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  1. I don't think it's wrong to admit that you're concerned about the product for a selfish reason so long as you also show genuine concern for the people themselves as well, because they're going to be suffering a lot when shit hits the fan. Two things can be true at the same time. To clarify: when I say selfish, I don't mean in a vain, self-centered, narcissistic, or apathetic sense. I mean in a sense where you can be honest about your own personal interests in something. Selfishness isn't inherently wrong; there's a good kind and a bad kind. I hope this helps.
  2. I trust Todd to do the line justice as far as I can throw him. I have no love for Hasbro as a company, but I feel more inclined to trust them with Diamond's I.P.s than Todd. Jazzwares, I'm unfamiliar with outside their Halo stuff. So, I can't comment much.
  3. God, I just caught this news. This is BAD. Minimates have been a staple of my life since I was eight years old. They're among my favorite collectibles. To see them potentially at risk of being discontinued like this is heartbreaking for me. As well, I feel bad for the employees of Diamond who are also facing the potential loss of their jobs over this. I can't begin to imagine how anxious they all probably are about this, nor do I blame them at all for it. This is a shitty situation for everybody involved, employees and fans. Nobody is going to win here. Guys, we might really be facing the end of the road for our favorite common collectables. I know the saying "nothing good lasts forever," but god damn. I never thought I'd see it happen. At least, not within my lifetime.
  4. Apologies for the vulgarity, but I have to ask; why does it look like Wolverine has the shitty, puny second-generation claws? Is it just for the prototype, or will it carry over to the final release? Please give him the third-generation claws for the final. The third-gen claws are perfect.
  5. Both look incredible. I always preferred Frank with the grey gloves of his first appearance suit as opposed to the white ones. It's more of a tactical/stealth look and it makes the skull stand out more.
  6. Oooo, Acts of Vengeance would slap.
  7. - New classic Vision and Jocasta - Modern Hank Pym Giant-Man (2010 suit) and modern Wasp (2000s suit) - Last Stand Spider-Man and Morlun - New classic Leader and Abomination
  8. X-Cutioner's Song, perhaps? Be an obvious way to get Stryfe, plus DIRE redos of characters like '90s Gambit, '90s Rogue, and '90s Jubilee. The originals, of which, are OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive (or not even able to be located in Jubilee's case) on the aftermarket nowadays. Also, yeah, yeah, Stryfe is technically Cable, but IDC. He's basically Cable's Reverse-Flash as his identical foil, and is just one of the most important villains in the X-Men mythos period for being responsible for the outbreak of the Legacy Virus at the end of XCS.
  9. I met him twice. Man even spoke to me. Was literally like hearing the voice of God. If Wave 100 doesn't include a Stan Lee figure, I am actually going to start the ninth fucking Crusade.
  10. It's the same piece. Just differently-colored/printed.
  11. Like I said, it depends on proportionality. Thor Minimates have been standard-sized for the longest time simply because there wasn't an inherent NEED (that I can think of) to make them larger since it would compromise the posability. Some, such as the original Thor and Thor Reborn, tried to make the character taller and bulkier, but IMO, they look a bit overly-cumbersome and awkward due to the need to balance that bulk with articulation. You are right in that Minimate engineering technology has advanced to the point where it IS feasible to get that semi-bulky look Thor has in the comics. It's just a matter of making it a reality. I might make a mock-up of what the figure's silhouette COULD look like from cobbling together pieces of other figures. I am curious, but also cautious as well. I don't wanna get mine or anyone else's hopes up.
  12. Yeah, nah. Sorry, I disagree. I can see a valid point made about there not yet existing a "definitive" Thor helmet sculpt in the line, but having a head that makes the helmet part of the head itself seems excessive. It also takes away from the interchangeably, I feel. Unless it's a character like Spider-Man or Deadpool, a whole separate head seems rather pointless to me just to have an option of revealing a little more of the character's face. Interchangeable helmets/hair has been a mainstay in the line for a long time and it isn't one I'd wish to see go away so soon. I'll give you the point on it being the most beneficial for the Thing, but I cannot agree with Thor. I also see what you're trying to say on the arms, but IMO, that comes down to proportionality. The only way I can see what you're saying work well with a character like Thor is if they made it resemble the Series 76 Venom but without the bulky chestpiece for the sake of balancing out the mass. It could work in THEORY, but take the boots into consideration, and I can EASILY see it backfiring. He might end up looking TOO bulky in that respect, even without a chestpiece.
  13. My Little Pony Thor would be funny AF, NGL. XD
  14. It's really the logical next step for a modern Thor Minimate. We've gotten P much ALL of Thor's comic costumes. A plethora of Silver Age Thor figs, the Armored suit, Eric Masterson Thor, the Heroes Reborn/Heroes Return appearance, the 2007 design, the Marvel NOW! look, Jane Foster Thor, Unworthy Thor, Ages of Thunder Thor, etc.
  15. Actually, wait. I got it. Herald of Thunder Thor. It's the most recent design for the character I can think of (unless the latest comics have given him yet another costume I'm unaware of XD), and from what I've seen, it's a fairly popular look for the character. I mean, if Diamond can get away with throwing a classic yellow Daredevil in a box set with all-modern-looking characters, they can get away with putting the Herald of Thunder in a box set with an all-classic Wrecking Crew.
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