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Everything posted by WookieFodder

  1. One of the best comedians ever Chris Rock. You got the face from Jay and Silent Bob, now make the rest! Expendables Jean Claude Jacket or Nick Fury that came with Ultimatre Thor. GB Winston's Undershirt.
  2. so when does this wave get revealed, at nycc?
  3. I think the scale works with minimates. Today, ToysRUs had a window display of upcoming characters I guess. The Rock and a few others were in there. I debated smashing the display and taking The Rock, maybe leave some money behind... but I couldn't do it.
  4. I enjoyed the film a lot, so much fun stuff in there. Really liked most of the dialogue and the way the characters played off each other. I think Drax was great! Wish I had the minimates because Michael Rooker's character was really good too. Wasn't wowed by the after credits scene. Not a spoiler but Quill has a line about a Black Light that I thought was inappropriate for the film. The beginning is very emotional but I liked it. So Happy this film is a great success!!! GOTG2 , bring it on baby!
  5. Warrior's Three Fandral and Hogun Movie Versions sort of, I wanted to have them because they are my team in Marvel Avenger's Alliance. Fandral is Ultimate Thor face which makes him look older, but there are not many head choices for him other than this or GB Walter Peck. Adam Warlock's hair, Some Dr Doom parts for armor and some green. X3 Storm Cape, you could also try some parts from the different movie Lokis. Hook's Sword, En Garde Hogun is a Kor from Star Trek face with Iron Man 3 Mandarin Beard sharpied Black. Loki movie arms.Mace from Battle Beasts. Boots from Calico Jack line. Iron Man 2 Whiplash "dress" piece. Cape from Original Battlestar Classic Adama. Probably will switch out a better cape later on. Nico Minoru I used Black Queen Selene for the Black lipstick. I tried some SF Chun Li faces but I think this works better. XForce Warpath hair, Staff from DC Ocean Master. Movie Nick Fury for shirt. Battle Beasts Bliss Reynolds for Dress and feet. Puppet Master or Cap for hands. She normally is purple instead of red so I will probably switch or try different stuff out. Star Lord aka Peter Quill, Using Civilian Thor from first Thor Movie for face. XMEN First Class Havok for Hair. Battle Beasts Bliss Reynolds Jacket. Cap America 2 Movie Pants with Boots. Gloves. Plain looking shirt. I have the lego set but his guns don't fit minimate hands well and while the helmet is big for a lego, it will only fit on a modded minimate head. Couldn't wait for the real minimates, needed me some GOTG. Gambit, an alternate look or another way to get him with extra parts if you can't track him down. Stormbreaker Loki for the Face, which you can find cheap. Hair from ASM Peter Parker, new Green Goblin or other Spikey Hair options also readily available. Also, you could use long hair, like Gambit's from Wolverine Origins if you want to go with a more Ultimate Gambit look. Annihilus for his chest piece. Multiple Man for his jacket, other Jackets may work, but this is the best Brown option. Gloves. Black legs. Boots from Walking Dead Riot Gear, there are some other options you could play with for that as well. And of course a Staff, which I couldn't find so I used Haggar's pipe. Luke may have a Staff for sale used in his store.
  6. This could drive up the price for gold minimates and possibly frozen orange juice minimates.
  7. There should be two Toads already and we have zero.
  8. I don't have it, but wouldn't the Marvel Select Watcher be about the right size to go with Minimates?
  9. Great Job! Love to see this sort of thing, very well thought out. The only design I wasn't crazy about was your Original Walt White. My friends always complain about Skyler, I'm like Walt is lucky to have such a hot wife, who care's if she's a pain. Anyways, I just saw an older movie she was in called Nobody's Baby. Bad movie but she goes topless. Why am I telling you this? I'm telling everybody!!!
  10. You will only take pictures with other McDucks. Not a great article.
  11. Happy Birthday Zach!! How old are you now?
  12. I never saw the TRU sets anywhere. What was the story with these. Have they all passed now?
  13. Great shot of the whole group, are you guys going to fight Smaug the Dragon after this?
  14. I like these a lot. I wonder how they will sell. I would've wanted some different characters instead of Future Versions, but eh, I can go with the flow. Future Xavier: "I'm so old" Future Magneto: "No, I'm so old" Future Wolvie: "I am also really, really old"
  15. All Hail Phiz!!! I almost want to see you make a giant Sentinel, but then you won't make as many regular size customs. You do cartoon characters/ characters in general as well as anyone I've seen do customs. Excellent All Around!
  16. Check out my customs page, I've made a number of Star Wars minimates.
  17. Such a lack of characters from the Shi'ar Galaxy.
  18. As long as Wave 59 includes a Kallark/Kubark set, I'll be sound as a pound.
  19. I like the look of these. Rocket looks cool. Groot is the one I think could use a little more of something. Groot! Groot! Groot!
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