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Who watches the Watchmen?


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Top ten things you should know about watchmen(movie)!

This is a movie made by fans, for fans. Hundreds of people put in years of their lives to make this movie happen, and every one of them was insanely committed to retaining the integrity of this amazing, epic tale. This is a rare success story, bordering on the impossible, and every studio in town is watching to see if it will work. Hell, most of them own a piece of the movie.

There were many unnecessary changes that were made that does not make this movie for fans. For example, Rorschach cleaving that child rapist's head with a butcher knife was not in the original novel, and would have been better off as a silhouette or a shadow. Zack Snyder seems to think that it's "okay" to use the same level of gore and violence as he did in 300. I can accept Rorschach biting a guy's face off because that's who he is, but breaking bones out of the flesh by Nite Owl and Silk Spectre during the knot top scene was unnecessary. They're not the same as Rorschach. They're law abiding heroes that just beat the snot out of criminals, while Rorschach takes the law into his own hands (example: dropping a guy down an elevator shaft), which is something that Nite Owl and Silk Spectre would never do.

The reviews are out -- Some outstanding, others rankly dismissive, which can be frustrating for the people involved, (though I can only speak for myself,) because I firmly believe that WATCHMEN, the novel, must be read through more than once to even have the faintest grip on it. And I believe the film is the same.

can't take some criticism? That's too bad baby, because that's what critics do. That's what people do. We have the right to judge for ourselves what we like and don't like. While you make think you made a masterpiece, you still didn't make the film true to the novel. No, you made changes so that it might appeal to the mainstream audience, and it didn't work. You reap what you sow.

And yet... You'll be thinking about this film, down the road. It'll nag at you. How it was rough and beautiful. How it went where it wanted to go, and you just hung on. How it was thoughtful and hateful and bleak and hilarious. And for Jackie Earle Haley.

No, I won't. I've seen the dark side of humanity, and this is nothing compared to what humans are capable of.

All this time, you’ve been waiting for a director who was going to hit you in the face with this story. To just crack you in the jaw, and then bend you over the pool table with this story. With its utterly raw view of the darkest sides of human nature, expressed through its masks of action and beauty and twisted good intentions. Like a fry-basket full of hot grease in the face. Like the Comedian on the=2 0Grassy Knoll. I know, I know...

You know, it's funny that the Wall Street Journal said:

"Watching 'Watchmen' is the spiritual equivalent of being whacked on the skull for 163 minutes. The reverence is inert, the violence noxious, the mythology murky, the tone grandiose, the texture glutinous."

Trust me. You'll come back, eventually. Just like Sally.

Might as well make it count for something.

Sorry, I'm not a conformist. Even if everyone and their children think this is the best shit ever in 20 years, I'm still not going to like it.

Who knows, maybe Fox will do a better job. I don't think it's reasonable to say that if everybody who has seen this doesn't go and see it again, that we'll never see another movie that's true to it's origin. Hollywood churns out tons of crap(and don't mistake me for saying Watchmen is crap, because it isn'), and there are many opportunities to make another superhero movie. They're making frakkin Namor and Green Lantern films for Christ's sake. If they can make it then other comic movies can be made as well. I don't believe that Watchmen was made by for fans. There were changes to make it appeal to mainstream audiences and fans of 300, and STILL a lot of people don't like it.

But hey, if Snake tells you do something, I guess you don't have a choice.

Edited by Dio
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Not that I'm defending the movie or anything, but one has to realize that there still remains that thin line between being a movie reviewer and being a jerk.

If people hated the movie that much, fine. But is it really necessary for them to go around making people who did like it feel like retards? I belong in the it's-either-this-movie-or-no-movie-at-all camp that's still surprised it got made at all, so pardon me if I'm not "spitting venom" all over it myself. (Mind you, I STILL have my own share of purist niggles about the translation of the comic to the screen, but at this point I'm probably just going to reserve all final final judgements for when the Director's Cut comes out on DVD.)

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I'm not trying to make anyone feel like a retard, but that ten things you should know about Watchmen is an example that fans are serious about it, and I feel that's retarded. It assumes that anyone who doesn't like it is a stupid asshat. Though to be fair there are people that feel "this movie is evil and anyone who likes it is evil". I don't feel that way. I cannot respect David Hayter for asking everyone to watch the movie again on the notion that we'll never see anything like this again. It's almost like he's a doomsayer "THE APOCALYPSE IS COMING". And if they made the movie so that you DID have to see it twice in a row, then they clearly did something wrong. I live in a small city and my theatre charges $9.50. For the cost of seeing it twice, everyone would be better off just buying it on DVD. But then that would kill it.

