Shanester Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 But what about the answers to the DST Q & A #4, you ask? Don't worry folks, the guys at DST are working on getting answers back to us soon. In the meantime...lets start #5. Please, remember a few things when asking questions. 1. Make sure your question(s) has hot/have not already been asked. 2. Try to keep it to 1-3 questions per member. 3. Ask DST ONLY about DST licenses (ie. DST does not make DCD Minis). 4. Keep your question short and to the point. No novels or life stories. 5. If you are insulting, threatening, rude, demanding, impolite, or fail to heed any of these rules, your question will very well be deleted.
minijeff Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 OK I'll bite...I got a couple 1 - how are the responses to the minimate zombies? are we gonna see some more, especially the Fantastic Four? 2 - how are the chances coming for working those Target Spiderman minis into a future release? I so badly want that armored spider man and that civil war spidey! 3 - any hints as to any more movie/TV boxsets on the horizon? I love my Rocky and Back to the Future sets and can't wait for more! Thanks for making such great toys, I love my minimates!! Jeff of the Minis
Jad Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Dear DST, I'm very impressed with the Minimate-styled movie poster artwork. 1. Is there a chance we could see these released as high-quality 3x5" postcards? I think they would make terrific display items along with their accompanying Minimates. A complete set of these could make a great contest giveaway or low-cost internet exclusive. Also, I'd love to see them in Minimate-scale postage stamp sizes, too! 2. Why does the back of the BTTF box have the artwork for the BTTF 2 movie (sans "Part 2" arrow)? Will we see the Part 3 artwork on the back of the second box set, and the Part 1 artwork on the back of the third set? Thanks!
TM2 Dinobot Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 What the heck. I'll go for it. Oh great and mighty DST, we humble beseech you to answer our questions. Normally we would sacrifice a maiden to your personage, but seeing as how they are exceptionally hard to come by, and considering the plethora of virgin males we have running around here, we just picked out the girliest one for you. Have fun, he squeals. 1) Street Fighter minimates are considered to be extinct or at least endangered, seeing as how we've never gotten a straight 'yes' or 'no' answer. Street Fighter IV is coming out (this Christmas?). Are there any plans to re-examine the line with the launching of a new game after 10 years? Perhaps a game pack-in or something? Also, how did the single packs do in Japan? Do you have access to those numbers? 2) Hasbro announced with the advent of the live action GI Joe movie coming out in 2009 that they will be expanding their marketing beyond Hasbro itself. This means other retailers will be able to get a piece of the action in some way or another. This is a foot in the door. Are there any plans to try and pursue GI Joe Minimates in 2009? 3) What's up with the production on wave 16? No offense but it was awful. Are we going to see a repeat of that? 4) Waves 20 and 21. Lots of sculpted pieces. Lots of discussion about them. Are yall planning on movie away from the standard block figure into a more sculpted figure? Remember, Spiderman says k.i.s.s. 5) What exactly is the status of the Marvel UK license? Are yall capable of giving us random and obscure characters like Cap Brit, Death's Head and Dr. Neeker? Not that I'd like to see an entire wave of characters I don't readily recognize, but there's something about having to actually look up a character to see who he is that makes him special. I'm just wondering if there is every a chance of this, and what about the Marvel UK license? Enjoy your virgin and I'll see you in Dallas! --Sam edit: oops, that was 5. Sorry.
Trekker 42 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 1. Did that cryptic comment about Trek minimates mean TNG or another series from around that time like Voyager? 2. Are there plans for Borg in the Star Trek line? and most importantly, 3. WHERE"S SPACE LINCOLN? Live Long and Prosper Trekker
Mattallica Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 not a question but thought this would be a good place to comment. most times people/companies only hear the negative or gripes about their products or are bombarded with "hey why'd you do this" or "why didn't you do that" type questions i just wanted to take this opportunity to Thank Chuck and all the folks at DST for making a product we love so much and for going the extra mile with all the bonuses we have seen lately from the Hunt contest and free hunt and cylons mailed out, to stuff like the target and FYE giveaways, and things like taking the time out to answer our questions in a forum like this, i'd personally just like to say Thanks! ok now a question,how about making some white blank MM in various sizes for us customizers?, that way we can make all the characters that either wouldn't sell enough to justify you guys making, or ones that you are prohibited from making due to size restrictions or whatever 2", 2.5", 3", and a giant 12-14" so we can make the heavy hitters like giantman, sentinels and galactus.
