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Classic Angel (Red/White) ?


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We've already got more Colossi than we need

Hmmm... Would the correct plural be Colossi or Colossum? Never mind. My spell check answered that for me.


My copy of Shadow of the Colossus states that it would be Colossi.

Also, as one of the hardcore Ghost Rider fans here, I feel like we already got Johnny and Dan. Dan came out first and Johnny came out at target with MK Daredevil. Yeah, its black and not blue, but seriously Johnny wasnt always blue, and I have plenty of reading material to show it. There are lots of ghost rider related characters Id rather have than another regular ghost rider.

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Also, as one of the hardcore Ghost Rider fans here, I feel like we already got Johnny and Dan. Dan came out first and Johnny came out at target with MK Daredevil. Yeah, its black and not blue, but seriously Johnny wasnt always blue, and I have plenty of reading material to show it. There are lots of ghost rider related characters Id rather have than another regular ghost rider.

But I think a lot of minimate fans (myself included) would like a brand new "classic" version of JB in his blue digs with flared collar.

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Man, you cannot believe how obsessively I've been checking the AFX blog for their so-called new Minimate reveals. So far all we still have to go on is the Archangel concept art, I am DYING from anticipation here :geek:

Of course it doesn't help matters I have THIS poster taped on the glass door of the cabinet where I keep my minimates:


Now whenever I go check out my minimate collection (which is almost 10 times a day :lol:) I'm gonna have that poster (and that Archangel minimate) constantly staring me in the face and plastered on my mind. Plus, now I'm also wishing we had minimates of Banshee, Longshot, long-haired Bishop... :(

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Also, as one of the hardcore Ghost Rider fans here, I feel like we already got Johnny and Dan. Dan came out first and Johnny came out at target with MK Daredevil. Yeah, its black and not blue, but seriously Johnny wasnt always blue, and I have plenty of reading material to show it. There are lots of ghost rider related characters Id rather have than another regular ghost rider.

But I think a lot of minimate fans (myself included) would like a brand new "classic" version of JB in his blue digs with flared collar.

That Target GR was nothing like a classic GR. In fact, as far as I'm concerned there has never been a "Johnny Blaze" GR in minimate form!

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Also, as one of the hardcore Ghost Rider fans here, I feel like we already got Johnny and Dan. Dan came out first and Johnny came out at target with MK Daredevil. Yeah, its black and not blue, but seriously Johnny wasnt always blue, and I have plenty of reading material to show it. There are lots of ghost rider related characters Id rather have than another regular ghost rider.

But I think a lot of minimate fans (myself included) would like a brand new "classic" version of JB in his blue digs with flared collar.

That Target GR was nothing like a classic GR. In fact, as far as I'm concerned there has never been a "Johnny Blaze" GR in minimate form!

There hasn't been. Even if wave 15 would have been released there would not have been a true Johnny Blaze GR.

I'd even be happy with a JB w shotgun and trenchcoat.

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Also, as one of the hardcore Ghost Rider fans here, I feel like we already got Johnny and Dan. Dan came out first and Johnny came out at target with MK Daredevil. Yeah, its black and not blue, but seriously Johnny wasnt always blue, and I have plenty of reading material to show it. There are lots of ghost rider related characters Id rather have than another regular ghost rider.

But I think a lot of minimate fans (myself included) would like a brand new "classic" version of JB in his blue digs with flared collar.

That Target GR was nothing like a classic GR. In fact, as far as I'm concerned there has never been a "Johnny Blaze" GR in minimate form!

There hasn't been. Even if wave 15 would have been released there would not have been a true Johnny Blaze GR.

I'd even be happy with a JB w shotgun and trenchcoat.

Too bad, there has been. That's like stating I've never been to Africa so I don't believe it exists. Opinions don't change facts.

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I believe this...


version is the one Doc is referring to. The thing is that is Johny Blaze as the Ghost Rider,whom many consider the "classic" Ghost Rider. The image you linked too is Dan Ketch as the Ghost Rider. But for some F'ed up reason Joe Q decided to resurrect Johny in Dan's look. Thus you have the original ghost rider running around looking like the 2nd GR and confusing many people into buying books they don't want to read because they thought they were going to read about the 90's GR.

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Also, as one of the hardcore Ghost Rider fans here, I feel like we already got Johnny and Dan. Dan came out first and Johnny came out at target with MK Daredevil. Yeah, its black and not blue, but seriously Johnny wasnt always blue, and I have plenty of reading material to show it. There are lots of ghost rider related characters Id rather have than another regular ghost rider.

But I think a lot of minimate fans (myself included) would like a brand new "classic" version of JB in his blue digs with flared collar.

That Target GR was nothing like a classic GR. In fact, as far as I'm concerned there has never been a "Johnny Blaze" GR in minimate form!

There hasn't been. Even if wave 15 would have been released there would not have been a true Johnny Blaze GR.

I'd even be happy with a JB w shotgun and trenchcoat.

Too bad, there has been. That's like stating I've never been to Africa so I don't believe it exists. Opinions don't change facts.

