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Everything posted by NerdyTrev

  1. Or perhaps more obviously, having a black woman in a position of power.
  2. Any update on those Herculoids? I'm eager to see the final results!
  3. Looks like I came back at just the right time! We always appreciate you doing this, Zach. Throw my name in the hat!
  4. I lucked into a set of Planet of the Apes Kubrick's today and I'm wondering if anyone has any of the others available on the market. I got the Cornelius/Zira/Dr. Zaius set. Thanks!
  5. Is there rad artwork for this line like the G.I. Joe's, Zach?
  6. Are the Transformers going to be offered by Walgreens as well?
  7. Personally, I'm okay without a drop ship. I see why others want one (or two), but I don't have a need for one. The APC was a surprise in and of itself. I just want the cast of the movie to be complete.
  8. Happy birthday, friend! Thanks for all the help
  9. Transforming or not, I'm hoping this gets us one step closer to Go-Bots.
  10. These look very impressive! I'm not the biggest Transformers fan, but I'm thinking hard about getting this, especially if there's a promise of more to come. I'm very excited to see what the G.I. Joes look like!
  11. For that I figured I'd just Frankenstein a Penguin hat onto whatever hairpiece I liked.
  12. Anybody have good recipe ideas for classic Zatanna and Black Canary?
  13. For my money there were the Two Avengers sets put out to coincide with the first movie (albeit mostly repacks, but with three solid exclusives), the elusive Future Foundation 4-pack and the Classic/Modern Heroic Age sets which (I think) shared shelf space with specialty shops. Other than that, the Peter Pan line is the only other Minimate representation to have gone through Disney Store shelves.
  14. You see, I would've bought that explanation ten years ago (anybody remember the Bat-Embargo?). However, did the CW network not just produce a widely popular crossover in which the characters met different versions of each other, some played by the same actors as completely different characters??? If audiences could understand that the three Superman are all from different dimensions, despite one Superman looking identical to the Atom, I don't think they'd have any issue with Green Arrow and Speedy. In a world where Cinematic Universe has become a part of the general public's vernacular, I don't think I'll be accepting that argument any time soon.
  15. Did they not have the rights to say Green Arrow and Speedy or something?
  16. It's not that I'm against lighter tones and self-satire, Batman: The Brave and the Bold is the greatest superhero show ever made IMHO, but Harley Quinn is just so lurid and vapid compared to everything else.
  17. I have to ask... what is the allure of this show? Is this really what people wanted to see?
  18. Always happy to get more Fantastic Four love, a sentiment which my display pic will attest to. Although I am a little miffed that there's no new characters here. However, the HERBIE pack in and new Mr fantastic parts are a terrific plus. Plus, the Invincible Doom looks terrific and is a well deserved figure. Bring on some more FF!!
  19. Any advice on removing printing on a torso without damaging the color?
  20. It's the same piece the Walgreens Ghost Rider has and it's more transparent.
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