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Everything posted by Onyx_6

  1. Did you still need the the Logan and Deadpool sets? I have an extra set available. $42 ($21 each) plus shipping
  2. Maybe it was the other way around? Maybe they wanted Sgt Slaughter INCLUDED with the recent announcement?
  3. I would give up donuts (maybe even pizza) for all the MInimates that could have been.
  4. I would not be disappointed in a 6-pack of putty patrolers for MMPR. We need villains! Or, better yet, Rita, Zedd, Goldar, Evil Green Ranger, Kat Pink Ranger and a Putty. That would allow Luke to offer Putty as an exclusive! Can't wait to sign over a couple paychecks! I have missed the days of monthly Minimate purchases.
  5. Gargoyles would be amazing. Built in variants too as each could be done again in stone grey. I was actually thinking the delay in announcement might mean baseball Minimates. With the lockout in progress it wouldn't have made sense to announce mates not knowing when the games would be back.
  6. I ended up getting more than I ‘needed’ and am happy to help anyone that wants one pack. My delivered cost is $20 per pack, so your cost would be $20 per pack plus US shipping.
  7. $150 set for SDCC isn't *that* far out there.... :D
  8. So, will you be being them all and distributing them to the rest of us, @buttheadsmate? (Please and thank you!) ?
  9. I will need to steal a few of these DC customs. Amazing! My plan is to use Kermit for Psycho.
  10. With the new format, is a 6-figure wave required? Could a 5- or 7-pack be a possibility with lighter accessories and/or more alternate looks? Right now I'm thinking a 7-pack with the 6 Runaways and an Old-Lace as an articulated 7th figure
  11. Did I miss the email for loyal subscribers @luke314pi? Or am I just not loyal enough?
  12. Will this be the beginning of a new subscription year, @luke314pi? Or will that start after this?
  13. American Horror Story would be cool. Finally getting the Arrowverse would be epic - Starting with The Flash The NCIS shows would truly be a WTF line.
  14. American Horror Story would be pretty epic. Lots of diverse concepts and some very interesting looks!
  15. Sunny got picked up for another 3 seasons, so definitely fits the "not going anywhere" comment.
  16. I think the biggest thing with the price point is how quickly it happened. Yes, it is to be expected, and if you collect other lines (Hasbro, for instance), you will also notice that costs are going up - their 6 inch line was $21 a year ago and are now $23-$31 per figure. With Minimates however, we don't get as many offerings, so when the price jumps, and this high, it really is a big shock. People were surprised at the $7.50 per mate price when the Hasbro license first dropped. But, at least $30 isn't that big of a leap from the $25 that 4-packs had been. But there were complaints before this about the 4-packs being so much when the 2-packs were still under $10. Most of us have not paid $10 for a (new) 2-pack since the DC mates were available. Going from under $5 for a single mate to $7.50 was a shock. But, it could be written off as the new cost of the Hasbro License. But with the second offering taking that $7.50 to $10, that is not insignificant, especially for what is seen as 2 repaints. Yes, the packaging is cool, but it also makes it seem like the packaging is the reason for the doubling of price. I'm also not looking forward to $8 per mate in the Marvel 6-packs. That is almost $50 for 6 mates. Through Luke's, we were able to get 2 sets of 6 (or 7) figures for that price. It wasn't even $90 to get a full case of 24 mates. Again, cost increases are inevitable and are not outside the norm. It just happens that the increase comes at the same time as new fancy packaging, which makes it seem like the packaging is at least partially to blame for such a high increase in price per mate. Especially when most of us here are both completists and supports of the line(s) and I would believe more than half of us generally pick up at least 2 sets of everything. We need a Minimates reward program! Collect your UPCs and send them (plus $$ for shipping) in for an exclusive mate! Uatu or Stan Lee for Marvel. Pimp Destro for GIJoe. Nemesis Prime for Transformers. Evil Green Ranger for MMPR.
  17. @DSTZachIs "Last Animated" the Iron Man and Miles sets? Or would that have been the X-Men series?
  18. Happy Christmas, Kwanza, belated Hanukkah, and a very Merry New Year!
  19. So, @luke314pi, does that mean given the opportunity, you would offer/support an exclusive COBRA troop builder pack? ?
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