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The Swine Flu

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I think there is always reason to be alert, but to panic over swine influenza is reasonably unwarranted. Especially considering the number of diseases and virus's that are out there all the time and have a higher mortality rate. There is buzz around swine flu because it's new.

Any symptoms should be treated seriously as you would with any other illness, and a doctor should be consulted, but i don't think it should be assumed that every case of flu is swine flu.

Also, keep in mind that there is a big difference between the common cold & influenza. Many people think they have the flu, when all they are suffering from is the sniffles or a head cold. The Flu is much worse: aches, sweats, nausea. My worry is that everyone who gets the sniffles or a light cold is going to start screaming 'SWINE FLU'.

Treat yourself well. Eat your vegetables, keep your fluids up & if you feel genuine flu symptoms sneaking up on you, then see your local GP.

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Not even remotely paying attention, that's how unworried I am. God's got it all under control. We've had like 4 cases in Texas and I'm all "Oh? That's interesting" I hadn't ever heard of it until a few days ago.

Remember Bird Flu? Sars? Anthrax? ADHD? Yeah. It's a media fad that they've fond a tiny crisis that Obama can actually handle that'll go away on its own so he can pretend to use his god-like powers and people can go back to worshiping him like the media wants. I rest my case.

Oh course, what do I know? 1/3rd of yall think I'm a nutter, another third hate me, and another third are new and don't have a clue who I am. :P

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Not even remotely paying attention, that's how unworried I am. God's got it all under control. We've had like 4 cases in Texas and I'm all "Oh? That's interesting" I hadn't ever heard of it until a few days ago.

Remember Bird Flu? Sars? Anthrax? ADHD? Yeah. It's a media fad that they've fond a tiny crisis that Obama can actually handle that'll go away on its own so he can pretend to use his god-like powers and people can go back to worshiping him like the media wants. I rest my case.

Oh course, what do I know? 1/3rd of yall think I'm a nutter, another third hate me, and another third are new and don't have a clue who I am. :P

Actually I find you mildly amusing and I am the same way about Swine Flu. It has almost become a Joke at school. "SWINE FLU!" is cried everywhere and people laugh. Because there has been nothing reported in Georgia probably.


seriously, read World War Z if you havent already...I've got my zombie defenses already in place :P

Jeff of the Miniacs

Dude you're right.

My god. I have to clean the machete.

And remember what the Zombie Survival Guide said: The Plague will be covered up with perhaps some kind of random disease. Like the never-before-seen SWINE FLU! My god. And right as Obama is starting Gun Control stuff. [hippie voice] It's a conspiracy man! [/hippie voice] Good thing I have something. Not much of a gun but it's something.

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seriously, read World War Z if you havent already...I've got my zombie defenses already in place :P

Jeff of the Miniacs

I'm on the last chapter rite now...its a good book.

anyways well my theory is this(dont get offended):If any of you have heard they cut off water in Mexico for about three to five days...Two weeks after that Swine flu erupts everywhere.The strain is spliced with 1 part pig 1 part avian and 2 parts human flu...which is unnatural.I think it was all planned...Leaving citizens of Mexico unable to keep themselves sanitized properly. As it spreads widely you know they could quite possibly close the border benifiting the US, and bringing in money due to peoples reactions from seeing what happened Mexico they will want to buy vaccines made in the US the benefiting the United States of Illuminati...I mean America.

I know it seems far fetched but just think about...oh and also there was an earthquake somewhere around the DF area of Mexico last week bringing attention to Mexico just as I previously stated. Earthquakes happen naturally but it all seems too coicidential...I think it was HAARP...

those are my 2 cents

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I think more people have died eating ivor dewdneys pasties over the past 2 months the this "flu"

in my experiance the powers that be usually try scaremonger tactics when there trying to do something the people of the world should'nt know about!!!

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In (our) local news, a pig farm in a province hundreds of miles from where we live has been struck wit some disease. The authorities swear it's not swine flu. Right.

