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  1. 1. Avengers vs X-Men

    • Cyclops (Phoenix Force)
    • Emma Frost (Phoenix Force)
    • Colossus (Phoenix Force)
    • Phoenix Buster Iron Man
    • Protector
    • Scarlet Witch

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Just picked this set up in louisville ky. The set is great. After holding off on the Scarlet Witch for so long, its great to add such an iconic character to my collection in all of her updated minimate glory.

Can't wait for my Venom TTA set. So much minimate goodness!


My order arrived from today, and aside from a few small issues, I am pretty happy.

The old school flight stand that it came with won't properly fit any Minimate feet, it is too small. Not sure if this is a one-off issue or more widespread. I hope there isn't a problem with the mold, as I would like for more of these stands in future sets.

Also, the fireballs for Cyclops won't fit any of these 'mates hands, I think they used the fireball from the Wave 38 Shadowland Iron Fist that was designed to fit over the wrist wrap pieces.

If anyone else's set had these problems, please post so I know if mine was just a one off.

As for the 'mates, I am really happy with 3 of the 4.

- Iron Man is impressively large, and the simple mate under the armor is very cool. In fact, I already replaced that mate under the armor with another spare Iron Man I had on hand so I can have the new one seperate.

- Wanda is perfect, and a really great redo of an old 'mate. The spell hands are particularly impressive and I can't wait for the new Dr Strange!

- Protector is cool, and I really like the retro costume design.

- Cyclops is the dud of the set, mostly because there aren't any other "Phoenix Force 5" members to display him with, hopefully we will get more.


The old school flight stand that it came with won't properly fit any Minimate feet, it is too small. Not sure if this is a one-off issue or more widespread. I hope there isn't a problem with the mold, as I would like for more of these stands in future sets.

Also, the fireballs for Cyclops won't fit any of these 'mates hands, I think they used the fireball from the Wave 38 Shadowland Iron Fist that was designed to fit over the wrist wrap pieces.

If anyone else's set had these problems, please post so I know if mine was just a one off.

I had both issues. I think the peg can be fixed by adding a little nail glue or polish to thicken the stand. The fireballs on mine I had to position just right for them to stay


- Cyclops is the dud of the set, mostly because there aren't any other "Phoenix Force 5" members to display him with, hopefully we will get more.

We have to start somewhere. Not every team can be an Alpha Flight. I bet if the vote had been P5 heavy, people would have complained about only getting 3 of the 5, or too much overlap with the SDCC set.


Yes, poor Alpha Flight...

Otherwise you pretty much nailed the argument I had on the tip of my tounge if Wanda and Noh had lost the vote. Fortunately, things broke my way.


It is my opinion and not a criticism but I am curious as to why there weren't 3 AVX sets? An Avengers one, an X-Men one (which there was), and then the mashup one of two slots each. It makes sense to me to have lead off with the mashup set with Hope, Wanda, Protector, Juggie Colossus. Then an Avengers set that included (Phoenix 5 Namor & Ironman) with two other Avengers and the X-Men set that had the other 4 members of the 5 (Scott, Emma, Magik, Piotr).


Does Wanda come with unique left & right hex hands? Or do I have another problem with my set? I have two right hex hands. :confused:

Sorry mate,

You got a dud. She has two distinct hands. You can see thumbs on both, and the spell circles are different:




- Cyclops is the dud of the set, mostly because there aren't any other "Phoenix Force 5" members to display him with, hopefully we will get more.

We have to start somewhere. Not every team can be an Alpha Flight. I bet if the vote had been P5 heavy, people would have complained about only getting 3 of the 5, or too much overlap with the SDCC set.

And as far as Story goes, PF5 Scott was probably the most important one to get. I'll be disappointed if we never see the rest, but if we were only going to get one, i'd want it to be him.


It is my opinion and not a criticism but I am curious as to why there weren't 3 AVX sets? An Avengers one, an X-Men one (which there was), and then the mashup one of two slots each. It makes sense to me to have lead off with the mashup set with Hope, Wanda, Protector, Juggie Colossus. Then an Avengers set that included (Phoenix 5 Namor & Ironman) with two other Avengers and the X-Men set that had the other 4 members of the 5 (Scott, Emma, Magik, Piotr).

Think time and budget were the enemies here more than anything else. I mean, maybe we could have gotten a third AvX set, but that may have meant waiting till sometime next year for the second Alpha Flight set.

I dunno. For all the Ph5 hype, Cyclops was the driving force behind the 5, and in the end it was everbody against Scott anyway. I'm not that upset by only having Scott.

But then, my pro Avengers, not quite Anti-X-folk but not far from it bias is well documented.


If you remember, DST didn't have an exclusive for NYCC; both sets there were actually AFX exclusives. Usually, DST has at least one of their own. Not long before the show, Zach came on here and said that timing wouldn't allow DST to have an exclusive; I've always just assumed that their set would have been an Avengers-heavy AvX set to compliment the San Diego one. But we'll probably never know, which is fine.

