are the way to rev this up!
  16. Hey @DSTZach I was reading back and was confused; are Series 3 and 4 still happening, or are they up in the air? Or is it this crossover set you were talking about being the one in the air? Because if you do a crossover, Old Snake and Marissa Faireborne would be top notch. Hmm. I could probably do an Old Snake custom, now that I think about it...
  17. Now that the game is 'dusted,' I wanted to re-recommend this. The game does not have a lot of merch, and yet, it is still very popular in sales. Too much longer, and I think the 'window' closes, but wanted to re-beg for this!
  18. This confuses me; there are Marvel Legos, too, unless the rights/licenses have different clauses or something? Not arguing, just looking to understand, and to HAVE HOPE!
  19. I swear to gosh, if Dazzler in her white 70s Disco outifit is too inappropriate, Marvel may need to start to really wonder why sales dip. Not just here, but in comics. Look at DC. They do 'thirst trap' covers for Nightwing, Batman, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, etc., of men and women, and they get huge boosts in sales.
  20. Shanna. Rachel Grey. Cassie Hack. Anne Bonne. Any of the girls from Sin City. The Femme Fatale sets. Buck Rogers' princess. Ultimate X-Men Jean Grey, Storm. Some of Storm's other outfits. X-23. I also understand, but like... surely we aren't that timid of skin?
  21. His action figure is dope, you are 100000000000% correct.
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