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. . .and when the PS3 is ultimately shown to be the greatest videogame failure since the Virtual Boy, the market will be vindicated :)

apologies NINTENDOWii, I know its not cool to joke around with someone in love. . .

Espicially not cool when that someone has a nuk at their controll and could sent that nuke anywhere in the world

that he wants :P Just messing with you! :lol: The PS3 is anything but a failure. IT just needs its time to shine and

kick microsoft's ass in the videogames market. See you all on Xbox live untill Feburary 4th !

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Ah...........the great Xbox 360 vs. Playstation 3 debate. I remember when this was cool......back when it was called Nintendo 64 vs Playstation debate. In the end, all gaming will ever be about is the software people! It doesn't really matter in the end on what you play it with. The platform of choice will always come down to exclusives. And, at this moment Nintendo will always be the champ. As long as Mario and Zelda exsist, Nintendo will always be the best! However, you are either going to love Master Chief and Viva Pinata or you are going to love Picture Perfect Cars and Guys that look like Woman and speak in dubbed Japanesse. In the end though, the industry is going more Multi-Platform. What are the BEST games of the year? Call of Duty 4? The Orange Box? Rock Band? Madden 08? Assasin's Creed? What about next year, what are the BEST games looking like for next year? Grand Theft Auto? Guitar Hero IV? Burnout Paridise? Ghostbusters? Soul Caliber III? Street Fighter IV? Rainbow Six 2? What do all of those games have in common, they are coming out on both systems!! We are really living in the best era for Video games yet. There is so much greatness coming, and that's only what's been announced. In honesty, most of the "Exclusives" are lame and pointless. In the end, from a specs standpoint the PS3 blows the crap out of anything, plus the Blu ray makes it #1.....but I hate Sony. I love LIVE, and I LOVE (LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE) the Xbox Controller, and I love the Xbox Live Arcade. But the only "Exclusive" game that I own is Halo. In the end just buy what makes you happy and support good games, and everything will work out. Nintendo has officially made this a 2 horse race. While sales are great, Nintendo will never be a major "Hardcore" gaming contender again. So, with the debate between Sony and Microsoft, there will never be a winner. They are both strong, they are both great, and they both have strengths and weaknesses. So, let's end this debate and just enjoy the communion that we share over GREAT Games. We've seen some of the best of my LIFETIME over the last year. Call of Duty 4 is at the top, Twilight Princess was amazing, Bioshock made me experience something I'll never forget, and Madden-even after all these years-make it great to smack talk your way to a 60 yard touchdown run, online, IN HD! Sony or Nintendo or Microsoft, doesn't matter, this is all great for Games and we should all be happy!

So, let's let Wii enjoy his last few days on the greatest online Network ever and we'll hope if his house catches on fire his PS3 can transform into a hero and save him! ;) (sorry, had to get just one more).

Here's an idea that just came to mind. Not that it would ever work, but I wish that publishers and companies would make it possible to share online games between consoles. We've seen this work for Xbox and the PC with Windows live, but it would be awesome if all companies would bring this together. Think about it, EA could make Madden available to anyone with the PC, Xbox 360, or PS3 version of the game. Or Activision could do the same with CoD4. The possibilities are endless. Of course, the logistics with things like gamertags would be very hard to straighten out, but if they could make it possible it would be a HUGE plus for gamers. That way, we could enjoy our system preferences, but still be able to enjoy the company our of friends on other networks. Just an idea. neo

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So, let's let Wii enjoy his last few days on the greatest online Network ever and we'll hope if his house catches on fire his PS3 can transform into a hero and save him! ;) (sorry, had to get just one more).

Here's an idea that just came to mind. Not that it would ever work, but I wish that publishers and companies would make it possible to share online games between consoles. We've seen this work for Xbox and the PC with Windows live, but it would be awesome if all companies would bring this together. Think about it, EA could make Madden available to anyone with the PC, Xbox 360, or PS3 version of the game. Or Activision could do the same with CoD4. The possibilities are endless. Of course, the logistics with things like gamertags would be very hard to straighten out, but if they could make it possible it would be a HUGE plus for gamers. That way, we could enjoy our system preferences, but still be able to enjoy the company our of friends on other networks. Just an idea. neo

I see your point that you have there neo. You enjoy xbox live and the people on it that are serious about gaming and want others to enjoy it as well. That was one the the unique characteristics that I noticed about you on both xbox live and the minimatemultiverse. It will be the only minus for getting a PS3. I origianilly put 2/4/08 for the date that I am going to get a Playstation 3 , but expect that to be a later date........... Probabily in about 3-5 weeks I will go get myself one and leave my problems with microsoft in the past and enjoy the SOFT SOUNDING CON SOLE AND THE FREE ONLINE SERVICES from sony. See you all on xbox live!

