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  1. Ah, so it isn't enough for Marvel to make all the mutants they don't kill off into Inhumans, they have to also make them into heinous super villains. Hilarious. Actually Sunspot will be leading his own Avengers team. Hawkeye and Songbird will be tagging along as well. He's still the leader of AIM, but now they've got their own island (probably the same from Spencer's Secret Avengers) and are operating from there. It seems like AIM will be going legit now, and the new "extreme science" group will be WHISPER, led by the Maker (some-what evil Ultimate Reed Richards). As for 65, my guess is that it'll be an ANADM wave. Probably something like this: 1)Anime Iron Man 2)Totally, Extremely, Super-Duper, Holy-Moly Guacamole, Awesome Hulk 3)Spider-Man (now with uh, a green glowing spider! that counts as a new costume, right?) 4)Sneakers & Hood Doc Strange 5)DarkDev-I uh, mean Daredevil 6)Wolverine-23 7)MCU Star, Scott Lang Ant-Man 8)Hobo Karnak (the Shanna of the wave)
  2. Ah, so it isn't enough for Marvel to make all the mutants they don't kill off into Inhumans, they have to also make them into heinous super villains. Hilarious.
  3. I'm more team new character as well but every now and then an outfit demands a redo. Look at Capt. Carol! Also, just tell me what I have to do to get my Crystal and Medusa Inhumans and I"m set. considering the push that Marvel has implimented on the Inhumans, i'm really surprised that we haven't seen more of the characters if even just a new Black Bolt. hopefully now that there are two books with the word INHUMAN in them, not to mention the Kornak solo, we'll start to see a few of these characters pop up. i'd be bummed if they waited until the movie was released, and then only did movie versions like the did with GOTG.
  4. 1970's Falcon, Black Knight 2, classic Inhumans, classic Warriors Three, bulky Destroyer, bulky Abomination, Executioner, Enchantress, Molten Man, classic and '80s Beetle... Wait, you mean existing ones? Oh... uh, what?
  5. I'm more team new character as well but every now and then an outfit demands a redo. Look at Capt. Carol! Also, just tell me what I have to do to get my Crystal and Medusa Inhumans and I"m set.
  6. Inhumans, maybe? Marvel has been trying to push them... I'll admit I'm not super familiar with the team and haven't been reading any of the new stuff, but we could get... Black Bolt Medusa Crystal Kornak Gorgan Inferno and that's all i got.... Or ANALMN we could get... Old Man Rogers ANAD Spider-Woman Ms Marvel Coulson Ant-Man Doctor Strange ANAD Wolverine Totally Awesome Hulk and of course and Iron or Spider-Man I'm not really feeling the new looks for the X-Men, but I still really want a new Magneto and a new Magik. there are also plenty of classic X-Men looks and Avengers characters we haven't seen yet.
  7. All I want are some damn X-men so I can finally move on and start begging for something else. I'm lucky the Uncanny team kept their costumes for as long as they did. Not even the O5 kept their costume update for longer than a year. At this point, Id imagine the new Ms. Marvel is a shoo in, along with more disgustingly terrible inhumans (Because other than Medusa and Crystal, I don't think I could care about any other flops. Maybe Karnak)
  8. My guess? All-New, All-Different Marvel NOW! costume redesigns. ANAD Hulk Invincible (Anime) Iron Man Green Glowing Spider Spider-Man Ant-Man Sneakers and Axe Doctor Strange Star-Lady (Kitty Pryde in Star-Lord's costume) ANAD Wolverine (X-23) Daredevil No Black Panther, Blue Marvel, Moon Knight, 2099, Inhumans, Magik, Squadron or anything like that probably. Just more A-Listers with slightly new costumes. TRU might get something like Space Venom or Old Man Rogers, but I'm not holding my breath for other ANADM players.
  9. Aren't they just being reassigned to other teams? Ben with Guardians, Johnny with The Inhumans... Not sure where Reed and Sue have landed.
  10. In the words of Tom Brevoort "Sorry to see you go. We’ll be here if you ever want to come back." Very excited for Invincible Ironman, A-force, ANAD Avengers, Ultimates, Strange, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Hulk, Mighty Thor, Scarlet Witch, Ms Marvel, Illuminati, Hawkeye, Antman, Vision, Amazing Spiderman, Spider Woman, Spiderman, SpiderGwen, Silk, Guardians, Drax, Howard the Duck, Starlord, Uncanny Inhumans, Karnak, Angela, Squadron Supreme, Extraordinary X-men, Uncanny X-men, Old Man Logan, All-New Wolverine and still waiting to see what else they announce
  11. I'm also a TPB guy all the way. I rarely even look at the monthly issues, so I don't even recognize a lot of these characters. I also sold most of my 'Mates a while back, so speaking only for the Minimates and not the comics, I'm interested in: -Man-Thing -Extraordinary X-Men (I really dig Ramos' art) -She-Hulk -Spider-Ham -All-New X-Men (because I love the REAL first class in ANY format) PAUSE... The Thing and Venom are now Guardians? I get Torch's connection to Inhumans, but Beast??? WTF?... -Daredevil (Gambit's new suit looks atrocious) ...and that's about it for me.
  12. Like I said, things change, generally on an annual basis. Inhumans are a good bet. I'd love to see Moon Knight show up on this list.
  13. Seems safe to say we might get some Inhumans soon....
  14. The company I work for has the Marvel Comics license and we've been discouraged from using any FF or X-Men characters in favor of the following: Iron Man Hulk Thor Loki Captain America Red Skull Falcon Black Widow Hawkeye Spider-Man Green Goblin Baron Zemo Doctor Octopus Arnim Zola Black Bolt Medusa MODOK Dormammu Karnak Dr. Strange Black Panther Luke Cage Spider-Woman Iron Fist Nova She-Hulk Ghost Rider Daredevil Lockjaw I'd say that, as far as Marvel is concerned at this moment, these are the evergreen characters they'll be pushing to retailers. Again, that's just my take and there's usually wiggle room but at the end of the day, it's Marvel's call. For what it's worth, this lineup was very different just 18 months ago. Lots more mutants and FFers, zero Inhumans.
  15. And yes, "Best of" is for evergreen characters. The more popular a character becomes (due to movies, TV, games, et al) the more likely they are to be included in a future assortment. All you have to do is look at Marvel's upcoming slate to see who's going to be getting some attention. That said, there's also the possibility that a fourth assortment could simply shuffle existing figures around based on retailer demand. Again, looking at who's getting pushed by Disney, the fourth assortment could be a mix of the first three: Power Man & Iron Fist Punisher & Daredevil Iron Man & Captain America Spider-Man & Green Hulk Another thought: Take out the Fox characters (Thing, Mr. Fantastic, Doctor Doom, Wolverine, Deadpool, and Sabretooth) and you've got room to push Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Dr. Strange, and maybe some Inhumans or members of Guardians of the Galaxy.
  16. Agreed - anything that can tie in to what's being pushed by Marvel will probably do quite well. That's how we ended up with the Iron Fist / Power Man two-pack, right? Their involvement with the Spider-Man animated show boosted their 'visibility' Hopefully the upcoming appearance of Black Panther and the Inhumans in the MCU will mean increased appearances in comics and other media leading up to their MCU debuts, which will allow for minimates to be made.
  17. Based on what I've seen, Black Panther and the Inhumans are very likely candidates for another "Best of" assortment. Possibly even Jessica Jones if her Netflix show takes off the way Daredevil's did.
  18. I get the feeling X-Men will go the way of Fantastic Four as soon as The Inhumans gain a decent foothold. And as with the comic book characters themselves, they'll no longer be offered in X-Men-themed waves but only as part of their new affiliations. (IE - The Thing as part of a Guardians of the Galaxy assortment.)
  19. bzorio