TM2 Dinobot Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 not a question but thought this would be a good place to comment. most times people/companies only hear the negative or gripes about their products or are bombarded with "hey why'd you do this" or "why didn't you do that" type questions i just wanted to take this opportunity to Thank Chuck and all the folks at DST for making a product we love so much and for going the extra mile with all the bonuses we have seen lately from the Hunt contest and free hunt and cylons mailed out, to stuff like the target and FYE giveaways, and things like taking the time out to answer our questions in a forum like this, i'd personally just like to say Thanks! Yeah. DST really is the greatest company in the world as far as I'm concerned. I don't think we can really thank them enough.
MST3KFan Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 I have two questions, but they really seem to go together as my first goes into what I ask on the second. 1. I'm just curious on Marvel Minimates in that the new waves just coming out and soon to be coming out are fan-demanded Avengers and X-Men related characters. Was there a poll to prove this, simple word of mouth at conventions, or simply the makers decided they wanted to make these characters/teams? 2. Would there ever be consideration for a couple box sets devoted to the Jim Lee-era comic "X-Men #1' from the early 90s much like the "Giant Size X-Men" box that was done a number of years back? There could be two box sets for this. One being the "Blue Team" with Jim Lee styled versions of Cyclops, Beast, Psylocke, and Gambit and a "Gold Team" with Jim Lee styled versions of Jean Grey, Storm, Colossus, and Bishop. And maybe an exclusive figure of Professor X in his hover chair to round it out. 3. Are there any characters in the Marvel or DC universes you're prohibited from making?
Trekker 42 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 3. Are there any characters in the Marvel or DC universes you're prohibited from making? They don't make DC. But I do second his Marvel section of the question
link 46 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 alright, there any chance for the zombie villians(venom,green goblin,dr.octopus)? 2.could you ever make more maximates(zombie galactacus)? 3.whatwas the hardest minimate to design?
Deadpool Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Hrm... 1. Are you guys planning on focusing on new characters, or do you want to do newwer versions of older and more awesome costumes? 2. All jokes aside, have you ever actually considered an all Spidey wave? I've heard good suggestions. 3. When will you work on those issues with Marvel? They're the only line with the vehicle, size, and packaging restrictions.
bilbofett Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 With all the TV/Movie liscences you acquired, why didn't you try to renew the LOTR liscence? It's not as old a property as some of the others.(i.e. AFDM, BTTF, Des. sek. Susan?) Thanks. Will you lump Marvel Movie mates(if you make more) in with the Moviemates line instead the Marvel comic line?
captain_cbecker Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Ahoy there! First of all, let me say that I'm having a blast with all the cool minimate licenses that are coming out, especially BSG, ST, BTTF and 24 and I really appreciate all the cool giveaways and interest in the consumer experience. 1. Any chance we'll see at least 1 more modern BSG wave (beyond wave 4) before the series ends? 2. Does your ST license for minimates include all the franchises? Does DST plan to expand minimates into all of those franchises (consumer interest and sales permitting)? 3. Though it's a really cool and unique license, what prompted the For a Few Dollars More set? (it seems such a non-traditional theme, given the dominant comics, sci-fi, fantasy, action themes of much of DST's existing licenses and the industry in general. Regards
omendreamer Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 According to Neil Gaiman's American Gods, time and money are acceptable sacrifices to the powers that be. Therefore, I shall continue to donate copious amounts of both to minimates and hope it goes to your glory. As a humble temple priestess, my questions are as follows: 1) With the vast increase of popularity/awareness of minimates, is there any chance of the Lord of the Rings third wave coming out? (I am aware this was previously raised, but as it drives me nuts that I don't have a Bilbo or a single female character to complete my collection I feel it deserves the emphasis of repetition.) 2) Are there any plans for acquiring Star Wars as a license? I am aware they already make LEGO sets, but frankly your level of quality in the figures is so much higher that I believe the level of competition would be much lower than might be predicted. After all, the Batman minimates have sold well despite the plethora of Batman LEGO sets. 3) Please continue your trend of moving away from constant retreads of Wolverine and Spiderman into the more obscure X-men figures. What are my chances of getting a Gambit? (And a Nightcrawler, 'cause finding one on ebay ain't happening.) Many thanks, (and apologies if I'm too wordy).