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Not to change the subject, but I'm shopping for a new Plasma TV for my Birthday (2/12). I'm thinking about getting a Vizio and can't wait to play my Xbox on it!!! I'll let you guys know if I get one!

Back to gaming, I ruled last night at CoD4. I went over my all time kills in a game with 23 and I got my 1st Chopper! That might not sound like much to you guys who play alot, but I don't normally play but on the weekends. It was a lot of fun. I've had several air strikes before, but always died before I got to the chopper. Of course, we were playing a good team and the Chopper went down only seconds after coming, but it was still SWEET to call it in. Anyway, just thought I'd share. I don't have a lot going on this week so I should be off and on during the evenings this week - if anyone wants to play! neo

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Not to change the subject, but I'm shopping for a new Plasma TV for my Birthday (2/12). I'm thinking about getting a Vizio and can't wait to play my Xbox on it!!! I'll let you guys know if I get one!

Back to gaming, I ruled last night at CoD4. I went over my all time kills in a game with 23 and I got my 1st Chopper! That might not sound like much to you guys who play alot, but I don't normally play but on the weekends. It was a lot of fun. I've had several air strikes before, but always died before I got to the chopper. Of course, we were playing a good team and the Chopper went down only seconds after coming, but it was still SWEET to call it in. Anyway, just thought I'd share. I don't have a lot going on this week so I should be off and on during the evenings this week - if anyone wants to play! neo

I could probabily play some tonight- I am lvl 44 almost 45 now.........

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Yeah, rub it in. I'm only at level 21 or 22. I was doing good because at least I was always ahead of my Brother-in-Law (pimpinnakumura), but now he's at like level 28. That loser has too much time on his hands! :D. neo

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This is a great example! Thanks Trekker!

It might have been a typo, but if you picked up yours in 2003 (5 years ago) that means it was the THIRD YEAR PS2s were out! (They launched late in 2000)

A faulty DVD drive is a very small problem, but it still goes to show that it took a LONG time to get those damned things right. :rolleyes:

oops I have had it since around launch. i just forgot when that was. it was the Christmas after Launch

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Logan....welcome to the "Lite" Side.......ha, get it.

Anyway, I have 3 addictions in my life. My Wife/Daughter is the first, Minimates are the second, and my DS is the 3rd. You will not regret it. neo

Neo, a while back you wrote the ds as a "unregretable thing". I want to tell you that I am selling my ds (the old kind)

along with the ps2 (getting the 80gig) and 360 (enough with microsoft, I want somthing better)! I know that you wrote that post almost 1 and 1/2 years ago..... just made me want to repost it smewhere.....

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I play my DS more than any other system that I have. Castlevania, Zelda, Contra, Mario (and Mario Kart), plus all those great GBA games. To me, that stuff bridges classic NES games/characters and play mechanics with modern tech brilliantly. And you can play it wherever you want!

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Need a little guidance from the Wii guys. What does it mean when you achieve "Pro" status in one of the sports on Wii Sports? I am a Pro in Bowling and aside from my bowling ball chaning, what can I expect? Anything? harder?

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Bungie recentily got questioned about the ending of the Halo "saga" and said some interesting

things that would be too much spoilers for this thread. Tis is accuatily a video, but not a long one my friends!

here is the link: :thumbsup:

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^^Umm..that was a very disturbing video that I'm ashamed at one time I owned the cassette :P I'm not sure if that was a little joke or what? But I was looking forward to hearing some news about the ending. It definitely makes you wonder if they'll be another Halo game. I've only played Halo 3, so I'm not to clear on the other story. For the 360 players, can I still get the X Box versions and play them on my 360? I'm feeling a little deja vu going on, apologies in advance if I've already ask this :blush:

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I've only played Halo 3, so I'm not to clear on the other story. For the 360 players, can I still get the X Box versions and play them on my 360? I'm feeling a little deja vu going on, apologies in advance if I've already ask this :blush:

You can indeed play the previous 2 Halos on the 360. In fact, that was a major factor in my decision to get one (you can also play Ninja Gaiden black and Psychonauts--you can probably buy all 4 of those games used for less than the price of a new 360 game at a local Gamestop or something).

Also, to quote one of my favorite wrestlers, you can guaran-damn-tee that another fps Halo will come out in some form or fashion. They simply make too much money for Bungie not to do another one.

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Need a little guidance from the Wii guys. What does it mean when you achieve "Pro" status in one of the sports on Wii Sports? I am a Pro in Bowling and aside from my bowling ball chaning, what can I expect? Anything? harder?

Pro status serves two purposes. First, it changes the phisics on the ball, almost like you are using a heavier ball or something like that. If you throw with a spin (like I do), you see very fast that it doesn't spin the same way and actually takes some practice to get good with it.