There still hasn't been. "linked" as the 2 minimate figures are they are both Dan Ketch. Blaze was given a similar costume upon his return as the ghost rider, but his outfit is different. Please don't attempt to tell me anything about my favorite comic character of all time as if I was stupid.

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Please don't crucify me for this, but looking at the past-released Ghost Rider minimates I can hardly tell the difference which version is which. It was probably intentional on DST's (or even Marvel Comics') part to make the different Ghost Riders' looks almost indistinguishible. I mean, you've got a guy in a jacket with a flaming skull head. Don't ask me to figure out which GR minimate is Danny Ketch and which one is Johnny Blaze, because to less comic-savvy Minimate buyers they're literally the same banana (whether Ketch or Blaze, Ghost Rider is still Ghost Rider as far as the old Minimates are concerned)

My two cents.

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Please don't crucify me for this, but looking at the past-released Ghost Rider minimates I can hardly tell the difference which version is which. It was probably intentional on DST's (or even Marvel Comics') part to make the different Ghost Riders' looks almost indistinguishible. I mean, you've got a guy in a jacket with a flaming skull head. Don't ask me to figure out which GR minimate is Danny Ketch and which one is Johnny Blaze, because to less comic-savvy Minimate buyers they're literally the same banana (whether Ketch or Blaze, Ghost Rider is still Ghost Rider as far as the old Minimates are concerned)

My two cents.

I'm with her. I only knew there was a Johnny Blaze character, in the comics and in the movie, and that he looked like that, and that at one point Punishher and Venom and GR all teamed up. Beyond that, I care little for a C list hero, and am just happy to have a mate or two of him. He's got a skull. He's on fire. Cool. What more is there?

Also, if what you say is true and Johnny came back, and now wears a costume like that, who's to say that that ISN'T modern Johnny? :ermm:

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Please don't crucify me for this, but looking at the past-released Ghost Rider minimates I can hardly tell the difference which version is which. It was probably intentional on DST's (or even Marvel Comics') part to make the different Ghost Riders' looks almost indistinguishible. I mean, you've got a guy in a jacket with a flaming skull head. Don't ask me to figure out which GR minimate is Danny Ketch and which one is Johnny Blaze, because to less comic-savvy Minimate buyers they're literally the same banana (whether Ketch or Blaze, Ghost Rider is still Ghost Rider as far as the old Minimates are concerned)

My two cents.

I'm with her. I only knew there was a Johnny Blaze character, in the comics and in the movie, and that he looked like that, and that at one point Punishher and Venom and GR all teamed up. Beyond that, I care little for a C list hero, and am just happy to have a mate or two of him. He's got a skull. He's on fire. Cool. What more is there?

Also, if what you say is true and Johnny came back, and now wears a costume like that, who's to say that that ISN'T modern Johnny? :ermm:

Johnny came back after the marvel knight mate came back. And his costume is similar, but not really even close to the ketch GR

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So my 2 cents on all this. If it is a Champions box set, where's the never to be made again character? Civil War had Nitro. Secret Invasion had Jewel. I think if it is going to be Champions the line up will be


Ghost Rider (Need someone who's very recognizable)

Herc (Or Black Widow. Hard call)

Black Goliath.

It's a perfect place to put in Bill Foster, since he was tied to the team at the end of the run. Plus he's not recognizable enough on his own, or even doing anything now in comics to be a wave assortment figure IMO. A Champions box set would be perfect.

Only hitch is Marvel doesn't have the name Champions anymore. They lost it when they didn't trademark it and an RPG company snapped it up. Look at what happened to the series the Order. It was going to be the Champions. Even was soliceted as it. Then they got sued, lost, and had to change it.

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I was always amazed that the classic British TV show 'The Avengers' co-existed quite happily with 'The Avengers' Marvel team both making their debuts within a couple of years of each other. Coincidentally in 1968 'The Champions' aired for the first time on UK TV & featured characters with super-powers ,a full 7 years before 'The Champions' Marvel comic.

It now occurs to me that the much-anticipated Marvel 'Avengers' film may not actually be called 'The Avengers' purely because of the 1998 movie 'The Avengers' which was a dreadful revamp of the aforementioned British TV show.

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I was always amazed that the classic British TV show 'The Avengers' co-existed quite happily with 'The Avengers' Marvel team both making their debuts within a couple of years of each other. Coincidentally in 1968 'The Champions' aired for the first time on UK TV & featured characters with super-powers ,a full 7 years before 'The Champions' Marvel comic.

It now occurs to me that the much-anticipated Marvel 'Avengers' film may not actually be called 'The Avengers' purely because of the 1998 movie 'The Avengers' which was a dreadful revamp of the aforementioned British TV show.

Ha ha, I actually wondered about the coexistence of the Marvel and British Avengers myself. I kinda found the premise of the original British show pretty cool, reminds me of a style-cross between Doctor Who and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The 1998 (British) Avengers movie has been showing in reruns a lot in HBO though. :mellow:

Back on topic... is it Monday yet?