On that note, here's an uncanny theory by an online buddy of mine: It's Stephen King's "The Stand" coming to life.

BTW, I just watched this movie Right At Your Door (starring Rory Cochrane) on cable last night. It's a psychological thriller about dirty bombs in Los Angeles, but the parallels to biological warfare are just as eerily pertinent. And that damn ending... God, I wanted to shoot myself afterwards.

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The more common influenza kills thousands more every year :| The only good thing out of this hype is that people are finally paying attention to washing their filthy hands, being careful of what they touch and properly sanitizing things. It's just like the MRSA scare all over again. Influenza affects people differently and people DIE from it, but the idiots crawling around in society don't care, and don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. With something like Swine Flu, and this is probably going to sound harsh, but they deserve to die. Especially with all the junk they put into their bodies, and drinking alcohol etc. People WILLINGLY compromise their immune systems.

CNN isn't helping. All day long it's OMG PANDEMIC, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE. They didn't even spend a second covering a 747 that caught fire yesterday in Washington. I guess potential plane crash killing hundreds isn't worth CNN's attention =/

But for the people who are clean and wash their hands regularly that die from this are a true tragedy, all because idiots can't cover their mouths and wash their hands. entertheninja!, I sincerely hope that your sister gets out of this.

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seriously, read World War Z if you havent already...I've got my zombie defenses already in place :P

Jeff of the Miniacs

i agree with minijeff,soon the entire world will be over ridden by a zombie apocalypse, good thing i already have an entire battle plan ready


Edited by clayface1
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seriously, read World War Z if you havent already...I've got my zombie defenses already in place :P

Jeff of the Miniacs

i agree with minijeff,soon the entire world will be over ridden by a zombie apocalypse, good thing i already have an entire battle plan ready


I am telling ya its gonna go that way....gotta teach my kids that if some other kid in school tries to bite them dont tell the teacher bash their heads in lol

but seriously it would appear that if you know statistics, or know someone else that does anyway, that we are technically due for another global pandemic

Jeff of the Miniacs

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seriously, read World War Z if you havent already...I've got my zombie defenses already in place :P

Jeff of the Miniacs

i agree with minijeff,soon the entire world will be over ridden by a zombie apocalypse, good thing i already have an entire battle plan ready


Replace "mall" with "Times Square", "skate board" with "roller skates" and "baseball bat" with "hockey stick with knife tied to the other end", then read World War Z. You're that guy, and you're doomed.

All there in the manual. Literally.

... OR you can just replace "mall" with "warehouse" and skip the bat, then watch "Land of the Dead". You're still doomed.


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just remember aim for the head and dont go into clsed in areas

Jeff of the Miniacs

I'm re-reading the "Zombie Survival Guide" as we speak. I won't be caught unawares. Currently trying to construct my "long stick with brain piercing blade." Long-handled hedge clippers and a BB gun will have to suffice if it doesn't get finished in time.

Too bad that I will have to stay home during the apocalypse, but ain't no man living or dead taking my Minimates!

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Obviously I'm not worried about this at all because it will only effect the old , the infirm & the mentally deranged.

Obviously I'm a bit worried.

I also have my own conspiracy theory about this which involves the leaders of the world meeting in London to express their intention to avoid economical protectionism whilst secretly devising a plan to contain their respective populations within their respective borders. The nefarious motives for this will soon unfold. This isn't all bad news because 'our' first cases in the UK are in Scotland ;)

The name of this virus is the bit that really makes me smile & surely someone with a sense of humour came up with it........

.........there is an expression "Pigs might fly" which as you know means 'unlikely'.........Swine Flu (flew)!

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I dont think there is any OinK to worry about Oink. Its all a big Oink being spread by the Oink. Same as last Oink it all passed without an Oink....Sorry I cant go into my theory in depth trotters are making hard to Oink with the keyoink.

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