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Minimate Thievery!


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I go into Toys R Us a lot. There's one right by my daughter's school, so I can basically go there five times a week if I want (ten if I want to stop when I drop her off in the morning). There's also another one about half an hour in the other direction, so occasionally I take a spin out that way, particularly when I know there's new Minimates out. As it happens, I've been to both over the last week or two, and each time I've seen something I haven't seen before: stolen Minimates!

Last week, at the store I infrequently visit, I found an open package of XM:FC 'mates. Later that week, at my more regular stop, I found several open packages of MAX Heroes and Universal Monsters, and then today, sure enough, another open Monster 'mates pack. What in the name of Zack Oat is going on here?

On the one hand, there's a positive side to this: if Minimates are being stolen, they must be in some demand. It's like, if you're a celebrity, you know you've really arrived the first time you're on TMZ. On the other... someone's stealing Minimates! In my area. I might've bought those! :verymad: Heck, considering how often I'm in that damn TRU, they probably think it's me.... :whistling:

So, anyone else seeing any empty packages, or is this a local phenomenon?

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Sadly, I've seen it off and on over the years but only on the Marvel boxes. Never saw it on the blister card packs like the MAX stuff, though. It sucks, but I thankfully haven't seen any stolen figures in a while. Whenever I see it happen, I just go to customer service and hand it over to them. I'd rather not leave it there in the aisles and give other people the idea that they are easy to steal.

Heck, I got a perfectly good empty Bullseye/Moonstone box out of it. I don't know what to do with it (anybody want it?), but they let me have it . Which is kind of sad because it kind of seems that they don't have a log for stolen stuff.

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Well since I live in Canada I have to order off of lukes for my mate needs,but recently I went to Orlando and I seen a drake gone form the playstation series,which was weird because the guys literally ripped it off the card and took and the drake,I also seen a fireman max set open back in December in buffalo,which is a shame b/c that was the only pack they had led and I wanted it.

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It's just below people who deface packaging, but about two levels above folks who buy toys, stuff other toys into the package, then return them for cash, to sit on the pegs unsellable forever. (which is a much bigger problem here locally than outright theft)

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I believe the problem here may not lie entirely at the feet of the thieves. With the new "bubble" packaging, I've noted that they come open a lot easier, the glue being weaker. And since the card is what holds it to the peg... It's one thing to open something and steal it, it's actually still the same thing to take it if the package is already open. However, it is understandably more tempting.

I think I started a thread like this waaaaay back when. Anyone remember that?

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It's just below people who deface packaging, but about two levels above folks who buy toys, stuff other toys into the package, then return them for cash, to sit on the pegs unsellable forever. (which is a much bigger problem here locally than outright theft)

Folks used to do that crap all the time with the 25th Anniversary Joes (back when I collected them). What a bunch of scum bags.

I believe the problem here may not lie entirely at the feet of the thieves. With the new "bubble" packaging, I've noted that they come open a lot easier, the glue being weaker. And since the card is what holds it to the peg... It's one thing to open something and steal it, it's actually still the same thing to take it if the package is already open. However, it is understandably more tempting.

I think I started a thread like this waaaaay back when. Anyone remember that?

^^ Obviously a Minimate thief, justifying his behavior to the world :lol:

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I just want to say 'thanks' for having this thread. Until now, I never realized how easy it would be to steal Minimates and always thought TRU security was better than what it must be for so many people to get by with this. Looks like I'll never have to buy a TRU exclusive again, so thanks for starting the thread and giving the good tips!:thumbsup:

Edited by groundhog7s
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I spotted this at my TRU back in 2009, and despite the obvious and nefarious thievery, it cracked me up:


It looks like someone bought this, kept the Arnie head, put the T-1000 head on him, and returned it. You can even see where the box had been opened on the right side.

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Sadly I've seen a few missing at my local TRU. I'm going to guess kids are doing it since the last two I have seen missing were Danger Room Wolverine (Omega Red was still in there <_<, whomever was clearly not picking good figures) and Neo-Classic Iron Man (Stilt Man still in package :wacko:). So far the blister packs have remained untouched and have to say it's nowhere near as bad as back with the C3 sets; trying to find an untouched Batcave or Batwing set was a pain :verymad:

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I believe the problem here may not lie entirely at the feet of the thieves. With the new "bubble" packaging, I've noted that they come open a lot easier, the glue being weaker. And since the card is what holds it to the peg...

This ^

There were 4 packs of the new Max Mates sitting on the shelf below the peg, all with the bubbles removed and ALL minimates and acecssories intact. Even the ones that I bought, the bubble fell off on some of them on the way home from TRU. I even informed an employee at chekcout that they may want to go get them and tape them up or do something with them.

I went back to TRU 2 days later and they were all still sitting there, 100% complete. no thievery.

Its just MAX figures and lack of glue.

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I guess I'm going to end up a sad bass turd then. Thanks for the life lessons, though.

And I have seen instances of the loose bubble on the MAX sets too. But someone stapled them back onto the packaging. Wasn't sure if it was done at the factory or at TRU (I'm guessing TRU). I took pictures and planned to send them to DST customer service so they know there is some issue. Just lazy in doing it and kinda hoping someone at DST is reading this. ;)

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I've been noticing a lot of eBay auctions lately for "brand new" packs of MAX Minimates that just happen to be either loose or in the plastic tray.

Here are some examples.

I see this thread and these auctions and can't help but put 2 and 2 together. :verymad:

I couldn't help but notice that the seller was from NJ. Makes me think that the governor should set his sights a 'lil higher than "Jersey Shore" & get his priorities straight. Curbing minimate theft is waaaay more important. :tongue:

Edited by homestar17
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I saw TWO Phantomex’s missing their coats today... they’ve probably been like that for awhile (I’ve seen the two sitting in the minimate aisle, while the rest of wave 11 is in the Back-to-School section with all the other Marvel toys) but I just noticed today...

I bet the customs you needed those coats for are gonna look like crap, Mr.theif, I bet you use testors high gloss paint and take grainy dark photos and then get mad when no one wants to buy them for $80 on eBay because you’re probably the type of person who makes customs then instantly dumps them on eBay despite the fact you have no skills. Shame on you TWICE, Mr.Thief!

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Saw something very braisen, but not mate related at a local Wal-Mart. It's a smaller WM, aisles crowded very close together. So I'm browsing the combination Imaginext, Lego aisle (told you, small WM) looking for a Batboat for my son's upcoming birthbay, and I notice someone has used a boxcutter to cut open most of the Lego Star Wars boxes. You could see Lego bags still in the boxes, so I can only guess that someone was getting the figures out. Fairly ballsy.

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