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Please don't crucify me for this, but looking at the past-released Ghost Rider minimates I can hardly tell the difference which version is which. It was probably intentional on DST's (or even Marvel Comics') part to make the different Ghost Riders' looks almost indistinguishible. I mean, you've got a guy in a jacket with a flaming skull head. Don't ask me to figure out which GR minimate is Danny Ketch and which one is Johnny Blaze, because to less comic-savvy Minimate buyers they're literally the same banana (whether Ketch or Blaze, Ghost Rider is still Ghost Rider as far as the old Minimates are concerned)

My two cents.

Also, if what you say is true and Johnny came back, and now wears a costume like that, who's to say that that ISN'T modern Johnny? :ermm:

Johnny came back after the marvel knight mate came back. And his costume is similar, but not really even close to the ketch GR

First off I am not starting a war I just want to make my opinion and add a little knowledge.

1) Not knowing the difference visually of the two Ghost Rider(GR)s is not a big deal when considering they did update John Blaze(JB)'s outfit to look more like Dan Ketch(DK)'s. The thing is there is a huge difference between what is considered the 'classic' GR and the current similar look of the GRs. There has not been a minimate of the classic outfit GR and thus there has not necessarily been a Classic GR.

2)Doc I have to disagree I think the current incarnation of JB's GR is insanely similar to DK's GR. Again I am not starting an argument. I am just going to let pictures do most of my talking.

'Classic' John Blaze Ghost Rider


Dan Ketch Ghost Rider


Current John Blaze Ghost Rider


They have also slightly updated Dan Ketch's GR and then the two GR's have now fought.


Okay tell me which is which? Now why do you think one of them has blue flames? Oh, I know, its cause they would look exactly the same and no one would know who won without word balloons.

Alright I am done no more from me that is off topic.

I think maybe AFX will be announcing the partner wave for the previously announced moved back wave. Then Marvel skirts the whole "Champions" name issue.

edit: or I could be way off, I just saw the toy fair 09 info. Back to the Box set theory or is this still a wave just a very advanced previewed wave?

Edited by vbpanizzi
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Please don't crucify me for this, but looking at the past-released Ghost Rider minimates I can hardly tell the difference which version is which. It was probably intentional on DST's (or even Marvel Comics') part to make the different Ghost Riders' looks almost indistinguishible. I mean, you've got a guy in a jacket with a flaming skull head. Don't ask me to figure out which GR minimate is Danny Ketch and which one is Johnny Blaze, because to less comic-savvy Minimate buyers they're literally the same banana (whether Ketch or Blaze, Ghost Rider is still Ghost Rider as far as the old Minimates are concerned)

My two cents.

I'm with her. I only knew there was a Johnny Blaze character, in the comics and in the movie, and that he looked like that, and that at one point Punishher and Venom and GR all teamed up. Beyond that, I care little for a C list hero, and am just happy to have a mate or two of him. He's got a skull. He's on fire. Cool. What more is there?

Also, if what you say is true and Johnny came back, and now wears a costume like that, who's to say that that ISN'T modern Johnny? :ermm:

So if you don't know anything about Ghost Rider, and don't care about him, why are you stating as "fact" that a Classic Ghost Rider Minimate has been made?

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or more importantly, start a Ghost Rider Thread....this is the Classic Angel thread, stop stealing his feathered thunder!

Why don't we wait to see what the next reveal is before we square off over a character we are not even sure is being remade....


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I'd rather get this 'off my chest' before any announcement is made by AFX. At SDCC in July 'we' were told that an 'Original X-Men' set would be produced by AFX. I mistakenly (?) understood this info to be public domain as it came directly from the 'horses mouth' & I made it public here. I later realised this info was 'apparently' given in confidence but I was oblivious to that fact but subsequently decided to just shut up.

So for the last 6 months I have been waiting for the announcement of the 'Original X-Men'....... & this may not be it again.........but I do hope so :ermm:

Be very careful with any info you hear at Comic Cons :rolleyes:

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leave it to grandpa to take the wind out of The Champions sails....thanks for nothing Beavis... :(

oh well hopefully there will be some more out of the group to cherry pick

My actual intention was to remove the necessity of an 'I told you so post' but the reality is I know no more than you .......which on this sole occasion flabbergasts even me :D

You may call me Beavis ,Darren ,but I prefer my correct avatar name of buttheadsmate,bhm or even Rob.

You might also consider changing your avatar to Murdererofthreads.

Edited by buttheadsmate
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leave it to grandpa to take the wind out of The Champions sails....thanks for nothing Beavis... :(

oh well hopefully there will be some more out of the group to cherry pick

My actual intention was to remove the necessity of an 'I told you so post' but the reality is I know no more than you .......which on this sole occasion flabbergasts even me :D

You may call me Beavis ,Darren ,but I prefer my correct avatar name of buttheadsmate,bhm or even Rob.

You might also consider changing your avatar to Murdererofthreads.

how about Threadkiller...has a better ring to it. :)

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