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I guess you really can't blame the fans (i.e. the "ten things you should know..." people) for taking the movie that seriously, and most probably they ARE seriously considering that a lot of people might not get the story (sometimes following the adage "Never underestimate the stupidity of people" isn't always a bad thing) given that Watchmen had been a pretty obscure story (except to the comic-book diehards) for a while now.

However it IS somewhat tedious to try and promote a movie in such a way that it can only be appreciated when viewed more than once. Not everybody is patient enough to sit through a so-so adaptation of a classic comic book, after all. Perhaps this is just over-optimism on Zach Snyder's part that the movie would be good enough to break casual moviegoers out of a lot of "bad" habits like not paying attention to the plot or something.

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Why do so many people say it's not a superhero movie? I mean, it has guys in costumes beating up bad guys, so that's a superhero movie in my book.

I actually never read the book, and when I saw the movie, I didn't look at it as a big "psychological thriller" like the fanboys (no offense :blush: ) here did, I looked at as a big, epic, bloody, gory, graphic superhero movie. And that's the way I like it...

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Race to Witch Mountain won Friday and Last House on the Left was 2nd I think...So I guess Watchmen came in third with about 20-25 million...Variety confirmed the winners of Friday but that was my estimation on money...have you noticed that even before the movie came out I've kind of been tracking the money...I strangley feel like Roger Ebert and Bernie Madoff's child... :ninja:

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I'm glad I inspired karamazov80!i feel like my day is complete now...and replying to minimadman's post yep i own that app for my itouch and it's pretty good...i just found out that you can change the size of the pen to draw on his face...i wanna download justice is coming... :ninja:

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  • 5 weeks later...

To be fair, it's not always easy telling at face value whether a certain studio/director/writer/etc. would be best for adapting a certain work until you actually see the final result. It's possible to say a film can flop even with a solid line-up of people working on said project, and vice versa. Look at the Wachowski brothers' "Speed Racer." Or "Heaven's Gate" (Gah, been spending too much time on TV Tropes again.)

And Black Freighter/Under the Hood still hasn't come out here. Will probably be only a matter of days/weeks 'til we get it. Still waiting for the Director's Cut, which naturally will take longer.

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I rather enjoyed the Black Freighter/Under the Hood DvD. The animation was beautiful and it was much more enjoyable for me, seeing it as a whole, rather than scattered bits and pieces.

Under the Hood felt kind of slow at parts, but it was amusing to watch and had some really fun details about the Minute Men.

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I'm hearing rumors they're casting Haley as the next Freddy Krueger in a Nightmare on Elm Street remake... then again it's Entertainment Tonight so I don't know how reliable that is. :ohmy:

yep they confirmed it early in the week...I think they got the best possible actor

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Agreed - Jackie Earl Haley is spot-on to play Freddy. The original was such a classic, though (not counting most of the sequels), that I just don't know how I feel about remaking it.

Incidentally, on the topic of Watchmen. If anyone would like to trade their DC Direct Watchmen action figures for Minimates, I have a bunch of mates available, and would consider any offer - particularly for the translucent Dr. Manhattan. Check the link in my signature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh. Ya see, this is when i start to get pissed off. Watchmen was incredible, and i'm still speechless as how to describe it. This is going too far, and will utterly destroy the franchise. What do i mean, friends?? i mean the whispering of SPIN-OFFS and EFFING PREQUELS!!!!! :angry::angry::angry: Tomorrow's Wizard Magazine, a milestone issue for it's run, will be tackling all of our beloved media's bests. I decided to check what comes out tomorrow, since money has been scarce, and found this description in their paragraph of preview-text:

"THE FUTURE OF 'WATCHMEN' With the hit movie in theaters, find out what's next for the fan- favorite series. SPINOFFS? How about a PREQUEL? We have the answers fans are looking for."

They have the answer. That answer is apparently what we want to hear. So that means "no," RIGHT?! Hurm...must remember to investigate further...

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  • 2 months later...

Well guys it's time to Watch the Watchmen again with the DVD. I have found a list of stuff that the director's cut is supposed to have added in and it's astounding. I am impressed and I am looking forward to seeing this adaptation as it was meant to be seen.

So, once again, I am watching the Watchmen

Anyone else excited to see it again?

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Yes. :woot:

I forget: Is "Black Freighter" going to be incorporated into the storyline for the Director's Cut or is that going to be a different release? Just curious so I won't get disoriented by sudden animated segues and stuff.

Stuff I'm particularly looking forward to:

the scenes set at the newsstand, and (God , this must sound awful) Hollis Mason getting mobbed by the knotheads

. And of course getting another look at those spectacular opening credits.

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