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3 hours ago, luke314pi said:

Love these mock-ups!

Thank you, Luke. That means a lot from you.  I appreciate all the support of the mock-ups I have shared.  Again, I could not do it without Minimates Database.  And to all of you, I appreciate the community we have here at Minimates Multiverse.

Posted (edited)

So I did mash-ups for Star Trek and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Here is the Crew of the ISS Benatar:


Here are the Guardians of the Mirror Universe:



Edited by Captain Paco
Posted (edited)

Here is Deep Space Nine and Voyager Mash-ups.






Edited by Captain Paco
Posted (edited)

Star Trek as Battlestar Trek.



Battlestar Galatica as Battletrek Galatica


Edited by Captain Paco
47 minutes ago, Trekker 42 said:

So which X-Man is Dr Crusher?

Was not sure who to merge her with as she was not on my picture. I added O'Brien and Yar but was not clear about Crusher. Any ideas?


Here is the The Original Star Trek crew plus Captain Pike after the have risen from the dead.


I have had this done for little while but I never shared it until now. Rest in Peace Nichelle the rest of the fallen cast who disembarked before her.


So I decided I could not make up my mind for Dr. Crusher with a mutant mash-up, so I give you two versions of her.

Doctor Moira Crusher                                 and                                       Dr. Beverly Braddock



I love Battlestar Trek! Aside from your customs, I would totally watch that show. LOL

Battletrek Galactica and a couple of others from today are showing as imigur error messages so I can't complement your (probably) awesome work on those. :(

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, cylonchaney said:

I love Battlestar Trek! Aside from your customs, I would totally watch that show. LOL

Battletrek Galactica and a couple of others from today are showing as imigur error messages so I can't complement your (probably) awesome work on those. :(

Thank you for sharing the information about links not working, I believe I have fixed them. 

I appreciate the compliments for you had been able to see before my reply.

Edited by Captain Paco
Posted (edited)

Character name change suggestion: Tom Par-ice. LOL

Also might be hard to mash up but DS9 could use a bartender QUODOK. :)

There's no Quark minimate anyway. Nevermind.

Edited by cylonchaney
4 hours ago, Captain Paco said:

So I decided I could not make up my mind for Dr. Crusher with a mutant mash-up, so I give you two versions of her.

Doctor Moira Crusher                                 and                                       Dr. Beverly Braddock




The Crew of the USS Enterprise-D if they were gender swapped.


Thank you once again to Minimates Database for the library of minimate image that I use for my mash-ups.


Now if the DC Justice League were to be Star Trek crew members:



And if the Original Crew of the Enterprise were to be the Justice League:


Posted (edited)

Another cool round.

I think Flash should be merged with Scotty though. Correct uniform color and it would explain how he can do six months of dry dock repairs in 10 minutes. LOL 

PS Then you have Dr. McFate and Green Blooded Lantern to round things out. :)

Edited by cylonchaney

Cylonchaney, I will re-examine my mash-ups as you do present a different point of view.  I did Scotty as Green Lantern as they are both my favorite characters.  But I can see Flash and Scotty as a good mix as well.


I present the crew of the USS Voyager if they were gender swapped.


10 minutes ago, Captain Paco said:

Cylonchaney, I will re-examine my mash-ups as you do present a different point of view.  I did Scotty as Green Lantern as they are both my favorite characters.  But I can see Flash and Scotty as a good mix as well.

No need to re-examine anything. Just some thoughts that came to me looking at your work. It's easy to look at something and say, I'd do it like this. Except I wouldn't because I wouldn't have the idea for these mashups in the first place. These are very creative ideas and your execution is great!

Posted (edited)

The New Super Trek or Star Friends:



The New Justice Trek or Star League:


Thanks to Minimates Database for the images.

I originally merged Scotty with Green Lantern as they are each my favorite characters in their respective universes. So I decided to see the point of view of another and I must admit that I am fine with the new perspective. Thank you Cylonchaney for speaking your opinion on my mash-ups. I appreciate the alternate point of view in my attempts to customize minimates without the parts to do so in a physical realm.

Edited by Captain Paco
  • 1 year later...


For those that may read this, I am once again working on customs again and also, I am working with the inspiration I get from Prowlar.  I respect his work and thus I like to make variations for my collection from is shared works.  I would never truly want to copy his work but do like the work he shares with us.


More customs will come soon on my post.

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