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I jumped the bandwagon 20 years too late!


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Confession time!

Name some "classic" or cult movies you have NEVER watched (or at least never in full) before, but would love to in the near future.

I'll start: I have never seen Alien.

Yes, the original 1979 James Cameron Ridley Scott one.

You heard me.

Also, I now have a DVD of Blade Runner waiting to be watched. And just last year was the first time I've actually seen A Clockwork Orange and Gone With The Wind. Just a couple of weeks ago I saw When Harry Met Sally for the first time.

Other movies I haven't seen yet:

the first Terminator (or maybe that's just my lousy memory again)

most of Quentin Tarantino's older stuff (yes, including Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs)

Taxi Driver

West Side Story

Breakfast at Tiffany's (I HAVE watched snatches of Sabrina with my Mom though)

those 80s teen movies like Sixteen Candles and Ferris Bueller's Day-Off

Casablanca (missed my chance a few months ago though)

2001: A Space Odyssey (same here)

Tim Burton's first Batman film (or at least I can't remember seeing this one. Batman Returns I've watched a bazillion times though)

Citizen Kane, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Battleship Potemkin, Metropolis, Un Chien Andalou (we just learned about these in Film Appreciation class, and now I'm mighty intrigued... still rethinking that last one, though)

Dark City

Seven Samurai AND The Magnificent Seven

all of the Dollars Trilogy films

The Wall (that trippy Pink Floyd movie)

Tommy AND Quadrophenia (for you The Who fans)

The Black Cauldron (for some weird reason I could never understand this even as a kid)

I'll probably remember more later.

*waits for those "Crap, I'm old" comments from other boardies* :P

EDIT: Fixed the Alien error. Told ya I've never seen it. Thanks guys.

Edited by NorthRaider
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OK, well, Black Cauldron is, how shall I put this? Crap. Skip it in favor of one of the others. I suggest Citizen Kane.

Original Alien was Ridley Scott. James Cameron directed Aliens.

Alright, as for me:

Pulp Fiction, I want to see it.


2001: A Space Odyssey: I saw quite a bit of it, but have yet to finish it.

Schindler's List: see above.

Alien: see above

Dark City (Big wanna see. I think I'll get it soon.)

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Oh right, Ridley Scott. Just goes to show how little I know of that franchise :P

And I haven't seen Gandhi and Schindler's List either. (My brother does have a video of the latter luckily.)

Others I just thought of:


The Karate Kid (okay... maybe not)

Pitch Black (if only to check out what a GOOD Riddick film looks like)

Logan's Run

Soylent Green

the original Planet of the Apes

the old Ingmar Bergman movies (my brother's been on a Bergman kick lately though)

Alfred Hitchcock's old stuff (yes, including The Birds and the original Psycho... I'd personally prefer seeing Rear Window and North By Northwest first though)

the first three George Romero zombie movies (I HAVE seen the 90s remake of Night of the Living Dead though)

the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness movies (so I can't exactly relate to Ash Williams' awesomeness just yet)

the original Universal monsters films



Cats Don't Dance (or maybe it's my bad memory again)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre... both versions (thank God, I say)

Legend (I actually only remember part of this from my childhood... and I STILL can't figure out its plot)

Le Ballon Rouge (or something... French movie "The Red Balloon." I hear it's adorable to watch.)

City of God (I HAVE seen Children of God... it's not Brazilian at all, it's set in India or Pakistan, I think)

that animated Transformers movie I've heard so much about

that animated Lord of the Rings movie... although given what I've heard about it, probably a good thing

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I just watched The Magnificent Seven for the first time about 5 hours ago!

The first Terminator is kinda blah, especially if you're expecting it to live up to T2... The first Alien is brilliant though.

I've seen most of your list, but I will own up to never having watched ANY Godfather movie :ohmy:

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The first Terminator is kinda blah, especially if you're expecting it to live up to T2... The first Alien is brilliant though.

Both of these franchises, the first and second movie are so completely different from each other it's hard to accurately compare them. Both are excellent examples of good squels that didn't just try to remake the first films with a few variations. (although in the case of the Leathol Weapon films, that works too)

Don't want to get into what I have or haven't seen, as a lot of black and white movies all start to run together in my head after a while. Same with Westerns and WW2 movies. And yet I can somehow remember all the hours of bad "sci-fi original movies" I've watched over the years with crystal clairity. (though in most cases I wish that weren;t the case) I can say I haven't seen Usual Suspects or Reservoir Dogs.

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Sin City

Superman Returns

Transformers 2 (heard it was alright)

A Clockwork Orange

Desperately Seeking Susan

Fight Club


Rocky Horror Picture

Wolverine Origins

Pulp Fiction

I have friends that haven't seen the original Matrix XD

Edited by Dio
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I was going to list mine but I was thinking it was more important to say I saw North by Northwest for about the tenth time on TV on Sunday & it is still incredible ...the score,the actors,the plot,the production,the action ....Northraider watch that first,then Jaws,then Alien then Batman then Pulp Fiction & Reservoir Dogs ............leave that Braveheart on the shelf utter drivel :rolleyes:

Taxi Driver must be my :ohmy::ohmy: moment! Must see that one soon.