Lastly, and more importantly, it acts as a "Handicap" for you in Multiplayer. Say you have someone come over who's never played the game before and they play your Mii. Obviously, you know what you are doing, so the physics on the Pro Ball make it a little harder for you to get strikes and pick up spares, so it actually gives the beginning player a fair chance at beating you.

Other than that, you just get a cool colored ball..........and the good feeling of knowing your a Pro! neo

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Hello to all. Yesterday Ivan pulled this "prank" on me and made me wanna do it on someone else.\

Heav fun waiting untill Bungie accuatily spills Halo 4 secrets!

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Good news (for me) At last I get my hands on a Wii!

Bad news, Amazon say they won't ship it until March! :(

There's been a major shortage in the UK since around Sept/Oct last year. A lot of people that managed to score them were just sticking em up on e-bay or Amazon marketplace for hyper-inflated prices, I've seen one guy at Amazon charging £323.00 for the basic Wii pack. The RRP is £179.99! I've been trying for nearly a month to get one. Other retailers had them, but I, in my infinite wisdom, asked my family for Amazon vouchers as presents to put towards a Wii. To say I've felt a tad frustrated is an understatement. But that's life, if it's March, then it's March. At least I'm getting one.

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I just switched out one of my controllers for a pink one for the wife and we picked up Oblivion (FINALLY!!) last night while grocery shopping :thumbsup: She seems to be doing pretty well so far and now I need to go back to one of my other games. I've beaten Halo in the novice to heroic level and need to return to one of my other games before I pick up COD4 :whistling:

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Well it's official, Halo is out! That's right, as of Today I will be trading my copy of Halo in towards Burnout Paradise!

Over the weekend (Friday Night to be exact) I had a friend over that hasn't played 360 before. Of course what I wanted to play was CoD, but since it's not split-screen online, I moved on to Halo. This was the first time I've played Halo in about a month, thanks to CoD :). Anyway, we played for about 45 minutes and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about CoD. In fact, I can't remember enjoying myself even once during that play session. As soon as we finished, I was like "Dude, if you think that was fun, let me show you what real gaming is like!" Then I popped in CoD and he just watched me play for about 20 minutes and enjoyed just watching. It was in that moment I realized that, by myself, I will NEVER play Halo 3 again. So, I'm going to trade it now while it still has decent value. Just thought I'd share my story.

So, any of you guys looking forward to Burnout Paradise? I'm not really a huge racing fan, but I've always loved the Burnout franchises and Have been playing the Demo a lot last week. I'm really looking forward to it! neo

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90% of my gaming time lately has been devoted to the Burnout Paradise demo... Taking the game online was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done with a controller in my hands... I've always said that online gaming wasn't for me. There's no way I'd ever try my hand at a FPS online, because there's always those guys that that's all they do... I'm not horrible at them, but dying instantly isn't too much fun... Racing is racing, though...

I'm debating pretty hard about picking up the full release now, or waiting for a price drop... Decisions, decisions...

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90% of my gaming time lately has been devoted to the Burnout Paradise demo... Taking the game online was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done with a controller in my hands... I've always said that online gaming wasn't for me. There's no way I'd ever try my hand at a FPS online, because there's always those guys that that's all they do... I'm not horrible at them, but dying instantly isn't too much fun... Racing is racing, though...

I'm debating pretty hard about picking up the full release now, or waiting for a price drop... Decisions, decisions...

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Well it's official, Halo is out! That's right, as of Today I will be trading my copy of Halo in towards Burnout Paradise!

Over the weekend (Friday Night to be exact) I had a friend over that hasn't played 360 before. Of course what I wanted to play was CoD, but since it's not split-screen online, I moved on to Halo. This was the first time I've played Halo in about a month, thanks to CoD :). Anyway, we played for about 45 minutes and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about CoD. In fact, I can't remember enjoying myself even once during that play session. As soon as we finished, I was like "Dude, if you think that was fun, let me show you what real gaming is like!" Then I popped in CoD and he just watched me play for about 20 minutes and enjoyed just watching. It was in that moment I realized that, by myself, I will NEVER play Halo 3 again. So, I'm going to trade it now while it still has decent value. Just thought I'd share my story.

So, any of you guys looking forward to Burnout Paradise? I'm not really a huge racing fan, but I've always loved the Burnout franchises and Have been playing the Demo a lot last week. I'm really looking forward to it! neo

I love CoD 4 like I love... the SM/PP minimate. Not at all.

War games bore me to death. I need my purple rain of DEATH. (needler)

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There's no way I'd ever try my hand at a FPS online, because there's always those guys that that's all they do... I'm not horrible at them, but dying instantly isn't too much fun... Racing is racing, though...

That's what I thought too when I tried my hand at PGR3 online. I'm not great, but I got smoked! :lol:

Playing online is great if you can find an even match, but those are few and far between!

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