Rad Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 We've got our Thor minimate - Thank you We're got our She-Hulk minimate - Thank you We're getting a Hawkeye minimate - Thank you Which leads me on to ... 1) When will we be getting a Captain Britain minimate? Thank you. 2) What's the score with the AFX web-armour spidey? Are we likely to see this figure recycled into a two-pack or collection at some point?
TITAN Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 1) When will we be getting a Captain Britain minimate? (Rad beat me to it) 2) Does your new license for Planet Of The Apes mean that we'll be seeing some minimates? 3) Can we expect any announcements soon for any more TV / Movie Minimates? (007 would be nice ) Thanks for reading
Aquaman Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 1) Will we be getting popular characters like Gambit, Captain Britain, and Giant Man anytime soon? 2) Is there also going to be a cut-down on overused characters such as Vampire and Bela Lagosi? 3) Is there any more plans for more X-Men 3 Movie characters, like a costumed Cyclops, Jean Grey and Angel?
The JC Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Say it isn't so! According to the last Q&A, you're not going to be doing anymore zombie mates? Not even with the release of Marvel Zombies 2? But what about my dream of owning a zombie Firelord!?! How about Age of Apocalypse mates? Have any characters been taken into consideration? How is the Rocky boxset selling? Are things looking good enough to see boxsets based on III and IV? Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. You guys are awesome.
Dan Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Thanks for your answers and for doing this again. Any remote chance of getting either James Bond or Heroes licences? I know you can't make vehicles with Marvel Mates cos of the licensing, but have you got restrictions on other lines? Can we hope to see vehicles to come with the 24 minis or BTTF? Does a horse count as a vehicle?
DocVicVonDoom Posted November 3, 2007 Posted November 3, 2007 Hey, I'm just curious, what are the chances of the possibility of Avatar: The Last Airbender minimates. I think it is a series popular with a wide-enough age group to make minimates worthwhile. Also, I think the designs of the characters lend themselves well to the 2-inch goodness that are minimates. This is especially true since the M. Knight Shamalan directed films will likely keep the momentum for the show's popularity rather strong. Just a thought. Thanks for taking your time to answer our questions.
cdubya Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 "For A Few Dollars More" is a refreshing addition to your moviemates line, and one that many of us are excited about. 1) Are there plans to expand the "Dollars Trilogy" (Fistful of Dollars; The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly)? 2) Is there a particular reason why "FAFDM" was chosen over the other two ( ^ )? 3) The protos. look incredible with the exception of Clint's over-sized hat/hairpiece that sits a bit too high on the head. Will this be adjusted before production? And will the boots have "C3 peg-holes" (love the boots btw; nice touch!)? Thanks for everything Chuck (and the rest of the DST staff!) and for taking the time from your busy schedule to answer these fan-rants! You guys are the best!
Scourge Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 I love the OS Star Trek line of minimates. As I understand it, STOS is it's own line and will not have TNG as part of wave 4 or 5 (if it goes that far). My question to you is, if ST TNG is in DST's future plans for minimates, will the series be comprised of TNG characters solely or will it be a hodge podge with characters from other ST series ie, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise?
minimadman Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 1. Will the newer Marvel minimates (i.e. Hawkeye and Havoc) have hairpieces to go along with their removable masks? 2. Have you guys ever considered some blanket accessory packs that go along with all of the wonderful minimates you make? 3. Some minimate scale vehicles would also be nice.
MisterPL Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 Now that you're moving on to the 24th century of Star Trek Minimates, could you make one of me? Please? I know, I was only on DS9 for a few seconds but I thought I made a pretty cool alien. Here are some costume references for you (No, I didn't win the auction. I didn't even get to bid because I didn't realize my costume was going up for auction). Here are some headshots. If you need any additional design direction, I'd be glad to help. Thanks, MisterPL
Rad Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 Now that you're moving on to the 24th century of Star Trek Minimates, could you make one of me? Please? I know, I was only on DS9 for a few seconds but I thought I made a pretty cool alien. Thanks, MisterPL Mr PL played a Dabo Girl. Who'd a thunk it?
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