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  1. I am not sure if anyone is looking to build an army of Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Minimates. If someone is and decides to purchase a bunch from this site: and don't really want a bunch of extra bookmarks lying around, I'd be more than willing to take them off your hands
  2. Well, still no updates in the system. Looks like Tomb Raider will be the last for a while. I am also leaving TRU after 10 years so I will be of no use for inside information. So, in a way, this is also my farewell to this forum.
  3. Anybody see this exclusive? It's pretty awesome and I don't think we will be getting it up here in Canada.
  4. When I was missing two power discs from the first set, I bought ten packs, scanned them at home, and returned the eight packs I didn't need.
  5. Within the next couple of weeks. Orders have been updated and are shipping to stores.
  6. cough cough, Tomb raider hitting Canadian TRU stores super soon!
  7. cough cough, Tomb raider hitting Canadian TRU stores super soon!
  8. Loks like the goodie bag has nothing useful for in-game action. No power disc. Thank goodness! WE might not have the trading event up here, but we will have the new power disc packs. @ dr baghead -Lazer Pistols (not giant cartoony cannon, but pistols) -Kinda, there are a few lazer guns so far. I'm not sure exactly what you mean -Robot Fist Boxing Gloves -Not yet, but probably some day -Lassoing -This is a no and something they will probably never have -Two Player in the same room co-op -This is a big fat yes, but only 2-player
  9. @ Heroic Slacker, That would be awesome. As far as I can tell there is nothing going on up here I would owe you one. @monkeycrumb, The gameplay is quite tedious. A whole lot of scavenger hunts. Most of the time is spent looking for items to unlock in the Toy Box. If you have no interest in the Toy Box mode (building a toy box), it ain't worth $75. I will say that I really enjoyed the game, but I'm not a good judge on what is a great game. I read that the Lone Ranger set is like a kids version of Red Dead Redemption. I bought it today and will be playing that play set this weekend. What makes it fun, for me, is exploring and discovering things in the mini open worlds. Finally, you can download other people's toy boxes and play around in them, that gives it some fun replay. Oh, it's a very expensive game if you want to unlock everything. There are some great deals in the USA to get it cheaper now. No deals in Canada, so I paid full price for everything.
  10. @ UK Collector Here is a great List (and forum) for Disney Infinity info:
  11. There is going to be a big trading event on September 7th! If we don't have this in Canada, I am hoping someone on here would be willing to grab me the giveaways
  12. Crystals will be the main character from each Play Set. McQueen, Jack Sparrow, Sully, Mr Incredible and The Lone Range. There will also be a Crystal Mickey Mouse.
  13. All of the current TRU packs only contain Mike's car. Don't buy multiples thinking you will get different exclusive Power Discs. All these good sales in the USA makes it suck living in Canada and buying this game.
  14. I'm loving it... but all the PS3 problems are driving me crazy. I'm also looking to trade if people have extra's on here. I'm only 4 away from a full set.
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