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Everything posted by pawcanada

  1. It would be great if they increase the depth to 72 'mates. I bought the first case for the Battle Beast minimate alone, but it quickly proved to be a handy addition as I used it to store my Marvel Army Builders.
  2. As Barney Stinson would say, that would be legend.... Wait for it.... Dairy!
  3. I may get one if/when Smash Brothers 3DS and Luigi's Mansion 2 are out, but at the same time the money I could spend on the system as those games could go towards Luke and minimates...
  4. Sweet . Looks like more of my money will be heading your way by the end of this week Luke .
  5. I completely agree with this. Though I still hope to see those two through other means it is still frustrating we may have to wait for either the sequel or someone else to take on the movie versions, or comic based versions of those two. I'm looking to replicate this myself but I'm not sure who's hair was used for Odin. Can someone please point me in the right direction.
  6. Actually Vergil has been announced as Dante's DLC costume, along with Super Solider Cap, Iron Patriot, Classic Thor, Street Fighter 1 Ryu (red slippers!) and Classic Chris (I think). Personally I would love to see Virgil, SF1 Ryu, Super Soldier Cap and one of the others (don't mind) at some point in the future. While I agree with the above, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't one of Magneto's pallets based off his Ultimate look, which is similar but a wee bit different? Surely that would be a logical variant to use in the future as it can double as Ult. Magneto.
  7. I'll admit I've held off the box set becuase I'm not interested in the SPidey, Iron Man and Cap (though he does look good). That and I live in England and I don't think they'll ship here
  8. It is. I'm also loving the fact it's X's pallet and they changed the hair to brown to match his (I never noticed it in the screen shot). I'll admit while the P2 sets are just re-paints I am REALLY keen with both of them. We get an updated version of Red Hulk and Stealth Iron Man as well as White Phoenix and X-Men Deadpool. I'm crossing my fingers for the 2099 pallet of Dr Doom. And as for the Thor boxset, I missed out on the Classic Heroic Boxset as I only wanted Thor so personally I'm happy of he's getting "re-released". And Future Foundation was inevitable but great. Too bad they didn't give Spidey a slip on mask (I've always liked it when Peter is with the Fantastic Four). I'm definitly looking forward to all four of them, though I doubt my wallet is too keen .
  9. I'm surprised they're not doing Exiles, as Spider-Man 2099 was on that team for a while; he'd be a perfect excuse to do the box set - fans of 2099 like myself get a MUCH needed update and Exile fans get some more guys to go with Sabertooth, Blink and Morph. And real shame about Hogun and Fandrall. While I guess it kinda makes sense they have a slight issue finding somewhere else to sell them, I'm surprised they can't give them to TRU or something similar.
  10. Two new Art Asylum blogs. One about the SDCC exclusive (which most will have seen in the appropriate thread) and another about the line up for the Specialty Store and TRU Wave 1: Marvel vs. Capcom Minimates: Specialty Wave 1 vs. Toys “R” Us Wave 1: Fight! In a nut shell: Specialty Store Exclusive: - Dark Phoenix VS Morrigan (”Darkstalkers”) - Dormammu VS Trish (”Devil May Cry”) Toys “R” Us Exclusive: - Magneto VS Mega Man Zero (from “Mega Man”) - Hulk VS Mike Haggar (”Final Fight”) Both venues will get: - Iron Man VS Arthur (”Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins”) - Deadpool VS Dante (”Devil May Cry”) I'm liking Hagger (yay, another SF minimate!) and his pipe is a great accessory and even though we saw P2 Arthur, great to finally see the P1 version (though where is his lance...?).
  11. Loving the P2 box set. Can't wait to see what other P2 costumes we'll get and maybe the possibility of P3 and 4. The Max and Pirate exclusives sound cool, bar the small fortune it will cost me to track them down.
