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Everything posted by NerdyTrev

  1. I agree with PL. I have no issue with Cyborg becoming a member later down the line, or even as an auxiliary member. But when he was a Titan, it basically meant "you're not really experienced enough to play with the big dogs, so go fight crime in LA for a bit!" At least that's my take away. But, yes, Cyborg should not be a founding member of the JLA.
  2. HOLY GREAT LOOKING SET!!! I second the Quicksilver notion abut the eXtra green. I don't foresee having issues with Toad's crouching. I also don't think I'll be needing an extra set for Mastermind, I think the original Professor X holds up so well I still use it. Kudos to the fine folks at DST!
  3. Yeah maybe that way people can FINALLY accept The Incredible Hulk as an MCU movie
  4. Thank you! I've never understood IM2's hate. Sam Rockwell's Justin Hammer rivals Loki as best MCU villain.
  5. I've got nothing to say but: god damn it. There may be better portrayals of Batman out there, but at the end of the day Adam West is the Caped Crusader.
  6. I'd rather an Executioner before Ulik simply because Amora is so darned alone. Ulik would be an amazing figure, but might be more suited for a Thor wave. I'd say so, yeah. Fits most of the criterea (Avenger, X-Man, Villain). Only one that doesn't apply to her is Legacy, but there are plenty of other characters that could be. As for the villains, I think Executioner is a pretty good choice, but the cosmic villain is really rattling my brain. I wanna say it's Grandmaster, but he's pretty known for only fighting the Avengers. I really can't think of anyone else it would be. Korvac came to mind, but like the Grandmaster he's never really fought the heroes outside of the Avengers.
  7. That'd be good too! Maybe packed with Mantis?
  8. Brotherhood Rogue!!
  9. Thanks for the memories. I hope you'll return someday.
  10. Although the lack of grenade launcher is disappointing, it's a small price to pay for an otherwise great looking figure. Besides, I have plenty of other guns to give Comedian.
  11. Rogue or Havok in their Uncanny uniforms! Or maybe Namor?
  12. I liked it. Wasn't great. I'll agree that it's the best DCEU movie we have yet. Certainly tops MoS, BvS and Suicide Squad. The first act did drag, the second act was near perfection, and the third act lost me. The chemistry between Gadot and Pine was superb, as well as the interactions between their "Howling Commandoes." I'm excited to see more of Diana in Justice League.
  13. I'd be in for a DD/Marvel Knights centric wave. I combine him with the rest of the street level characters simply because I don't think there are enough Daredevil characters to fill in a successful wave. Including Luke Cage, Jewel, etc. could increase interest. Daredevil / Typhoid Mary Jewel / Purple Man Moon Knight / Classic Power Man Nuke / Gladiator TRU Pairing: Classic Iron Fist / The Owl? Maybe another Hand Ninja?
  14. The four main characters had better include Iron Fist and White Tiger.
  15. For me, the only other part of X-Men I think we need is the Shi'ar Empire and that can even be included in a general cosmic wave. What we do severely lack, however, is some classic Avengers love. We haven't had a Wasp in a long time, nor a classic, solid (literally and figuratively) Vision. Hercules could use an update as well as Wonder Man. Some new characters like Starfox and Mantis would really benefit from a release. I mean, come on! Mockingbird??? Even Avengers villains have been lacking. Sure we've had Loki's and Zemo's and Ultron's and Kang's and Absorbing Man's (Absorbing men?), but what about the Wrecking Crew? Serpent Society? How about a completed version of the Masters of Evil? We've started basically every iteration, but never finished a single team. Attuma would be awesome. The High Evolutionary would be awesome. So many fantastic Avengers foes we haven't gotten. Don't get me wrong, I love every bit of X-Men we get, however, 4 out of the 7 comic based waves in the past 2 years have been X-Men centric or X-Men related. Two have been based off of specific titles and events, and have included X-Men characters. Only one wave has been specifically Avengers based. As I said, I would welcome some Shi'ar stuff with open arms. I just would rather see more classic Avengers.
  16. This new Happy looks so much better than the other one. Likeness to Favreau is leaps and bounds better.
  17. Jospeh=Strike Force uniform from Wave 60 + Age of Apocalypse Magento face and hair Roberto DeCosta=New Mutants Cannonball + Alt. Sunspot head from "New Mutants" box set Amara Aquila=New Mutants Karma + ASM1 Gwen Stacy head + any suitable blonde hair I hope that helps!
  18. Saw it; laughed and had a good time; hope to pick up the 'mates; hope they don't make another one, but know that they inevitably will.
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