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cylonchaney's custom figures

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On 12/19/2023 at 8:55 AM, Captain Paco said:

I don't have a 3d printer but I know two people who do.

I have access to sticker paper so could likely bull that off.


Hairpiece and stickers can be found at

The stickers were made and editable in Inkscape if you need to tweek. Also note that I used clear sticker paper so there is no skin coloring. Inkscape and the bucket tool can fix that for you if you need.

The Bat'Leth is probably this one but I'm not sure. I had to scale up the thickness a little to fit the hands well.

Good luck! Post a photo when you make him. :)


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4 hours ago, Onyx_6 said:

What are you using for the base ChaneyMate body? Is that your own design? 

When I couldn't convince Ivan to share back in the day I had to learn how to do it myself. Took years.

In between, another board member shared a design they had done but there were issues with joints fitting so I started working on individual parts to solve that problem. Eventually, I had the hardest ones done and decided to just finish off my own design 100%. It was very rewarding to print my first pose-able figure.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have another project where I made a prototype probably about 7 years ago. It kind of sucks but I don't know when I'll get around to fixing it. I meant to revisit the project and redesign some pieces but for various reasons it never happened. I've been meaning to take and post a photo for a couple of years now. But as I say, I'm way more into designing and making things than in taking photos and showing.  So anyway, to hopefully force myself to finally take and post a photo today, here is a teaser tagline @elhonez style. :)

"If at first you don't succeed ... "



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OK. Here we go.

Bear in mind this is about 7 year old work.

I think some of you will like the subject if not the execution.  :)


"If at first you don't succeed ..."












Can't have shoot in this apartment without Kor photobombing at some point.

Tri-Sentinel is printed at 6X scale so about 12". He's a little taller because of things like boots, helmet, lower arms attachment, etc. I ran out of the purple and never did find a good colour match for it. That's one of the reasons I never improved him. He looks OK at the back of my shelf so not that much interest either. Been meaning to share a photo for years though.

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Wolverine is a factory Minimate.

Colossus and the Sentinels are my block figure design.

Sentinels are 3X and 5X scale. 6" and 10" tall. The 3X ones mostly have LED eyes with on/off switch, dimmer, and battery inside the head. I may want to get rid of a couple of these at some point. They have alternate heads with a purely printed face because I don't like how dark the LEDs look when they're turned off.

Again, my photography skills hurt this one. The purple guys have a nice red glow to their eyes in real life and the blue ones have yellow. It's almost too washed out to see in the photo.

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The smallest is 1X scale. Approximately the height of a standard Minimate. Then we go up 1.25X, 1.5X, 2X, 3X, 4X.

For female hairpieces, I've downloaded a few Lego hairpieces and customized a head to fit them. You can kind of see the start of the rounding on a couple where the hairpiece is not fully seated.

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15 hours ago, cylonchaney said:



Wolverine is a factory Minimate.

Colossus and the Sentinels are my block figure design.

Sentinels are 3X and 5X scale. 6" and 10" tall. The 3X ones mostly have LED eyes with on/off switch, dimmer, and battery inside the head. I may want to get rid of a couple of these at some point. They have alternate heads with a purely printed face because I don't like how dark the LEDs look when they're turned off.

Again, my photography skills hurt this one. The purple guys have a nice red glow to their eyes in real life and the blue ones have yellow. It's almost too washed out to see in the photo.

love this pic! your work is so good that we should give you a title like “master mold” or something 

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Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt! the master mold indeed, so sorry to have missed this cylonchaney but wooohoooo fantastic work on hiller and bishop! lovely colours, and of course, everything else you've been showing off since (and before, looove the breaking bad minimate so much!)

also very informative to hear about the actual process that's gone into the chaneymate, and to those sentinels! such scale, such numbers. i recently received my first ever six-armed spidey so i was double flabbergasted to see that beast of a sential! i love how you can fit a 'mate into his hand too, *chef's kiss*  gosh you're an inspiration

ps good luck on your own printing journey @Captain Paco i too am hoping to get a tiny bit of access to a 3d printer later this year 🙂

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Thanks for the kind words everyone.

For those of you into 3d printing, I cannot stress enough how much more satisfying the hobby is when you start designing your own stuff. It took me a long time to get here but within a month of getting my first printer, I had designed and printed a Minimate compatible head. It's an easy start. For a basic head, you just need to subtract one cylinder from another. This is a pretty easy task to learn in any 3d software. The tool I use mostly is code based and free. You can get it at

The idea that I can visualize something and then have a workflow to make it a physical object just blows my mind sometimes. Here's an example of a simple Minimate style head in openscad.  But it's easy enough to learn this technique in any 3d software. Google your tool of choice plus "boolean operation" and you'll find tutorials on how to add and subtract objects from each other.

Please note, // precedes a comment in the code. The rest of the line is ignored when running.

// $fn=X sets the number of facets for cylinders
// higher number = more detail but takes longer

// difference means cut the subsequent objects
// from the first one
difference() {

    // base head shape
    cylinder(r=5.5, h=10, center=true);
    // cut out smaller cylinder for peg hole


Without all the commenting, it's quite simple


difference() {

    cylinder(r=5.5, h=10, center=true);

PS In the sample above 'translate' means move in x,y,z coordinates. So the statement says move the second cylinder down 7mm before cutting it from the first one.

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On 2/24/2024 at 9:44 AM, cylonchaney said:

"If at first you don't succeed ... "

I see what you did there! That Tri-Sentinel is amazing!

It's awkward when we meet though, because I'm never sure which face I should be looking at when I'm talking to it. I think it would have a lot to discuss with the Living Tribunal. Either that or it would argue with like 9x intensity.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I made this guy back at the beginning of the pandemic. I started working from home which was great for larger 3d prints. Some of the pieces for this guy took 20 hours to print. Started the print before work and it finished at bedtime. I bet the entire figure took close to a week of print hours.














Giant Man is 10X scale and about 20" tall.

The decals are from the decal thread here on the multiverse. His face is somewhat pixelated from being upscaled so much. :)

The 3 story lego building has an extra row of bricks on each layer to better fit minimates and he towers over it.

Giant Man is the largest figure i have printed. Theoretically I could still go twice as tall. Stickers start to become a problem at larger sizes. A little bigger than Giant Man and I'd have to start splitting stickers across multiple sheets and try to line them up when applying. That sounds like not fun.


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brilliant touches for scale, especially the laptop :P incredible stuff as ever and VERY groovy maxi Manhattan! not sure if I've seen him before; you've always got such a good eye for super characters that makes sense at super scales

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On 3/12/2024 at 9:49 AM, DSTZach said:

Very cool! That first picture gives Chucky vibes. 

I agree, I also go the "Chucky Vibes" seeing that picture.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm working on some scaled down figures lately, less than 1X scale. Robin is 85% of my standard figure height. I'm going to apply some new stickers and take a pic of him with a Batman Minimate later. But I just finished the prototype and wanted to post.



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1 hour ago, cylonchaney said:

I'm working on some scaled down figures lately, less than 1X scale. Robin is 85% of my standard figure height. I'm going to apply some new stickers and take a pic of him with a Batman Minimate later. But I just finished the prototype and wanted to post.



Wow! That looks great so far!

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