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  2. I’m a huge Joe fan. I had a ton of the 4” figures and vehicles and all the Sdcc exclusives. Problem was they were all in a box in the attic. I’d buy one, open it, then immediately store it. So when this line was announced I found a buyer to take them all off my hands. So I’m all in. I’ve purchased multiples of each set and will continue to blindly support this line. Good news about this line is I have them all up and out and in the open instead of just in storage somewhere. If they make a ton more then I’ll have to keep some stored but I figure that would be a bridge I’ll deal with when i get there. to be fair, I got rid of almost all my toys a few years ago and only kept my Minimates, legos, some transformers, and some designer toys. Since then I’ve added a few gi Joe confidential, some marvel legends, and probably too many Neda figures from various line. Including 2 Warduke’s.
  3. I would have been if there had been less duplication and an army builder release at the start (or even now). I've mentioned before that I was waiting for an army builder to buy into the line. Still no army builder and still no sales to me. I know it's ambitious for a new unproven line but I feel vehicles would have helped as well. The vehicles were as much a selling point of the original line if not more so than the figures.
  4. I am loath to post in this thread because I have failed to embrace GI Joe Minimates in the way some of my fellow-members do so ...believe it or not....I have often bitten my tongue (idiom not idiot) . I want all Minimate lines to succeed & for what it's worth I support any minimate line accordingly including Joemates. I'm also not seeking to prod the bear but I'm sure as hell that I will so ..... Initially GI Joe 'mates were/are too expensive ,especially the footlockers . I respect the decision to go up that road but it didn't work . I could say that that is 'in my humble opinion' but I shan't be humble about my reason for saying that ....all of the first 3 releases are still readily available online priced way below the original asking price . The 4th release is not so plentiful (as far as I can tell) but what is available remain at their original recommended price. I have no special gift for 'knowing' but the 4th release was perhaps released in fewer numbers , I will add no question mark to that remark. Repetition of characters which re-utilise tooling is standard in almost every Minimate line , notoriously in the promotion of the Battle Beast line which, for me, became extremely tiresome & almost embarrassing . The Joe line doesn't appear to employ a huge amount of unique tooling so why the repitition ? That said the Battle Beast line for example could have been huge but it became evident that existing Battle Beast toy collectors just weren't interested . Are GI Joe collectors interested in GI Joe Minimates... I honestly don't know ? Are minimate collectors interested in GI Joe ?
  5. Yesterday
  6. That looks great! Apparently I never preordered it, so it gave me a reason to place a nice big Luke order. 😁
  7. Pleasantly surprised to hear we're getting exclusives this year!
  8. Question about the ring, are the ring ropes plastic? Or are they the stretchy ropes like other figure rings use? Thank you in advance.
  9. Last week
  10. We can dig into this till the cows come home. DST doesn’t want to hear it. At the end of the day 16 figures were released across 4 sets and 11 figures were the same figure. They don’t want to hear it.
  11. I will be buying the hell out of this set. I don’t care what it is.
  12. Plus making 3 each of Storm Shadow, Scarlett, and Snake Eyes in the first four releases of the line. I get they’re popular but it’s a bit excessive to do that many of the same character. I’ll be slightly sad when the footlockers go but only because I like the cut out files.
  13. As someone who didn’t get the cats lair or tank i support lego doing this.
  14. This is what should have been done to begin with. I just hope the ambition of the footlockers didn’t kill the line.
  15. Nailed it with the first guess! It is Bushwacker, and he features some really cool 3D printed gun hands. He goes up for preorder sometime in the next week. 😁
  16. I was thinking Bullet, but Bushwhacker is probably a better choice.
  17. Luke already Nuked...
  18. The two Minimates exclusive box sets will 100% (as far as I know) be offered on our website after the show. I do not know if they will also be sold to Luke before the show, but I believe they will be, as they are technically Diamond Comics exclusives, and they will be selling them on the show floor this year. BUT they may not be revealed until July 1 or so. There will be a new AEW Vinimate at NYCC in October that will most likely be offered on the website afterwards. There MAY be a promo Minimate at NYCC that will NOT be sold online, but I will sock some away to give out here on the MMMV. But if you know someone going to NYCC, tell them to swing by and grab one.
  19. I said after my second SDCC that it would be my last but I would very much like to go once more , maybe somebody could give me a heads up next time tickets go up for sale next year ! Exclusives & promos are ....I suppose ... part of the game but I wish they weren't .
  20. good call. i used to complain when companies would announce em like 6 months early. i think i'm just bored at work. surprise surprise.
  21. I feel like the announcements normally come around a month before the event. So I would keep a look out for the press release in maybe two weeks. That said, I'm not an expert so who knows.
  22. Here is a hint for my next custom: This mercenary first appeared in the late 80’s, and is typically a Daredevil villain, but has also fought Punisher and Wolverine. Omega Sentinel has shipped, and if you haven't already received her, she should be arriving in the next few days!
  23. so, i know i'm being antsy but have the sdcc exclusives been announced yet for 2024? normally i'm all in the news but i've been busy and also trying to avoid it since i'm not going this year but minimate exclusives i'm all about.
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