As far as having more of the Phoenix Five in this set, I personally would be much less likely to buy the set if there were more of them. I generally don't care for figures of short-lived costumes, so they probably would have been no better then custom fodder for me.


It is my opinion and not a criticism but I am curious as to why there weren't 3 AVX sets? An Avengers one, an X-Men one (which there was), and then the mashup one of two slots each. It makes sense to me to have lead off with the mashup set with Hope, Wanda, Protector, Juggie Colossus. Then an Avengers set that included (Phoenix 5 Namor & Ironman) with two other Avengers and the X-Men set that had the other 4 members of the 5 (Scott, Emma, Magik, Piotr).

Think time and budget were the enemies here more than anything else. I mean, maybe we could have gotten a third AvX set, but that may have meant waiting till sometime next year for the second Alpha Flight set.

I dunno. For all the Ph5 hype, Cyclops was the driving force behind the 5, and in the end it was everbody against Scott anyway. I'm not that upset by only having Scott.

But then, my pro Avengers, not quite Anti-X-folk but not far from it bias is well documented.

I would argue Emma is the other necessity; it was really everyone against Scott and Emma. Sure, Scott turned on her and really screwed her over (Dark Phoenix or Scott's subconscious guilt, amusing), but she stood right by him with equal power until the end and still stands by him in All-New. The other three were cannon fodder (maybe not Namor) but Emma is fairly essential to the plot.


It is my opinion and not a criticism but I am curious as to why there weren't 3 AVX sets? An Avengers one, an X-Men one (which there was), and then the mashup one of two slots each. It makes sense to me to have lead off with the mashup set with Hope, Wanda, Protector, Juggie Colossus. Then an Avengers set that included (Phoenix 5 Namor & Ironman) with two other Avengers and the X-Men set that had the other 4 members of the 5 (Scott, Emma, Magik, Piotr).

Think time and budget were the enemies here more than anything else. I mean, maybe we could have gotten a third AvX set, but that may have meant waiting till sometime next year for the second Alpha Flight set.

I dunno. For all the Ph5 hype, Cyclops was the driving force behind the 5, and in the end it was everbody against Scott anyway. I'm not that upset by only having Scott.

But then, my pro Avengers, not quite Anti-X-folk but not far from it bias is well documented.

I would argue Emma is the other necessity; it was really everyone against Scott and Emma. Sure, Scott turned on her and really screwed her over (Dark Phoenix or Scott's subconscious guilt, amusing), but she stood right by him with equal power until the end and still stands by him in All-New. The other three were cannon fodder (maybe not Namor) but Emma is fairly essential to the plot.

IDK Namor did destroy Wakanda and inadvertently cause the divorce of Storm and Black Panther.

Posted (edited)

I would argue Emma is the other necessity; it was really everyone against Scott and Emma. Sure, Scott turned on her and really screwed her over (Dark Phoenix or Scott's subconscious guilt, amusing), but she stood right by him with equal power until the end and still stands by him in All-New. The other three were cannon fodder (maybe not Namor) but Emma is fairly essential to the plot.

No, Scott turned on Emma because he has fully embraced his inner ends-justify-ANY-means jerk. And as formidable as Emma is, she has fallen for Scott so hard she's willing to be his doormat. (IMO, if Jean had lived she would have left Scott over his afair with Emma.) Kinda sad to see, really.

IDK Namor did destroy Wakanda and inadvertently cause the divorce of Storm and Black Panther.

Destroying Wakanda = big deal.

Cause the divorce = no big deal.

They were barely married. They rarely appeared in the same titles together. There were times the last few years I had to remind myself they were still married. I've heard of couples not sharing sleeping in the same bed, of even the same room, These two were rarely on the same coast, sometimes not even the same continent. No, this was building for a long while. And hey, Forge is done being blown up for now, so Ororo shouldn't be lonely long. T'Challa... it's gonna take a special woman to put up with the control freak he's developed into.

Edited by Mirymate

They were barely married. They rarely appeared in the same titles together. There were times the last few years I had to remind myself they were still married. I've heard of couples not sharing sleeping in the same bed, of even the same room, These two were rarely on the same coast, sometimes not even the same continent. No, this was building for a long while. And hey, Forge is done being blown up for now, so Ororo shouldn't be lonely long. T'Challa... it's gonna take a special woman to put up with the control freak he's developed into.

You... ah... you realize they're fictional, right Miry? :unsure::lol:

Posted (edited)

This Wanda is the BEEEES KNEEEEES!

I'd also like to point out to Zach:

The pistols that come with the Protector? These are the pistols that should become standard issue with characters who need non-specific pistols. They look great. With Protector. With Captain America. With comic book Nick Fury. With Dr. Doom and the Leader and jeezus KANG and everybody else I've tested them with. THESE ARE TEH PISTOLS. :woot:


Edited by Mystery Man

I live ten minutes outside NYC and my Toys R Us(s) NEVER get 'Mates until MONTHS after everyone else!

I mean, really... What the hell. I'm so impatient! Don't they know?!


Could be wrong, but I think Mystery likes Noh's pistols. Just a hunch. He can be so hard to read sometimes.

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