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About minijeff

  • Birthday 05/04/1978

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    Humboldt, SK Canada

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  1. Man I can't believe I didn't put the close together. Honestly I thought it was tere but life kinda derailed and I didn't get back to it. Thanks tons man an yes the origami Dinobots kicked all kinds of ass! Jeff of the Miniacs
  2. Don't call it a comeback... Jeff of the Miniacs
  3. Well darn, now I have no clue! Jeff of the Miniacs
  4. Here's mine, a bit late posting...I believe my Santa to be Matallica! Kostisfire - hohoho! Jeff of the Miniacs
  5. There are so many great lines out there, some are going to be tougher to complete. I loved the Calico Jack line, and the Real Ghostbusters are a lot of fun and hit the nostalgia button for sure. BTTF is another great one in my mind! Occasionally you'll find older members thinning out collections, like I currently am, and maybe find a deal or two from them. Jeff of the Miniacs
  6. they are most certainly from him and are the perfect shade of blue I think, anyways lol! Thanks! Jeff of the Miniacs
  7. In the sorting of my collection space this came up... Jeff of the Miniacs
  8. If you need a hand with stuff I am currently thinning out my horde...mostly over on Facebook if you are there look me up otherwise let know here and I can let you know what I have that you may want! Jeff of the Miniacs
  9. Yea that sounds like me too....I am in the process of thinning the horde down to likely just Marvel with bits and pieces of other stuff maybe too! Jeff of the Miniacs
  10. Thats a great find man! Are you just a Marvel Minimates fan or others too, I can't recall lol? Jeff of the Miniacs
  11. Yes it certainly was me, an as a fellow Canadian I figured you would appreciate the Alpha Flight control art piece! Glad you enjoyed the gift and hope you had a great birthday! Jeff of the Miniacs
  12. Heck yea this was awesome man! Thanks so much! It was a very Captain Canuck filled day as I got a package full of Canuck stuff that day too from the indiegogo (like kickstarter) campaign I took part in to help find the web series! Those customs will get added to my growing Captain Canuck display! Thanks again! Jeff of the Miniacs
  13. Jeff of the Miniacs
  14. Birthday Elephant 2014! Jeff of the Miniacs
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