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Everything posted by cylonchaney

  1. Oh and Matt when I was talking about people not wanting to share, I just meant their Minimate or Minimate-like designs. I'm aware of at least 4. I think it's the amount of work that goes into getting it right. Just the figure. There's all kinds of great stuff people put out for free. Like the Viper above. Also, if you see something you might want to print, grab it now. Models disappear for all kinds of reasons without warning. If you already have a copy, you're good. The Cobra HISS I was testing out is gone. Someone was threatening the creator to report him to Hasbro so he took it down.
  2. And here's a couple of shots of the Stinger. I haven't glued anything yet and will probably reprint a couple of parts before doing so. This is scaled to 70%. It leaves lots of leg room but if you go any smaller you run out of shoulder room. I think it will look OK when finished and glued.
  3. So I found a new Viper model. Well new to me. A Mark II designed for minimates. So I printed one up and am using it to test a new flickr account. I picked an appropriate pilot from my collection. LOL The model can be found at
  4. Awesome! I did not know that. I'd still like to see the Six Million Dollar Man against six Million Dollar Men,
  5. The Incredible Hulk - Hogan 6 Feet Under - Taker American Ninja Ultimate Warrior
  6. Was it a show about Ted DiBiase and his 5 clones? LOL
  7. I thought it might be an idea to create a thread to post 3d printer files (stl typically) of things that are useful for customising and accessorising minimates. Please post whether or not you have actually printed the file yourself, what scale works well with minimates and any tricks you might have used to achieve success. I'll get us started with a couple that I've scaled and printed for mates. Thingiverse Protip: Thingiverse seems to be getting more and more broken as time goes by. I don't think much maintenance is happening. Anyway, there used to be a link on the files page of any model to download all the parts in one zip file. If you change the end of the url from /files to /zip you will be able to download this zip file. eg. becomes My thingiverse profile: - Any designs I have created to make other models work with minimates can be found here. For example, a thicker steering wheel for the Cobra Stinger posted below. Mattel BSG Viper I like the way it fits minimates when scaled to 70%. I have successfully printed at this scale and all parts were printable. Someone created pop-in landing gear for the Mattel Viper. You have to take out the wheels but it can easily be restored to stock. Works perfectly with this model. The landing gear clips on and off so you can still play in flight mode. Don't forget to scale it the same as your model. Mattel Cylon Raider I have not printed this model but it's by the same creator as the Viper. Should be fine. Cylon Raider for Minimates - Lg 3 pilot version Designed by me specifically for BSG minimates. Goes nicely with the deformed Viper below. Cylon Raider for Minimates - Sm 1 pilot version Viper Mark I for minimates Designed for Mimimates. Finally your classic BSG mates have a sweet ride! Viper Mark II deformed and scaled for minimates No scaling required. This model was made with minimates in mind. Try to ignore my poorly made and applied decals. Cobra Stinger This is scaled to 70% and printed at .2 mm layer height. All parts of model scaled without trouble for me except the steering wheel which became quite thin. I banged up a simple replacement. I may post it to thingiverse. If you need a thicker one and it's not there, let me know. There are not a lot of pins and holes or alginment features so do lots of test fitting and planning what to glue in what order. Please note that this model did not come with the missile launcher. I took the models for that from another Stinger and modified this one to have a mount point (basically a hole). Consider geting a membership, posting a make and posting a thank you comment. This is what might encourage some of these guys to make more free models. This guy has some other models at 3.75 scale so check out his profile.
  8. The devil is in the details. Someone made a huge arsenal of both Joe faction's vehicles for a board game or something. Other folks have scaled those minis back up and chopped them for printing and added back some articulation in some cases. That's where a lot of these 3d printable GI Joe vehicles are coming from. For $30 I'd be happy with a correctly sized brick in the shape of a Joe vehicle if you know what I mean. It sounds like a good deal if your expectations aren't high. I'm trying to print a stinger (the cobra jeepy thing). There are models where you print the whole thing as one piece basically except the wheels. The one I'm testing requires me to print 30 different parts and assemble them. I was going to print a HISS. The model I chose had working tank tracks. You had to print each tread and two pins to attach to the next piece. When scaled down to mate size, it was too much small detail for my printer. I think there might be another model out there where the treads are one solid piece and don't move. I would try to get some details of what to expect for your $ so both sides can exit the deal happy. As far as scaling for 3d printing goes, it's as simple as selecting a scale percentage in the slicing software that creates the "instruction" file for the printer. I took the Viper model I wanted to print and set it to 60%. That turned out to be too small so I did another at 70 and it's a great fit. A great tip is to print the seat or cockpit first and fit some mates in. If it doesn't look right or they don't fit, try again. Another is to print the smallest parts first. See if scaling them down possibly has made them unprintable. And lastly, learn some kind of tool that can manipulate 3d files. Even just the basics. The Mattel Viper I printed had a canopy that wouldn't close properly. I was able to stretch it a little to make it fit better without being a 3d guru or having to design a new one. I'm so out of touch with photo posting. Is there a defacto photo hosting site that makes it easy to embed photos in forum posts? Any tricks I should know for using with the verse?
  9. Congrats on your purchase. Resin Printer or FDM (oozing plastic) type? There are some minimate plans for sale on one of the model download sites. No idea if they are any good. I think you'll find people reluctant to share their minimate or minimate-like designs for free. I'd recommend getting familiar with your printer and getting good prints out of it before attempting anything too complicated. A general recommendation I can make is that there are a lot of free files out there of stuff for 3.75" figures. Scale them down to 70% or so for a good fit for minimates. There are files on thingiverse for a 70's Mattel Viper scaled up for 3.75" figures. The original Viper is too small for a mate. The thingiverse one is too big. Scale it to 70% and you have a great classic Viper for Starbuck. I've done that one myself. Sometimes scaling down will make a part too small to print so it can be trial and error. But I've printed a Mattel Viper and a more realistic one in scale for mates to pilot. Currently seeing if I can scale down the Cobra Vamp that I found.
  10. Look in the Customs section for posts by user @davypenn. They are approx 400% scale and hes made quite a few.
  11. Happy Birthday BHM! You are only as old as you feel.
  12. My way is not very sportsman-like. He was so great in that role!
  13. There's something sinister about your plan.
  14. There used to be a member here, I can't remember who anymore, who brought up the topic of sculpted breasts on minimates quite often. For some reason this came to mind when I tried to picture an Adrienne Barbeau minimate. LOL PS I believe the number of times Zach has not denied it's wrestling says it all. No one is guessing anything else anymore and he's not saying, way off guys keep trying.
  15. I'll buy 20 more Picards including a Hatless-battle-damaged-Dixon-Hill Picard if DST would just commit to make the rest of the bloody bridge crew!
  16. I can't believe Chuck passed on making a wave that could have had 3 (or even more) Spider-Men in it!
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