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The PM Ballot system will be used for the voting.

Each submitted ballot must list in order, the top three most creative entries.

1.) Most Creative Entry
2.) Second Best Entry
3.) Third Best Entry

Anyone can vote, even the participants.
If you are a participant, you cannot vote for your own entry.
The 10 point minus system will be used to calculate the results.
Points awarded will be as follows: 1st will get 10pts, 2nd will get 9pts, 3rd will get 8pts.
Tie-breakers will be decided by my daughter Emma.
During the voting period, please send all ballots by PM to me.

Discussion Topic here

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Here's my entry, inspired by one of the greatest album covers of all time (IMO). Enjoy!



Edited by MINI_MYTE

Here is my entry:

Composite Minimate Statue





More pictures:

Head shot

Rear view

He is made up of 25 American Red Cross Minimates (not counting the Anniversary mate he is holding) and a ton of superglue. He stands at nearly 8" tall. The only leftover pieces were 4 torsos. smile.png

My bad - I thought the 10th anniversary logo was for Marvel, but now I remember it is from last year for Minimates in general. Here is my revised entry. wink.png





Wow, just wow, great contest entries.

Here is mine, a 4 foot 3 inch GiantMaxiMinimate Galactus that would greet you at the entrance to the museum.




He was scratch built out of mostly cardboard and poster board. Galactus also retains all 14 points of articulation and all the armor is removable. As always I wish a good luck to everyone who enters.

Posted (edited)

Hey Gang, here is my entry. Its a bit of a different thing for me, but I always wanted to do something like this.

I like the image, and wanted to do it using minimates.

Hope you like it, I call it "Smash"


Edited by Nervous

I love how simple, yet amazing that is Nervous.

Here's my entry, Spider-Man's Nightmare. All of his villains united on the Daily Bugle rooftop.


It's far from a Galactus or composite Minimate, but it's an entry nonetheless. I went to reshoot it and ended up knocking everything over so it is how it is. Someday I plan on redoing this and a few more related to it.

Posted (edited)

I started collecting minimates about 7 years ago & each year I've attained & thence displayed a sin ,I now know all of the "The Seven Deadly Sins of Minimate collection " .............

Lust..........I lust after every new minimate custom that I see here, you're a clever bunch of f$£kers thumbsup.gif .

Envy.........I envy the minimate collections I see here,I envy your tales of 'clearance prices' ,I also envy the speed you guys

type & the pictures you take.

Sloth.....TM2Dinobot tongue.png

Pride.....I'm very proud to be a part of a damned fine bunch of people with kindred souls,I'm also very proud of my collection & take great pride in knowing I can help others complete theirs without stuffing them . biggest failing apart


Wrath......sadly my temper often gets the better of me TRUly does.

Here's my picture which may inspire some of your vices....


When voting in this competition please avoid the 'Hang bhm' button .

Edited by buttheadsmate

I've always wanted to get into stained glass work and this contest seemed like just the right push. Like Phiz (great Galactus entry btw) I started shortly after the contest was announced. Anyway, here's my entry, Stained Glass Phoenix.


And a few more beauty shots:




Posted (edited)

i couldn't pull off the original background but i think it still works:

Here's my entry, a recreation of Wolverine and the X-men #9


there are still a few little things I may change or fix before the due time tongue.png

enjoy smile.png

Edited by undeadpool
Posted (edited)

Okay, so I flirted with the idea of not bothering to finish my project after seeing all the other entries in this contest. There are some seriously AMAZING things in this thread that surely surpass the quality, ambition, and scope of my entry... But I had already sunk all my free time from the last 2 weeks into this project, so I'm submitting it anyway, even though it isn't anything like what I would have made it if I had another 80 hours =P


Each 'mate is its own drawing, hand drawn in pencil and computer colored. Each of the original mates took about 5 hours, and the bulked ones took upwards of 10 hours each. It stressed me out to no end, but I loved every second of it wink.png

Here are some larger looks at each character:


Edited by Donny B

Late, as usual, King Friday.

Quest for the Book of Minimates


I was going to go for a whole comic sequence, or maybe even a stop motion. But I ran out of time. And giant round boulders.

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