    90s Avengers - Black Knight Classic X-Men - Toad 90s X-Men - Silver Samurai Spider-Man - Amazing Bag-Man Cosmic Marvel - Watcher Inhumans - Medusa Marvel Knights - Blackheart Miscellaneous - Stan Lee Planet Hulk - Caiera Asgard - Volstagg
  20. elhonez


    For Marvel taxonomies, I always think of it like this: Avengers - Includes "Big 3" characters & supporting as well (Cap, Thor, Iron Man), and SHIELD Defenders - Includes their "Big 3" characters & supporting as well (Dr. Strange, Hulk, Namor) Fantastic Four - Inclusive of Inhumans, Silver Surfer characters, Galactus Heralds, etc. X-Men - Includes sub-groups & Wolverine characters, Alpha Flight, Savage Land characters Spider-Man - big roster of villains here Street Heroes - Daredevil, Heroes for Hire, Moon Knight, Punisher, Cloak & Dagger, misc. Supernatural - Dracula, Man-Thing, Zombie, Brother Voodoo, Ghost Rider, etc. Cosmic - Non-FF related; Ms. and Capt. Marvel, Warlock, ROM, Omega, Gamora, Drax, Eternals, Celestials, original Guardians of Galaxy, etc. Western & War - Sgt Fury, Combat Kelly, Two-Gun Kid, Rawhide Kid, etc. Monsters - revivals of old pre-Marvels, like Scarlet Beetle, Googam, Tim Boo Baa, Gorgilla, Blip, Diablo, Goom, etc. Fantasy & Misc - Deathlok, Devil Dinosaur, Killraven, Skull the Slayer, Blackmark, Void Indigo, Thongor, anything without a place or temporally displaced EDIT: now when I read above I had missed a post that was very similar...
  21. elhonez


    I'll play. Classic Avengers - Classic Falcon 90s Avengers - [no vote] Modern Avengers - [no vote] NOW Avengers - [no vote] Classic X-Men - Marvel Girl (green skirt) 90s X-Men - [no vote] Modern X-Men - [no vote] NOW X-Men - [no vote] Spider-Man - Jackal Mystic Marvel - Man-Thing / Dormammu (tie) Cosmic Marvel - Classic Adam Warlock / Uatu (tie) Inhumans - Medusa Marvel Knights - Paladin Miscellaneous - Super Adaptoid
  22. Here's my votes and I added a category for the overlooked 80's Avengers. Classic Avengers - FA Wonder Man 80's Avengers - Dr Druid 90s Avengers - Crystal Modern Avengers - Pass NOW Avengers - Pass Classic X-Men - Sunfire 90s X-Men - Pass Modern X-Men - Pass NOW X-Men - Pass Spider-Man - Molten Man (Yellow, not gold or translucent) Mystic Marvel - Brother Voodoo Cosmic Marvel - Adam Warlock (Starlin) Inhumans - Triton Marvel Knights - Prowler Miscellaneous - Jack of Hearts
  23. I hope this what you were talking about Classic Avengers: Classic Black Panther 90s Avengers: Black Knight Modern Avengers: Wasp NOW Avengers: Medusa Classic X-Men: Tri-Senitel 90s X-Men: Mojo Modern X-Men: Pixie NOW X-Men: Legion Spider-Man: Ze Leaper Mystic Marvel: Brother VooDoo Cosmic Marvel: Original Yondu Inhumans: Crystal Marvel Knights: Punisher Miscellaneous: Death-Wish EDIT- Changed Blind Al to Death-Wish
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