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Everything posted by Punisher

  1. ALL OF MY MONEY!!!! $20 is absolutely warranted. Especially since Star Wars requires all unique sculpts compared to say MOUTC which relies heavily on parts reuse, yet they charge $27 per figure.
  2. I would be surprised if it wasn't Spidey. I have been enjoying NOW a lot, so i'm even excited for the inevitable A-listers. Here's my wave guess: Hulk and Ironman Thor and Rogue Spidey and Hawkeye Wolverine and Captain Marvel Also a SDCC boxed set of the FF (Antman, Medusa, She-Hulk, Ms. Thing) would be the bees knees.
  3. There's still seven new figures for the TRU wave yet to be announced.
  4. PM sent. The thought of getting my first Luke Custom makes me giddy
  5. Shipping costs are calculated on the site. No need to come here
  6. Does anyone have ideas for a hair piece for a modern Songbird? I'm thinking the new Akuma with a little modding. Anything closer than that?
  7. Who's going to be the first to use the snake to make Bushmaster?
  8. Mezco is doing mez-itz of BrBa, is that what you're thinking of?
  9. In all honesty, modern Image comics has been kicking butt and I would love minimates of some of the titles they're putting out. Prophet, Luther Strode, Peter Panzerfaust and Saga especially would make cool mates/
  10. Of course ACTUAL slave related memorabilia is fine to be sold on ebay, but dolls based of fictional characters from an action movie? Ban 'em.
  11. I think minimates are perfect for Liefeld characters. Minimates are already disproportional to human anatomy, and of course, the feet are easily removable.
  12. This post...I feel like there's a joke here....
  13. To be fair, Storm in that picture doesn't match her NOW! look either.
  14. That does look good, I really like those accessories he comes with.
  15. I'm with bhm, I saw a few episodes when it premired, and then stopped watching. But now that it's done, I look forward to watching it in it's entirety. Also, is anyone else looking forward to the show the Americans premiering on FX next week?
  16. Sounds like fun! if you have any covers left i'd love to join! :biggrin:
  17. Not really a Pirates fan, but thanks for the suggestion! I just looked at some pics, and he does look great. I think my next figure would most likely be Bane, but he looks so shrimpy. Maybe...
  18. I asked Zach about Gamestop a while ago. I believe he said something along the lines of "if Gamestop's interested, they know where to reach us". They did also do a promo for Celibrity Deathmatch with the 3'' Mr T, but yeah I think that's a great idea. Maybe also an advertisement at the end of the brochure that comes with the game would have worked.
  19. I don't think I'll be able to pass on Ozy, he's my favorite. And I suppose I'd get Bubastis to go with him if they decide to make him, but I draw the line there.
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