  12. I completly agree, especally with the scond paragraph. Kyle is one of my favourite superheroes of all time. He got me interested in Green Lantern and ultimatly DC, and over the last few years I have started to drop Marvel in favour of DC. Heck, I've even done a complete 180 on Superman and consider him one of my fvourite heroes (after formerly being one of those guys who consider him too powerful, aka someone who's never ACTUALLY read Superman). Now don't get me wrong, I'd be happy if they did tone Kal down a little (for example) and I'm interested in seeing if maybe they can tweak some of the other characters. Grant Morrison on Superman is a great idea after the brilliant job he did on All-Stars. However does this mean the excellent run on Booster Gold and Secret Six will end? Will, like Lobsterman said, we lose Kyle, Tim, Conner Kent and Wally? Will Lois and Clark break up Peter/MJ style? People keep saying "oh it's hard to break into ___" which IMO is a load of bollocks. I jumped onto Green Lantern, Booster Gold, Secret Six and Superman in the middle of each series' run. OK granted I jumped onto GL with Sinestro Corps, BG with the BN tie in and Superman with Grounded, but I also picked up the relevent trades for them to help me get the back story and as for Secret Six, I just jumped on and enjoyed the ride. Heck Usagi Yojimbo I collected in trades only - out of order I might add, until a few years ago when I started getting the comics, despite a two/three year gap between where I was in the trades and where the comic is. I can't help but wonder if this is DC's answer to Marvel Reborn and we all know how well that went.
  13. Damn it! I wasn't initially interested in this wave but the more I see of it, the more I want it. Even if he isn't as good as he could be, as a Nightcrawler fan I do want Azazel for my collection... Maybe if I ahve some money left over I might look into it.
  14. I'm liking the last picture. Out of interest, can I see a hand in the "powered up Jon hand" (i.e. a hand inside the Gamma Hulk hand) or is it just my eyes. And the Saint Walker custom looks awesome. Might have to speak to some people about commissioning one (especally with the Hadouken blast and stand).
  15. My Halo minimates decide to play a game of Capture the Cake on my office desk. (can also be seen on my blog *end shameless plug*)
  16. Just voted for Terrax due to my love of characters with non-cliche element powers (i.e. anything OTHER than Fire, Ice and Thunder). I agree wiuth both of the above comments.
  17. All of the characters look awesome Luke. Can't wait to get the set and start putting them all together . Interested in seeing the alternative version as well...
  18. Great to see they're up for pre-order so early
  19. I have to admit, initially I wasn't too fussed about the Playstation wave, but the more I read into it (especally the review; nicely done groundhog7s), the more I want them... After watching Advent Children with some friends a few days ago, the otherwise dead Final Fantasy fanboy inside of me wouldn't say no to seeing various Final Fantasy charatcers made as minimates. Of course I'd much rather prefer Legecy of Kain's (Soul Reaver 1 is one of my favourite games of all time) Kain and Raziel but I somehow doubt either would ever be released...
  20. Fixed . Sounds like some interesting minimates are on their way. Just hope my wallet doesn't get burned trying to get all the one I want. As before, if anyone can help a British collector, please give me a buzz.
  21. I'm an international/British member looking to bid on a few of these. Can a willing US citizen please contact me so we can work something out
  22. As a UK based collector who is reliant on people helping me get these waves or having to scower eBay if they aren't and hope I don't get stung, I couldn't agree more. Balder and Beta Ray Bill are both high on my "WANT NOW!" list, and if the Cap costume is indeed the one youbastards suggested, it's a variant I can't wait to get. Hopefully all bar the SW Cap/Crossbones sets are part of an upcoming boxset and/or wave so I won't have to jump though TOO many hoops to get them. Else...
  23. That's what I thought I read as well (too bad it won't cover the earlier games though ).
  24. Didn't DST imply they'll be able to do more than just the main roster, i.e. characters added via DLC, maybe alternative costumes (such as Ca's Super Soldier and Ryu's SF1 look, fingers crossed?) and maybe the alt colours? Having said that, I think I remember them getting a bit confused when someone asked them about the alt colours...
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