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Funny, I considered naming the best movies from your list to see last night, NR, and North by Northwest was going to be on my list, as was Jaws. Both brilliant movies. Let me briefly make a case for "T1," though. As Mirymate says, those movies are both very different, and are tough to compare, but they satisfy different tastes. T1 is a gritty, pessimistic science fiction film that doesn't have a lot of jokes or crowd-pleasing scenes. It is almost a horror movie in some ways. T2 is more of an action movie, with BIG special effects, intentional corny jokes, and a number of instances where the crowd is expected to stand up and cheer. Similarly, Alien is a moody, pessimistic horror film, and Aliens is more of an action movie.

Personally, I enjoy the first Terminator more. As a kid I enjoyed T2 more, though. In any case, when you watch them (not if), you should watch them in the order that they were released. They are both magnificent.

Some big ones I haven't seen are:

-Some Like It Hot (actually rented it, got really bored, and never finished :ohmy: )

-many John Wayne movies

-Ben Hur

-Sunset Boulevard

-The Thief of Baghdad

-High Noon :ohmy:

-the Searchers

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Man, this kinda makes me wonder about myself....... I've actually seen Most of what you guys have

But I will participate and put A Clockwork Orange on my list.....just never got around to seeing it.

I'm not sure whether Clockwork Orange actually 'works' these days & although it was part of my life at an impressionable time I actually cringe at some of the scenes now. It was the first DVD I ever bought.

Raging Bull is awesome .

I believe I must have seen every John Wayne movie....seriously I must have seen them all .

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I'm not sure whether Clockwork Orange actually 'works' these days & although it was part of my life at an impressionable time I actually cringe at some of the scenes now.

Let me guess... "Singin' in the Rain?"

Perhaps we should change this to the "Cult-Movies-for-Amateurs Club" thread :lol:

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You might find this funny... A movie I have never watched is Top Gun. When it came out, I was about 15 or so years old and my friends all went ga-ga over this film. So horribly so, that they bought the flight jackets, mirrored shades and gave eachother goofy names like the characters had. It made me sick and I vowed never to watch it...

NorthRaider, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are not fully alive until you have seen these two films (Alien & Blade Runner). I would feel it my obligation as a fellow human being to sit you down and make you watch these two classics. Watch them before you ever come to New Orleans or you could be in trouble... :P

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I've seen most everything listed also. Except for Pulp Fiction. And Clockwork Orange.

Here's AFI's top 100 list. I've eveen everything in the top 15 except for The Godfather, City Lights and Raging Bull.

I have just read through that list(which I never knew existed) & apart from about 6 or 7 movies I've seen them all :ohmy:

I have never seen the 'Empire Strikes Back' & only the first half of 'Thelma & Louise'

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I have never seen the 'Empire Strikes Back' & only the first half of 'Thelma & Louise'

You have never seen the best Star Wars movie ever made.

They made one then :biggrin:

Much like yourself with Top Gun, friends were going gah gah about Star Wars " this new Sci-Fi movie'll love it Rob it's like all that crap you always read " . So I decided after years of being ridiculed (because of my love of Sci-Fi,Marvel , DC etc.) that I would 'hate' Star Wars & its sequels :rolleyes: .....whether they were good or not.

I like 'Star Wars' & appreciate its appeal but I guess I'm in the minority....again. I actually got my own back as one by one my friends started to beg for back issues of Batman ,Conan ,Superman etc. as they became the flavour of the day.

I don't know if you US guys realise how 'childish', adults reading comics, is & always has been perceived in the UK.

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NorthRaider, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are not fully alive until you have seen these two films (Alien & Blade Runner). I would feel it my obligation as a fellow human being to sit you down and make you watch these two classics. Watch them before you ever come to New Orleans or you could be in trouble... :P

Duly noted :thumbsup:

Good thing I already have Blade Runner on DVD then... needless to say I am bloody excited to finally get to see this, almost makes up for me actually being crazy enough to like I, Robot several years ago (would've been awesome if we DID get those I, Robot minimates though, I would've army-built the hell outta those NS-5s, and I'd love getting a Sonny minimate... whoops, dead horse alert, sorry :sweat:)

Don't really know what to say about Alien though. For some reason I never really got the chance to see it back then, not even on cable... must be all that child-unfriendly chest-bursting.

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The first Terminator is kinda blah, especially if you're expecting it to live up to T2... The first Alien is brilliant though.

Both of these franchises, the first and second movie are so completely different from each other it's hard to accurately compare them.

I just meant the "blah" is more pronounced if you compare them, but I found it pretty blah either way. I only saw Terminator for the first time a few years ago, so I had no nostalgia attached to it, and I guess I just didn't expect it to be so reflective of its time, ie. have a heavy "cheesy '80s sci-fi" element. Blade Runner, Alien, Aliens (all of which I saw first as an adult) all managed to go beyond the genre trappings, for me. Terminator didn't, but your mileage may vary :)

Sigourney's T-shirt is quite at the end of the movie also. :whistling:

Hmm, I don't remember her t-shirt, but I may have been distracted by the fact that she has no pants on...

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